"Worlds Best Chilli con Carne"
By meanie
Me and my big mouth – this is for Stickitoffee.
400g lean mince
1 tin of tomatoes
1 tbs of tomato puree
heaped teaspoon ground cummin
heaped desertspoon ground corriander
ground black pepper
heaped teaspoon smoked paprika
dried mixed herbs
large onion
red/green peppers diced
3 celery sticks cut to 2cm chunks
300g mushrooms cut in half
kidney beans in chilli sauce (from Lidl, Waitrose or Sainsburys)
How to;
Sweat the onions and garlic in a little olive oil. Add a pinch of sugar when translucent. Add the chopped chilli. The amounts of garlic and chilli should be to suit your taste.
Put the mince in, break up and give it a good dusting of ground black pepper.
When the mince is “browned” add the tomato puree, mixed herbs, cummin, coriander and paprika. Stir it in until the puree sweats a little.
Add the tinned tomatoes and mushrooms and bring to a gentle simmer for about 15mins.
Add the peppers and celery and simmer for another 5 to 10mins.
Add the kidney beans and allow it to simmer for another 15mins.
Turn off and go to bed! This is best if cooked the night before. It serves four, so if there is only two of you halve it in the morning/when cool and stick half in the freezer.
28 Oct, 2011
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btw ~ 'your big mouth'??? does that mean you ate all this?
28 Oct, 2011
No - saying that I'd swap recipes. I had to type all that!!!
28 Oct, 2011
oh dear, sorry ~ you were very quick then. i had my recipe already stored in the computer ~ just had to copy and paste.
its worth it though ~ i really appreciate it.
28 Oct, 2011
OOh This is a must Meanie , I will be copying and cooking as soon as possible , it could be just right for our family Bonfire night next weekend ...Thanks ;o))
28 Oct, 2011
That's a great idea Amy! See meanie - it was worth all the trouble.
28 Oct, 2011
It's worth seeking out the kidney beans in chilli sauce.
Also, as for smoked paprika there are two of note; piquent pimenton is the "hotter" one and dulce pimenton is mild and a little sweet. The local delis stock them around here. Ordinary smoked paprika is fine though.
28 Oct, 2011
I have that good paprika - makes a difference!
Will be no problem to get the beans,
28 Oct, 2011
It's good stuff isn't it!
Cherry tomatoes halved, a red onion sliced, splash of red wine, olive oil, piquent or dulce pimenton, sprinkle of brown sugar and salt, chuck it all in a baking dish and stir, chuck in the oven for 25/30mins @ 200c - lovely hot or cold.
28 Oct, 2011
Making my mouth water! Prefer to eat it hot though!
29 Oct, 2011
Well done typing all that Meanie, not so mean eh but looks a mean recipe!
29 Oct, 2011
copied and pasted, thank you
29 Oct, 2011
one of mine and my eldest's favourite dishes this is, will definitely try this next week..
29 Oct, 2011
You're welcome Yorkshire!
It seriously is better if done the night before (as are curries too) Surreylad.
Any left overs are great on toast.
I forgot to add that I sometimes put chunks of (pre-cooked) beetroot in at the same time as the peppers.
29 Oct, 2011
Yes i like to rest mine over night to it brings out the flavours and spices better, Beetroot, now that's a nice twist to it..
29 Oct, 2011
Gr8 recipe for a dish to make ahead. Will try, and will be drooling for the 24hrs following, b4 devouring!
29 Oct, 2011
I like to load it up with veg - it eases my conscience!
29 Oct, 2011
I made it yesterday Meanie with some lovely organic beef I had to laugh when I reach the end of the recipe and it said ..Leave it and go to bed ... it was only 6.00 pm LOL... I left it until this morning beore freezing it ,it is sensational ,really good, thank you I'm sure it's going to be a favourite .. :o))
1 Nov, 2011
Im making it on thursday ~ thanks for the extra recommendation amy!!
1 Nov, 2011
Veg? Ah well, anything for an easy passage...I mean CONSCIENCE. Making 2morrrow. Thanks, again. :-)
1 Nov, 2011
Sounds like national chilli day tomorrow!
