Making cider
By Donnah
United Kingdom
My apple tree this year is the best it has been. I am going to try to make cider from the apples. Not sure what sort of apples I have but I do no they are eaters. Can any of the GOY members help me out with cider making please. Thank you. If I am successful I will invite you all round to join me in a glass Donna
12 Sep, 2009
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recipes from the garden
I remember being asked by the Head Chef at a 5 star Hotel, what I thought of the food. I only stayed 2 nights, as I couldn't afford much longer, but was keen to experience the standards offered.
"Well," I said, "the omlette was rather inadequately cooked, but to be honest, it was the only food on the menu I was prepared to eat".
He looked a little shocked, expecting a most flambouyant repartee of congratulation, so he was most earnest in his question.
"Sir, excuse me, but we have the finest foods available".
"Yes you do." I said, but it is what you have done with them that disappoints".
My point being, that whilst we can turn the most beneficial Brazil nut, into a hybridized Muesli with full fat milk, that doesn't make it anymore better for you, and in this exmaple, a whole lot worse.
The same goes for apples.
I was once reminded of the escalator. It doesn't increase in size, magnitude or extent, so it's doesn't escalate.
Just because everyone does it, does not make it correct/appropriate etc.
Far better to call it an inclinator.
That being so, I shall call Cider what it is, a killer to some (cancer), an emotional imbalancer to others, and a Liver compromiser that will leave your body vulnerable to potentially lethal virus attacks.
Just like sun tan really - a radiated burn of the upper or more skin layer/s, that has the potential to change the DNA structure at cellular level, resulting in melanomas etc.
Alcohol does kill, more often though, indirectly.
Having said that,a moderate regular drinker, is highly inlikely to survive a single bite from a Dengue Mosquito.
Does anyone here holiday in tropical climes, enjoying a good splosh of the hard stuff?
Don't forget your mosquito repellent.
12 Sep, 2009
'Fraid to say that to make Cider proper you need Cider apples which contain a certain amount of tannin, otherwise the drink is incredibly sickly sweet and frankly not very good.
You also need a very large number of apples to make Cider, since no water is added only pure apple juice obtained by pressing the fruit.
You can however make a very acceptable Apple wine from eating apples.
8lb apples
1 gal water
3lbs sugar
dice unpeeled apples. Soak in cold water. Add yeast and covre. Leave for 4 days. then strain and add the sugar. Keep covered and leave to ferment for a week. Then strain into a demijohn and allow to ferment about. Takes about 4 months to become drinkable.
12 Sep, 2009
And just to add, I do not actually drink alcohol, I am allergic to the stuff!
12 Sep, 2009
Burgundy... I have completely lost the plot with regard to your answer! What the heck are you actually trying to say?
12 Sep, 2009
Oh sorry Moon Grower, it is my own little way of expressing my dissatisfaction with western societies' over indulgence with alcohol, usually, as in my other examples, in complete ignorance of the facts. That's all.
Food of course, should never be about how well it is cooked, or does it taste nice, or does it look any good, etc. I personally cannot stand the taste of spinach, but I eat loads of it.
A most eminent doctor once remarked that if you were to eat in restaurants from the moment you were born, until the day you died, you probably would not exceed a 30 year lifespan.
Most people heat their food, and consume it hot, allowing that radiation to permeate their internal organs.
The real world is a little more graphic than most peoples tastes, but you did ask.
12 Sep, 2009
Burgundy I'm not sure where you live in the UK but if you are suggesting we all go on a raw food diet then in the part of Scotland I live in it would be pretty poor for a good chunk of the year. Of course I could buy expensive imported by air 'organic' foods that I could eat raw but somehow that doesn't hang with my view that food should be grown, and eaten, locally. Right now we have a glut of apples, plums and brambles. These are being cooked and frozen to use in winter when we will have no local fruit.
13 Sep, 2009
Ah, well done Moon Grower, but I fear you do not know the reason why. So, to expound.
"Oh No!" I hear you say.
Do not fear; it's actually quite interesting. Here's the short version.
("Thank goodness!")
Basically, we haven't been evolving long enough to eat the foods we are forcing down our throats.
