Red & Green Tomato Chutney recipe?
By Merfyn_james
New Romney, Kent,
United Kingdom
Has anyone out there got a good recipe for a green and red tomato chutney? We've got quite a few green ones left. Thanks!
18 Sep, 2009
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recipes from the garden
Thanks Denise! I've copied and pasted that to my recipe list!
18 Sep, 2009
As above with the ingredients...or any mix that comes to hand at this time of year..onions, peppers, courgettes etc you name you can add it.
THEN bung the lot into a large microwaveable bowl and cook for half an hour on high.....stir well and ten minute intervals until you are happy with the thickened mix. Pot up as usual..and TRY not to eat it ALL for a month or so - it IS worth the wait!
The micro saves you a lot of energy - both kinds lol ....and it doesn't stick either ...enjoy!! I have made about 6 lots already!!!!
19 Sep, 2009
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This is what we like: but all recipes vary - some put chilli in, some use different vinegars or add curry powder depends how hot you want it?
About 1kg green tomatoes, two apples, 3 shallots,150g raisins, ½ tsp grated fresh ginger, 1/2 tsp allspice, salt and pepper, 2 small garlic cloves (optional), 180g demarara sugar, 400 mls malt vinegar.
Cut tomatoes into 1” cubes (or slice), peel and slice the apples then simmer all on low heat until thickened and brown. about 1 hour and stirring. Heat the jars and fill to 1/4” from top add wax disc! close while hot. Boil filled jars for 10 mins in big pan of water to process and dont eat for about 6 weeks for flavour. Do it on a mild day as you will want the windows open!!!
18 Sep, 2009