1 Nov, 2011
Glad that you enjoyed it Amy!
I sometimes substitute the mince for chicken.
2 Nov, 2011
got all the stuff ready to cook tonight then go to sleep and eat it tomorrow!!
2 Nov, 2011
cooked now, smells amazing!!
2 Nov, 2011
It's very good on toast for breakfast!!!!
2 Nov, 2011
but not at 5 am!!!
2 Nov, 2011
I'd call it essential at 5am!!
2 Nov, 2011
Well maybe I could try it - would certainly be a warm start to the day - prepare me for spending a few hours working next to the chillers!!
2 Nov, 2011
Had world's best chilli for tea last night ~ along with rice and garlic bread!
you are right ~ its the world's best ~ delicious!! the celery was really good ~ I wouldnt have thought to add that but its a fabulous addition.
Thanks Chilli Chef!
4 Nov, 2011
Thanks Sticki - as I said, I like to load it with veg to ease my conscience!
4 Nov, 2011
i have eaten too much now ~ im going to pop!!! OH was most impressed! ~ with the chilli ~ not me eating too much.
4 Nov, 2011
It's easily done!
4 Nov, 2011
too true ~ has to be good food though!
4 Nov, 2011
It was fabulous on Bonfire night , a big bowlful keeps your hands nice and warm and jolly good central heating to .. Looks as if it's going to be a favourite Meanie ;o)
6 Nov, 2011
same here!!!
6 Nov, 2011
If you can find scotch bonnet chillies they add a whole new dimension to it.
7 Nov, 2011
like taking the roof off your mouth!!!
there is a chilli farm in south devon ~ i bought some for a friend ~ who likes very hot stuff ~ he said it was the first time he had been assaulted by a christmas present!!!
7 Nov, 2011
I have some Chilli plants in the greenhouse Meanie , they are a dwarf chilli called 'Demon Red ' they are only approx 1-2 " long but must register 1,ooo,ooo on the heat scale , some of them are only now turning red very useful ;o)
7 Nov, 2011
Now they sound excellent, especially for pickling!
7 Nov, 2011
How do you pickle them Meanie ? you do know you are our latest cookery expert :o))
7 Nov, 2011
Drop into boiling water for 2 minutes, remove and pat dry. Push the point of a filleting knife through them about halfway up.
Drop into pickling vinegar that has a few garlic cloves in. You can add a few kaffir lime leaves too if you want.
7 Nov, 2011
Is that it ! brilliant thanks Meanie I have some Kaffir leaves I could do some with and some without to find out which we like best . once they are pickled can I use them in your Chilli con Carne or will the pickling vinegar spoil the taste ?
7 Nov, 2011
I don't cook with them, just eat them as they come out!
7 Nov, 2011
Oh my ! do you have some iced water at the ready ?
7 Nov, 2011
Never use water!
If you do take your mouth out, butter, milk or yoghurt. Never water, beer or anything like that!
7 Nov, 2011
Thanks for that tip Meanie I haven't heard that before !
7 Nov, 2011
Amy - capsaicin (the hot element of chillies) is in fact an oil. So it is not soluble in water. All the water does is spread it around more making it even more intense.
But the fat in butter etc do mix with capsaicin, effectively diluting it over the area of the tongue.
8 Nov, 2011
I never knew that - thanks Meanie!
8 Nov, 2011
Who needs Google when we have Meanie :o))
8 Nov, 2011
Good point Amy! How right you are!
8 Nov, 2011
The one plus of insomnia ladies............
8 Nov, 2011
i had a feeling you might say that ~ sorry that you cant sleep so well, but thank you for letting us benefit!!
8 Nov, 2011
It's always been that way Sticki!
8 Nov, 2011
always? since you were a child?
8 Nov, 2011
Ever since I can remember. It's one of the reasons that I was allowed my first dog - so that I had something to do in the small hours.
8 Nov, 2011
and did no one ever work out a reason for it? would you prefer to work at night and sleep in the day? nocturnal? or is it that you dont need sleep?