As a species, we have been evolving over miliiions of years, during which time we were hunters and gatherers. It is only in the last few thousand that we became farmers, and only in the last 40 or so, that we have been freezing food.
Just to take one of your examples to get you thinking along the correct route, apples should only be consumed between September and April.
Well, because Septemeber is the time they would have started to come into season, and stored below ground, May would have been the longest time Apples would survive before becoming rotten.
Humans therefore, evolved a gut to digest Apples in only 50% of their annual cycle, and of course, in gradually decreasing amounts from November onwards.
Eating apples at any other time of year, adds to the "pot" of ingesting foodstuffs that our digestion just cannot cope with, and the resultant compromisation of immune systems.
I shall of course, not expound upon hybridization of the Apples themselves, which is another very complicated matter.
Bye the way, how do you cope with the thorns when eating brambles?
13 Sep, 2009
Okay but unless I cook and freeze the apples we are able to collect then all that is going to happen is that they will go to waste. We will certainly use t hem within the next few months... ditto the plums and the veg. I have been freezing. Brambles are what we call blackberries, yes you can get seriously scratched picking them but you don't need to eat the thorns :-)
Seriously we do our best to eat with the seasons but in winter in the north of Scotland there is very little growing. Hence we preserve, in one way or the other, the harvest to eat through the lean months.
13 Sep, 2009
And this discussion helps the original questioner in what way?
Personally I think a discussion on diet is best left to another site, not one which is supposed to be about gardening and such.
Whether one approves or disapproves of the subject of a question is irrelevant. All that mattters is giving the questioner the answer they require without expressing an opinion as to the properness, for want of a better word, of the subject matter. If you do not know the answer then do not post!
13 Sep, 2009
Owdboggy - your personal thoughts are noted.
Naturally, I shall now ignore them without adherance to your flighty whims.
Digression is a natural byproduct of discussion, and your form of censorship stifles the colourful and flambouyant nature of debate.
Whether or not responders have anything of value to add, they are able to partake in discussion quite freely. This gives them a sense of value, of worthiness and belonging. It therefore becomes imperative for them, to find avenues of common ground within the subject matter, that they feel able to respond to. Digression performs that task admirably.
This is why I have been able to respond to your point.
A fine example of digression!!!
13 Sep, 2009
Sorry ODB but one of the things I appreciate about this site is it does ramble... yes there are times when it can be frustrating and equally times when I learn something! What we eat, how we eat it and how we grow it is - to me - very much part of the spirit of GoY. I'm not claiming to agree with Burgundy, I certainly don't about alcohol, but it is interesting to read and consider a different opinion.
13 Sep, 2009
Still it does not answer the original question. I am not against discussion, but I do feel that there is a time and a place for it.Now if you or Burgundy had answered the question and THEN gone on to discuss the rights and wrongs of alcohol consumption and diet perhaps, but it still begs the question of how this discussion helps the original poster.
14 Sep, 2009
I think Owdboggy, that you have lost sight of the benefits in decreasing one's alcohol consumption.
To put it more bluntly for you, the action of alcohol upon the blood is extremely serious, and one that those policing the roads know too well.
What most people do not realise, is that the amount of alcohol that renders one illegal to drive on Uk roads, is actually only 0.000000009% of your blood. Yes, that minute amount renders you incapable of making accurate judgements. That's how dangerous alcohol is.
Without expounding upon the dehydration effects of even less alcohol, and the consequential damage to all your internal organs, only one of which, the liver, is capable of repairing it'self, we have to further consider the knock on effects that eventually produce the all too common hangover.
Whilst the hangover is flippantly mentioned as proof of a "good time was had by all" syndrome, it is actually caused by blood clots on the brain, any one of which can lodge, and decades later be the cause of a stroke!!!
I think my comments are capable of aiding the original poster quite considerably, whether you can see it or not.
14 Sep, 2009
I have just put on GOY to see if anyone had left me any messages about making cider.Thank you Owdboggy looks like I will be taking your advise and making Apple wine
17 Sep, 2009
Donnah good luck with the apple wine - sorry for the totally useless diversions... Let us know how the apple wine goes.
