Tomato leaves.
By Fluff
United Kingdom
I read someone's comment in a blog last week (?) about them having taken off nearly all the leaves on their tomato toms are ripening now & doing so well that I don't want to hinder them in any way but there do seem to be a lot of leaves around. Now that the hard part of taking in the water to actually grow is over & the fruit are there going red...are the leaves so important to them? I feel they are cutting out light & sunshine which seems to be dwindling as the nights get colder!
I know everyone has different opinions on this but if you could tell me what you actually do that works for you it would help me lots!
23 Aug, 2009
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Thanks Moongrower...any particular ones you leave on?
23 Aug, 2009
Ones that wont shade the ripening toms. but not too many
23 Aug, 2009
Ok thank are my 1000th entry in Inbox...Woohoo!!
23 Aug, 2009
i spent hours stipping leaves off our plants last week. it looks harsh but its has opened things right up. now the plants have more light and fresh air around them.
23 Aug, 2009
I've done mine tonight Sandra & you're right it does look much better.
23 Aug, 2009
According to my Spanish neighbour, who has been growing her own tomatoes for years, leave on the top leaves as they feed the truss beneath, but all the lower leaves can be removed as the tomatoes ripen. We had a lovely ripe tom for lunch sprinkled with basil leaves. Mmmm!
24 Aug, 2009
That's more or less what I've done Nariz...thanks for that. Basil is lovely with toms...I grow that on the windowsill!! I tore some up over a salad last night ready for lunch at work today & the scent when I opened the box!!
24 Aug, 2009
I know! Fab isn't it! I think Basil is my favourite herb - close to Coriander.
26 Aug, 2009
I'm not keen on coriander Nariz but mint, rosemary & basil are the best for me! I also recently found cumin...tho' I know it's not an herb but it's yummy in Greek meatballs!!
26 Aug, 2009
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Previous question
We remove 90% of the leaves to let the sun and air get to the tomatoes to ripen
23 Aug, 2009