8 Nov, 2011
I function perfectly well on four hours, and then every couple of weeks I crash!
As a young buck I could go the whole weekend without sleep - I used to be a bit of a party animal!
8 Nov, 2011
and now just the sleepless bit remains? no parties any more?
was it churchill that only had a few hours sleep?
8 Nov, 2011
Churchill did, and unfortunately so did Thatch.........
9 Nov, 2011
yes i knew that bit but i was trying to forget about her. personally i would rather be like churchill than that woman; mind you they would have made an interesting pair ~ i would love to hear what he had to say about her!! i loved his comments, wish i could think of such pithy comments.
9 Nov, 2011
I feel exactly the same way about her!
9 Nov, 2011
btw i found those triple chocolate mars bars ~ but does anyone want 47 of them??
9 Nov, 2011
Our local co-op has packets of four for a quid!
Why did you buy 48??
9 Nov, 2011
i didnt buy them. i found them on amazon and was amused to see you could only buy them in lots of 48!!!
dont worry i will find them.
9 Nov, 2011
just made this again ~ its lovely, this time i added a couple of spoonfuls of my sister's redcurrant jelly, she grew them on her allotment. worked well.
22 Nov, 2011
That's the way to do it!
I often chuck jam or jelly into stews.........
22 Nov, 2011
she made loads ~ i got a kilogram jar full!! very nice.
22 Nov, 2011
That's a lot of chillies, stews etc!
22 Nov, 2011
very true!!
will need more of the world's best recipes to use it up!!
22 Nov, 2011
Stew's about the only thing that I use it on.........
23 Nov, 2011
i made game pie the other day, would have been good with that ~ but i forgot!!
23 Nov, 2011
Perfect with game pie!
Nice glaze for venison steaks too maybe.........
23 Nov, 2011
tried cooking them once and they were tough, put me off a bit, but like eating it!!
it would go really well i think, also maybe with duck??
23 Nov, 2011
Deffo with duck - marinade in Cranberry jelly, rice wine vinegar, a couple of drops of sesame oil, garlic and five spice maybe.............
23 Nov, 2011
thats one of my christmas lunches sorted ~ thanks meanie ~ have to cook 3 times cos different people coming different days
is it any wonder i would rather escape to an island by myself???
23 Nov, 2011
Check it out first because I just made it up (hence no quantities). Sounds about right to me though. I did wonder about a little chopped ginger too, but could be overkill. If it need a little liquifying what about a little cranberry juice........
It should have read "Redcurrant Jelly" by the way!
23 Nov, 2011
either would work ~ i could always practise on a duck breast and then use a whole duck for when youngest son comes ~ he loves duck, although he likes it pinker than i would choose.
23 Nov, 2011
Not too keen on my duck like that, but any beef should be as rare as it can be.
23 Nov, 2011
i can eat beef either way but best is very well done on outside and meltingly pink/red on inside ~ flash fried or grilled i suppose.
i think duck can be a little tough if not cooked long enough.
23 Nov, 2011
That is how I feel about duck too. It's so fatty that it can take the extra cooking.
23 Nov, 2011
thats why the redcurrant or cranberry or orange works so well, cherry can be good too if not too sweet.
i like duck to be so well cooked it falls off the carcass in strands ~ delicious!!
and some good roast potatoes too.
23 Nov, 2011
Pork with Gooseberries!
23 Nov, 2011
oooh nice! wonder if rhubarb would also work?
i like fruit with meat but its not always popular with everyone, pork works with apricots too
23 Nov, 2011
Nooooooo! Not apricots!
23 Nov, 2011
I don't mind them, it works in a casserole type dish but gooseberries more appealing certainly with roast.
23 Nov, 2011
Don't get me wrong - I like apricots very much. But they just don't work for me in savoury dishes (a bit like banana).
24 Nov, 2011
well, i can eat bacon and banana but not really bothered about it ~ not a fruit i really like,
going to try jerusalem artichokes tonight ~ never had them before.