For the record I do not agree with Burgundy that all alcohol is a bad thing... neither do I want to end up eating only raw food! Raw oats for breakfast... YUK!
17 Sep, 2009
well looks like your question was taken over by another blog donnah, good luck with your cider or wine , let me know when its ready to poison our blood lol
18 Sep, 2009
Apple wine sounds delicious Donnah.Don't think I could be that patient tho !!
There are only so many variations on desserts anyway,if you've been making them for years it's good to try something different .
Let us know how it went Jan/Feb then :)
18 Sep, 2009
Burgandy I really do think you have had enough to say now
so get down off your soap box and dont be so bloody rude!
Donna although I am not a big drinker I am more than happy to share a bottle amongst friends, you my darling I consider to be a friend and wish you all the very best
x x x
18 Sep, 2009
here here jen xxx
18 Sep, 2009
Good luck with whatever recipe you decide to use Donnah,its a very good year for fruit,some we eat fresh and some in the freezer. Well said Mookins.......
18 Sep, 2009
Erm.....just wondering if Burgundy is being serious or just enjoying thoroughly winding everyone up?! Either way, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!! Donnah, hope you actually managed to get an answer to your question and really enjoy the results!
18 Sep, 2009
Good Luck with the Wine making donnah, if not you could make a punch and have the apples floating in the Bowl hahaha..
I read some of what Burgandy Wrote' Then I got bored and couldnt be bothered to read the rest but a part of what i did read was about Us as humans Evolving, and i came up with this conclusion.. I think we have Evolved enough to eat Apples all year round :)) but not before you go to bed as you get bellyache lol..
18 Sep, 2009
This was a very good question, Donnah, and hope you have great success in this "venture". :-).
I was looking forward to adding it to the "apples" page, but feel that some of the comments are so far removed from the topic that it makes the reading very confusing. There is a huge wealth of knowledge about all things horticultural, agricultural, natural., etc., to be found on this site.
It sometimes dismays me when really good queries, and replies, have to be left out of the GOY online encyclopedia because of some widely misplaced remarks. I can only hope that folks will really think of the possible consequences of what they post online before pressing "submit". :-(
18 Sep, 2009
not wishing to add fuel to this but the biology behind alot of what burgundy says is completely wrong.
alcohol dehydrates ie removes water and this is the 'hang over and freezing food has been around for centuries. the danish vikings froze meat in about 780 ad. i could take other examples but i wont. many of us ramble, in a friendly non aggressive way and sometimes it throws up some lovely asides.
but donnah why not try make apple jelly with some of them.
an apple press is expensive though.
good luck with it.
18 Sep, 2009
Oh Burgundy, give it a rest love - my dad staved off recurrent deep vein thrombosis by drinking a scotch a day - it wasn't the drink that killed him, it was the fags - at 82! If you make it, Donnah, enjoy your cider;-))
18 Sep, 2009
B collected loads of crab apples today... will use some with the rowan's to make rowan jelly and the rest to make crab apple jelly - they were just lying on the ground on our local car park! At Times I wish I was retired too so I could do all these things more easily... Well I could be just choose not to so I really can't moan :-)
18 Sep, 2009
all these recipes sound great i may have to ask my neighbour for some apples yummy
18 Sep, 2009
Blimey...puts you off asking a simple question...
18 Sep, 2009
Nah, Fluff, just got to sort the wheat from the chaff, that's all...
18 Sep, 2009
Jellies!! Wonderful suggestion, of course, Seaburngirl and Moon grower! :-))
Fluff, don't let it put you off - a rare occurrence, I assure you!! :-))
Wish there was a "chaff" tab to click on, Bamboo,lol!!
18 Sep, 2009
I would just like to add one thing, Alcohol does cause hangovers but not, NOT are you listening Burgundy? NOT by forming clots on the brain. Take it from someone who knows about strokes! Alcohol THINS the blood, alcohol does NOT cause clots, clot.
18 Sep, 2009
Which is why my dad drank the whisky - my family has a genetic problem and keep getting blood clots, Ian, and he hated the warfarin - as do I, makes me ill, so now I inject myself every night to keep the blood thin. Unfortunately, I like the fags, but hate scotch, and most other alcohol....
