Which fuchsias have people found have bloomed perpetually this summer?
United Kingdom
And also, which fuchsias have people found performed poorly? I do so love fuchsias, and I'm on about them again. I have grown quite a lot of them this summer because I was under the impression that they are reliable and virtually perpetual flowering, especially the dwarfer kind of hardy ones. I couldn't have been more wrong. After some fabulous flowering for a few weeks in July, my 'Tom Thumb' and 'Lady Thumb' ceased flowering and gave up. People on this site advised me that they were probably just 'having a rest' and would go for another wave of flowering when ready,- but these plants never did. Only one variety (non-hardy) has been fabulous and unending, 'Paula Jane' (pictured in basket), which I will try to grow again next year. I'd be really grateful if others could share with me what varieties, hardy or otherwise, they have found able to flower all summer. I am so wanting to put together some sort of list if at all I can.

17 Sep, 2009
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All mine have done well apart from the ones I cooked up against a light coloured wall. About twelve different varieties but I have to confess that I haven't kept track of their names. I shall try to do better next year.
I was thinking of joining the local fuchsia society this winter to do some more serious learning about them, although I have been growing them for many years - precisely because they are so easy and forgiving :-)
18 Sep, 2009
oooh thats a good idea Cestina, I wonder if there is one of those groups near me?
Ive taken lots of cuttings from various people am trying some in water some in compost
touch wood so far looking good
x x x
18 Sep, 2009
The two I planted this year are Fuchsia Magellanica Alba Ladies Eardrops still flowering I would discribe it as delicate long stems of flowers just like eardrops.
Fuchia Delta parade still in full flower I like it because it has so many flowers (its not the frilly knickers sort) but its not scented. I moved it from basket to an urn and it now has flowers all the way round.
18 Sep, 2009
I had Winston Churchill supplied to me by a garden centre this year, but the specimen was half dead. I've made a note of all these varieties and am going to do a search on them. All this information is really helpful to me. I like the 'frilly knickers' way of describing fuchsias. Most are too big for my tiny patio plot. I seek hard to find the very smallest ones, truly basket size.
18 Sep, 2009
Winston churchill is defiatly a "frilly knickers variety" hehe
x x x
18 Sep, 2009
I'll tell you a funny thing. My plant wasn't well and the knickers dropped!
18 Sep, 2009
Ha ha ha
18 Sep, 2009
ooo you are naughty jonathan .my fuchsias had a slow start this year but are looking good now.
18 Sep, 2009
x x x
18 Sep, 2009
One of the best hardy fuchsias I have is Garden News it never fails.
18 Sep, 2009
my tom thumb flowered brilliantly then stopped and produced berries, after I picked the berries it,s flowering brilliantly again.
and i,ve got about 8 cutting growing.....wooooo... sorry but I love my tom thumb.
18 Sep, 2009
ooh brilliant well done usernut
x x x
18 Sep, 2009
Will definately try to grow a Garden News next year. I keep hearing about it.
18 Sep, 2009
both my tom and lady thumb are still doing well. as is Komet and Alice hoffman. Harry gray was slow to get going but id still doing well, especially when i remember to water it:o)
18 Sep, 2009
You have been luckier than I have with your 'thumbs'.
18 Sep, 2009
i have them in pots and i think they have been kept drier than most despite the rain in the summer. :o)
18 Sep, 2009
Yes you must try Garden News Jonathan.......mine have been in flower now for about 4 months and still the buds keep opening. Another prolific flowerer is Annabelle.........beautiful white bells with a blush of pink, a really strong upright. A real fave of mine is Alison Patricia...with abundant small flowers of lavender and cerise which grow horizontally to the branches, its been great this year!....:o)
18 Sep, 2009
Jonathan Hywel photos added today are just lovely.
18 Sep, 2009
I keep seeing Lady Boothby on offer... not sure whether i like it or not,
but such a good price and more than willing to spend hubbys pennies and purchase 1
x x x
19 Sep, 2009
Try Put's Folly in a basket - you won't be disappointed!!
19 Sep, 2009
thats a beautiful colour,
purchased a few hanging baskets this year then hubby didnt put the hooks up so next year will definatly have some trailing fuchsias
x x x
19 Sep, 2009
Mookins - looked up Lady Boothby grows to 10 ft the worlds only climbing fuschia its say! extremly vigourous and exceptionally hardy. I know what you mean though I couldnt quite take to the purple skirt seems a bit skimpy. But think of the sight it would make and perhaps it will grow on you.
19 Sep, 2009
Has any one grown Australia fair, Angels dream and Citation? Thinking of these myself.
19 Sep, 2009
Jonathan you have a fan club' and I'm in it.
20 Sep, 2009
See Drc thats what attracts me, a clinming fuchsia...amazing...the colours arent that great but hey ho not that keen on my Marigolds but still have them hehehe
x x x
20 Sep, 2009
Go for it Mookins.
20 Sep, 2009
will do... need to choose some other bits first cant condone the high postal charge for 1 item.... any excuse hey!!
x x x
20 Sep, 2009
Like lots of others, I don't know the names of all of mine and some have struggled this year but my all time favourite is a trailer which I have had for some years - EVA BOERG. It has been so good that I have taken cuttings from it for next year. PS. I do find that some fuschias do appear to have a couple of weeks rest before they burst into flower again. It is also a good idea to dead-head them to prevent seed heads forming but if they do, just remove the seed heads.
24 Sep, 2009
Hi Mareli, Is Eva Boerg a hanging basket type of trailer?
25 Sep, 2009
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x x x
18 Sep, 2009