West Sussex,
United Kingdom
I am going to extend my fence by 2 panels. This area will be at right angles to the sitting room window so I want to make it a pretty corner. Do you have any suggestions as to what to grow against the new fence please? It will face south west but will only get sun in very late afternoon because of a protruding garage on the opposite front corner of the house. It needs to be something that gives interest all year but is easy to control. Thank you.
23 Oct, 2012
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fencing ideas
In a shady position I'd consider heucheras,perennial geraniums, hostas, hydrangea
24 Oct, 2012
Thank you Kildermorie and Anchorman.
I am not familiar with NZ flax but will look it up. I might go for the sambucus--I hadn't realised they were shade tolerant. I love heucheras and hardy geraniums so that's a great idea. Now all I need is the man to come and putup the fence panels so I can get started!
26 Oct, 2012
I bought some superb heucheras at a local wholesale nursery just a few days ago
26 Oct, 2012
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Backbone plants:
Sambucus nigra "Black Lace" (deep red foliage)
Some New Zealand flax in different colours
Kerria (tall, thin and green with yellow flowers in spring)
Some type of Juniper or 2 in different shapes, habit and colour.
A Mahonia
spring bulbs of choice - daffs, Crocus, Tulips etc
summer bulbs of choice - Crocosmia has a place
summer bedding of choice - Marigolds, Violas perhaps?
winter - winter Aconite, Snowbells and Bluebells.
24 Oct, 2012