18 Sep, 2009
I agree Bamboo. I also think this BOZO Burgundy is out to cause as much trouble as possible. I have deleted him/her? from my list of fav's and I will not be reading any more of his/her blogs etc.
18 Sep, 2009
Oh dear, I'm sorry to hear that Ian - live and let live, I feel - you don't have to read that person's submissions if you don't want to, and you certainly don't have to take any of it on board. Never mind, it'll all come out in the wash...
18 Sep, 2009
I Agree with you Ian, I have looked after many oaps who have never had an op in their life nor had to take drugs of any kind until really late in life, and have lived to a great age, one thing in common I always have said for years, they all drank Whisky or shorts. Your blood naturally thickens as you get older this is what kills us all all but 2 of my family work or have worked in hospitals. Good luck with your cider, as cider vingar is very good for you mixed with honey. :o)))))
18 Sep, 2009
Thanks Morgana, Bamboo as you say live and let live, I choose not to read any more from that person
18 Sep, 2009
Your welcome, Ian is Burgandy a religous person or a doctor ? A doctor once told me take a bit of whisky and lemon for my cold lol
18 Sep, 2009
CHEERS, Donna! If you can't manage to make the cider from your wonderful apples without a press, go out and buy yourself a flagon and sit beneath your trees, enjoying drinking it!
Me, I'd rather drop off my perch drunk and singing than live to be a boring old pedant with a controlling, patronising attitude, wouldn't you?
Haven't we had enough of the nanny state? We're grown-ups, adults, members of the voting public....and we live in a democracy.
As long as it hurts no-one but yourself, do what you want and to h@ll with the rest!
Going for a LARGE wine, now!
18 Sep, 2009
Oooh, savage, BScott! Enjoy your wine - and I hesitate to stick my head over the parapet here, but actually, breathing kills you too - creates free radicals with every breath you take. Really wish I liked wine ...
18 Sep, 2009
Think I might join you Bscott... so long as the medics and the nanny state don't catch us! Mind you in my time working in the NHS the medics were all serious drinkers... said it was the only way they could cope!
18 Sep, 2009
I am sorry have I missed something here, did I start to read one blog and then skip to another blog on another site totally?
Burgundy, everyone has a right to his/her opinion but you have just abused that right and are spouting a lot of verbal diahorrea. Please take your opinions and put them on another site whereby you can spout with others like minded. Donnah asked a simple enough question please do her the honor of giving her a simple enough answer, or if you did not know the answer you should not have posted anything.
Donnah, apples that are for eating can 'alterred' by adding tannin but are best used for apple wine as Owdboggy has stated, I used to make a lot of wine and I also tried to press apples, it is a hard process and does take rather a lot of fruit as it is only the juice you use. But if you do want to try it go ahead and have a go but please get some guidance on using tannin first.
18 Sep, 2009
Agree with you all on this one,gonna have "Bottle (or 2)red red wine smoke 20 cigs,maybe a chinese (one you eat):~)) and to h**l with tomorrow Burgundy dont read this you might become faint......
18 Sep, 2009
Oh my loves! The HP of Zog salutes your good sense, your affection for your fellow-members of GoY, your detestation of the patronising piffle of the clever-clogs' who are the 'owners' of nature and want us all to live forever in this sterile state of stasis ( apologies for alliteration ).
Breathing kills you, let's face it, LIFE kills you, eventually!
Indy...where are you?
Donna, the apple wine sounds like a great idea and if there are any spares just make oodles of puree and freeze it for pies and crumbles and to have with roast pork ( if you like it ) throughout the year.
And now...another glass of wine, methinks!
Slainte, my friends!
18 Sep, 2009
Cheers too - I've felt driven to smoke as much as possible since reading this whole thing ... not to mention the 2 packets of dolly mixtures and the jelly beans
18 Sep, 2009
Hi Donna
just a quick recipe for you~ if you have large apples take out the core completely and fill with brown sugar and sultanas~ making sure it is well compacted~stand in an oven proof dish.
Score the middles right round and put a small amount of water in the bottom of the dish.
Add a dessert spoonful of golden syrup on top of each one and a knob of butter.