24 Nov, 2011
Bacon and banana - this is getting surreal!!!!
24 Nov, 2011
have you never tried that??
24 Nov, 2011
My sense of adventure falls a little short!
24 Nov, 2011
you have to try it one day.
btw karen susan has a recipe on for lamb and cranberry casserole.
24 Nov, 2011
I may just give that one a miss Sticki - banana and bacon would be like cheese with fruit in to me!
I do have a splendid recipe for lamb casserole with star annise in - I'll try to dig it out.
24 Nov, 2011
yes please!!!
i like cheese with fruit in too!!!
star anise must be very versatile, i have seen it decorated with glitter adorning a christmas cake today!!!
24 Nov, 2011
I can't find it online yet.............
24 Nov, 2011
this looks quite good
24 Nov, 2011
I have a taggine - it really does work particularly well with lamb dishes.
24 Nov, 2011
i have one too, in fact i have two!!!
24 Nov, 2011
Brilliant aren't they!
24 Nov, 2011
the only thing is mine are made of clay/china? and it would have been better if i could have used it on the gas first before putting in the oven, otherwise i like them.
did you watch masterchef tonight ~ they dont give recipes but im sure one of them was making lamb with star anise!!
24 Nov, 2011
Mine is a fired ceramic one that is safe for gas/hob.
I didn't. Check the link out below - it should be one there eventually...............
24 Nov, 2011
I made the pickled Chilli's today Meanie I put in some nice fat Garlic bulbs also the Kaffir lime leaves , how long will it be before it's ready to eat please ?
26 Nov, 2011
recipe isnt there yet, will keep looking.
26 Nov, 2011
Amy - I was laying into them after a couple of weeks!
26 Nov, 2011
Let me know when it's up Sticki!
26 Nov, 2011
ok, will do my best to remember
26 Nov, 2011
found this
but i dont think it was the one i had seen.
26 Nov, 2011
I might be leaving the star anise out on that............
But I would be adding a handful of chopped dates!
Come to think of it, he's almost nicked my recipe!!!
26 Nov, 2011
probably knew a good one when he saw it!!
i dont think i know the taste well enough to know if it would work or not.
dates sound very nice, could do with a few good morocan recipes. i love them, not too hot though.
fresh dates and yoghurt are really good ~ breakfast, snack, anytime really.
26 Nov, 2011
Should have said swap the lemon for dates!
With chicken I'd leave pretty much as is (no mint though), although still not sure about star anise in a tagine........
26 Nov, 2011
has star anise got an aniseed taste?
i like those preserved lemons ~ very different.
26 Nov, 2011
Thanks Meanie , 2 weeks it is then ! Anthony Worrall Thompson has a recipe in the BBC food for Moroccan Lamb Tagine it dosn't have star anise in it.... it needs Saffron it will be lovely to use my own home grown :o))
Star Anise has an aniseed taste Sticki , I like it .....
26 Nov, 2011
It has - it's the distinctive flavour in chinese five spice.
The preserved lemons are good.
26 Nov, 2011
That is far closer to the tagine recipe that I use Amy.
I have been using sunflower oil - never heard of Arjan oil. Hazelnut oil seems to be the closest accepted substitute..........
26 Nov, 2011
I hadn't heard of Arjan oil Meanie , I bought some walnut oil in France this year ,I wonder if that would work ?
27 Nov, 2011
amazon are selling it!!!
27 Nov, 2011
Don't see why not Amy..............
Scare me Sticki - how much?
27 Nov, 2011
these are its properties
Protects against damage caused by the environment or heat styling
Mix with color/chemical processes for enhanced results and added depth to color
Creates brilliant shine and eliminates frizz
i dont think this is the one you want!!!
27 Nov, 2011
this is what you want
christmas list???
27 Nov, 2011
I think that I can work around it - tagine tends to have rather robust flavours.
27 Nov, 2011
i rather think i can manage without too, im not too sure i would notice the difference.
27 Nov, 2011
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cor! thats double double chilli!!!
thanks meanie ~ i definitely want to make this one.
28 Oct, 2011