Cook at about 150 degrees for about half an hour or until soft but not collapsing.Serve with double cream making sure you give everyone some of the juice from the dish.
As an optional extra you can soak the sultanas in brandy or sherry the night before!
18 Sep, 2009
Arlene, will that work with eating apples? I've only ever done it with cookers.
18 Sep, 2009
Your all making me feel hungry now :o))))
18 Sep, 2009
Me too, Morgana! I'm starving...and I really fancy something that'll be BAD for me...chocolate and chips ( with added mayonnaise....)
18 Sep, 2009
~I would think as long as the apples are large and not too sweet it will be okay.
You can of course mix stewed apples with blackberries.rhubarb and grated fresh ginger or a mix of fruits like raspberries black currants etc and put a crumble topping over it and bake!
18 Sep, 2009
lol Bscott
18 Sep, 2009
And I have a recipe for a great somerset apple cake, but it wouldn't use up enough of your apples Donnah, I'm afraid. Apple wine sounds good to me, even though I don't like wine much.
18 Sep, 2009
If you don't like sultanas, Donnah, just mix the brown sugar with a big knob of butter and stuff the centre of the apple with that, and wrap in pastry ( cut a square big enough to gather together at the top of the apple, and seal at the edges, so you have four 'ears'....) brush with milk or egg to ad gloss and colour, then bake. Drench with sifted icing sugar and pour over LOTS of cream! A dash of cinnamon is nice, too.
18 Sep, 2009
Donna.....good luck with your apple wine endeavour. It sounds absolutely does apple cider....I LOVE apple cider.
As for Burgundy.......if you are going to shoot off your mouth about a subject, at least do us the favour of only spouting facts that are true.....unlike most of your 'facts' posted here.
Donna.....take no notice of B.....He/she knows nothing about what he/she is talking about.
19 Sep, 2009
I have cooked eaters as Arlene has said but they don't need as long cooking, and a lot less sugar than cookers.
Having said that it's your pud,cook it how you like lol !!! :))
19 Sep, 2009
I think this is where Bugandy got their facts from, but still should leave it to the idividual to live life as they want. I also know through the "binge drinking" a lot of young girls are having brain tumours.
19 Sep, 2009
Everything in moderation :)
19 Sep, 2009
Thats what I ve aways said I agree Aster.
19 Sep, 2009
I agree with binge drinking being harmful,young girls falling down in the gutter totally inebriated and that young lad from Ireland who went out boozing and now needs a kidney transplant are drinking taken to excess and an excess of anything, even carrot juice is bad for you.
However I don't think that sort of drinking applies to anyone on here.!
One if the saddest things that happened a few years ago was to a colleague at work who used to go out with her friends on drinking sessions through her teens and also smoked heavily and died of breast cancer in her early thirties~they do say that heavy drinking in women is worse for you then in men but then again butter cream chocolate cakes and biscuits don't come with health warnings but aren't good for you in excess either!
The answer is to try to look after yourself,get some exercise, walking, and in the garden and enjoy a little of whatever you fancy!~as long as it isn't veal, whale meat.dolphin,venison etc but that's a whole new argument.....
By the way what about peeling and chopping the apples with some lemon juice to keep from going brown and freezing in bags or containers~would that work?
19 Sep, 2009
LOL! I think you should make yourself a nice load of apple wine, Donna, then sit down with a big bowl of apple crumble & sift through this!! It does have its funny moments! Some great recipes, some very coherent counterpoints to the incoherent ramblings of someone who, although obviously well-educated, seems to have become somewhat overcome by said education to the detriment of any common sense or grasp of social niceties! (in other words, talks a load of b*****ks!)
19 Sep, 2009
20 Sep, 2009
Thats what I just said!! LOL!
20 Sep, 2009
LOL!!! Marie!!!
BTW, have a nice recipe for a French apple flan, which is freezable for a month - gr8 for dessert for a Sunday dinner,if anyone interested?
20 Sep, 2009
Lol what???????
Hee hee! Look at the ads underneath the comments box! LMAO!!
20 Sep, 2009
Ooooo....what have you got in Scotland Marie? I've got "Raw Food in Canada" and "Raw Food Works" and "Herbal Magic Weight Loss"......
20 Sep, 2009
I don't get any ads at all...... :~))
20 Sep, 2009
Looks like I am going to be very bisy cider making. And apple pie making,And apple crumble. Also apple wine. You have all given me loads of ideas Thank you. I did not expect such a lovely responce from you all. I must say when ever I look at my apple tree now it makes me smile. Donna
20 Sep, 2009
It all sounds delicious Donna, any chance of us all coming round to your place for Sunday tea? ;~))
20 Sep, 2009
Im just sorry it all came to this hun
but wow what a group huh
x x x
20 Sep, 2009
We do seem to stick together or perhaps we're just like minded and enjoy our site as it should be. Happy :~))
20 Sep, 2009 can I please have a scoop of cream with my crumble?
x x x
20 Sep, 2009
We've got an ad for "Breathing Space"! A counselling service! And one for wine presses & crushers, Gilli!
Hear hear Digger!
Glad you can smile at your apple tree now, Donna!
What kind of cream, then, Mookins?
I want custard with mine, please!
20 Sep, 2009
Oh god I'm getting a pop up trebor chewing gum ad... grr.........
20 Sep, 2009
Me too, at the top! :~((
20 Sep, 2009
hey me too!
Cream would have to thickly wipped
mmmmm light you put on scones!!
my mouth is watering
x x x
20 Sep, 2009
You're making me hungry Jen!!
20 Sep, 2009
I still don't have any ads ....... :~)))))))
20 Sep, 2009
20 Sep, 2009
-i've got Italian Juice Press,Raw food Diet and Organic Raw food at the top and at the bottom Marine Phytoplankton!!!!??~ Dinners? and Abel and Cole organic deliveries~we are being subliminally ? is there such a word? brainwashed.....
20 Sep, 2009
Well, this morning I've got Apple-picking-Laurentians, Abuse Check Alcohol Test and Health and Wellness Website. Interesting....I don't usually have any ads.
20 Sep, 2009
Juice press, breathing space and fruit delivery at top...Licence renewals at 70+ (are tehy having a dig 'cause I'm not 70!), PastaBasta dinners and windfall apples collector at bottom. Gilli like you I don't normally have any ads.
20 Sep, 2009
With reference to the 'said' member.....what an 'apt' name, don't you think - member?, please think about the following:
He who shall remain silent, shall remain strongest....
The use of word/language, for some, can be a powerful thing, in their mind, but if their opportunities to speak their mind are taken away, then they become weaker.
I love this site and find it highly entertaining, informative, friendly and above all, highly addicitive. The great thing is, it is like a TV. If we don't like a channel, we have options....
1. We can turn over to another, more pleasing channel on this wonderful Freeview site
2. We can actually switch the TV off and lose the channel.....
Just a suggestion, if anyone has not already done so:
Go to your homepage and click on 'STOP FOLLOWING' on any channel you don't like. Then, you won't be reminded of how awful that channel can be and won't be tempted to tune in again. Eventually, when viewing figures dwindle, a programme is normally dropped.
Think about it friends......
Another cider anyone?
20 Sep, 2009
Oooo Dan it's so hot here today I might just join you thanks. Just a little one you understand...... What a bucket, this? no this isn't a bucket it's a black plastic glass I use for when I get the dropsies. The handle? thats to make it easier to carry..... Just keep pouring its OK the Dr. said so. :~)))
20 Sep, 2009
Bad boy, Digger! Now I've got those mints at both ends of the page! How come you dont have them?
20 Sep, 2009
..and how's our Donna getting on with all those fab apples?
Hope you're okay, hun, and still laughing!
20 Sep, 2009
Get the crumble on & the wine out, Donna! We're all on our way! LOL (well, some of us!)
20 Sep, 2009
~I clicked on the windfall apples ad and it is for something that looks like a lacrosse stick so that you can pick up the fallen apples without bending~a bit expensive at nearly £50!
20 Sep, 2009
Think I'll just get down on my knees and pick them up Arlene... I can think of better uses for £50! I am often amazed and the gadgets that get sold and, presumably, folk buy that are so unnecessary.
And that dratted trebor gum add is still bouncing about!
20 Sep, 2009
Just get one of those dog-ball throwers!
20 Sep, 2009
A stick with a nail in it comes to mind...... :~))
20 Sep, 2009
To pick up apples? Or........
20 Sep, 2009
It is beyond me to tell you how to use the tools in your hand
20 Sep, 2009
20 Sep, 2009
~yes I have the Trebor add as well ~I was amazed at this so called necessity of life~ I would be down there too on my knees...who would buy it though? would need to pick up tons of apples to make it remotely worthwhile...!
20 Sep, 2009
bloomin mint people are starting to get on my boobies!!
20 Sep, 2009
LMSO Jen. I've never heard that one before..............
20 Sep, 2009
well I thought I may get told off if i said the normal word hehehe
x x x
20 Sep, 2009
what's all this about adverts appearing or am I missing something?
20 Sep, 2009
I have an 'ad blocker' running all the time. I never see any of these ads or any others anywhere else on the web for that matter!
20 Sep, 2009
If you use Mozilla Firefox as your browser then I can explain how to get one
20 Sep, 2009
I have no pop-ups either Ian as I've got pop-up blocker too.
I can see an advert on the top right for major weight loss but I realise that is not a pop-up.
I've got a great way to lose 8-10 stone of unwanted and unsightly fat..........DIVORCE!
Did it many years ago and far less stress or weight to carry round after!!
LMAO!! :0)~~
20 Sep, 2009
I've got a pop-up blocker too, but I still see it!
20 Sep, 2009
Ahhh well without sounding to pompus there is a difference between pop ups and ad blockers. I don't get any ads anywhere on the net, Ebay was one of the worst for me but even their ads are nothing but a memory.
20 Sep, 2009
Oooo 'eck, now I've got Proven Alcohol Detox you think they are trying to drop a hint?
21 Sep, 2009
dont worry Gilli mine is now for Bupa....have the Gods spoken i wonder?
x x x
21 Sep, 2009
I wish I still got the ads, then I could join in...... :~((
21 Sep, 2009
Money Marketing and that damned Trebor gum again...
21 Sep, 2009
What is Bupa??? I've got another Alcohol Abuse one...... :o(
21 Sep, 2009
Gilli, BUPA's a private medical insurance/treatment pays your money and they does your op.!
21 Sep, 2009
Ooohhhhh!! I see! The heck with NH, I'm jumping the line type of thing??
21 Sep, 2009
That's it :-)
21 Sep, 2009
He he he....we have the same over here.
21 Sep, 2009
Has anyone noticed they are targeting our health?? Cheek! I'll eat what I want, smoke if I want & drink what I want! Nobody ever died of "nothing"!
21 Sep, 2009
I've got 'Mad Cook Recipes' at the bottom and a $ off oxyclean, removes stains even from the hardest surfaces at the top right!
21 Sep, 2009
Anyone notice the Q earlier today about cats digging up their lawn - hilarioiusly, the pics at the bottom were all of lovely cats...
21 Sep, 2009
Didnt see that one! Lol!
I didnt get the mad cook ones either! :~{
21 Sep, 2009
You might like this recipe, Donna:
Apple Shortbead Cakelets
(makes about 36 )
280grams unsalted butter
150 grams sugar
260 grams flour
100 grams custard powder
1.5 teaspoons baking powder
100 mls apple sauce
Pinch of salt
36 paper bun cases
Beat room-temperature butter with sugar until fluffy.
Mix flour, custard powder, baking powder and salt together and add to butter/sugar mix. Mix to a dough, it may be crumbly at this stage but that's ok. Place paper bun cases in a muffin tin and pop a ball of the dough mixture into each one. Press thumb into centre of each, to make a largish indentation, then fill this with apple sauce.
Bake at 175 degrees C for about 20 minutes.
25 Sep, 2009
Shortbread made with custard powder?????? Wierd!
25 Sep, 2009
Oops not Scottish MP!
25 Sep, 2009
DEFINITELY not Scottish!
25 Sep, 2009
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Hi Donna - sorry I cant help answer the question - but will certainly come round and help you drink :o)
12 Sep, 2009