By Scotkat
Anyone one else got snow?
No gardening today very hard frost and so cold ,snow arrived at 5.30pm and still snowing.
1 Dec, 2009
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cheshire border with wales ,a little wormer and showers up to now 7.30,
1 Dec, 2009
sharp frost this morning but due to rain later-- is it early for your area?
1 Dec, 2009
No snow here. Down to about -6C last night and cold but dry all day. If we had precipitation it would have been as snow. We can see it on the hills on the other side of the Firth.
1 Dec, 2009
Certainly not a day for outdoor gardening even though dry...
1 Dec, 2009
not here in norfolk
1 Dec, 2009
we had sleet on saturday but just frost since. where abouts in uk are you scotkat?
definately chilly though.
1 Dec, 2009
Just frosty here Kat.....Scotland is welcome to the snow...Rosie has plenty:))
1 Dec, 2009
Naw, Amblealice, I am sure that you would like to share it lol.
1 Dec, 2009
Freezing here in the north west...
1 Dec, 2009
No thanks Bulbaholic....hate the stuff:))
1 Dec, 2009
Frost this morning, rain this afternoon and very windy again. Chilly!
I hate snow too, Alice. :-(((((((
1 Dec, 2009
No snow here in the North-West, there was a very heavy frost this morning, but now it's raining again.
1 Dec, 2009
Snow on the Pena Sagra range and at the Piedrasluengas area at the head of the valley but none at out 700 metres yet - but it's coooooold!
2 Dec, 2009
No snow here - only rain which I preffer. I hope it clears soon for you.
2 Dec, 2009
I thought when it snowed it got warmer??
2 Dec, 2009
No snow and about 7 degrees milder than yesterday - though that's because there's some big rain clouds acting as a duvet. Since it hasn't started chucking down yet I'd best go out now.
2 Dec, 2009
Hi everyone snow nearly all gone came quick and has got turnered abit warmer but still grey sky.
Snow nice on a christmas card but not if you need to drive or walk on it .
Keep cosy and take care all.
2 Dec, 2009
Cliffo, you are right it can be too cold for it to snow - we've experienced that in Europe in winter and here at home. It becomes warmer when it snows due to the cloud covering. Did anyone see the full moon this morning at 07:30? amazing!
2 Dec, 2009
Yes Mg was standing at back door whole garden lit up it was lovely to see but really cold
2 Dec, 2009
it is funny how a moon with a frost ring is allways bright
2 Dec, 2009
There was snow on the Brecon Beacons the other day...not sure if it's still there tho.
2 Dec, 2009
I don't think much of this global warming,
2 Dec, 2009
I was in Canada in June and visted the icefields it certainly brought it home and scary how the glaciers have receded back and still receding .
I do think what goes into bins and not to landfill.
But a lot dont.
3 Dec, 2009
Yeah, I visited Canada about 10 years ago and even then the glaciers had receeded hundreds of metres in living memory and watching the water gushing out of the glaciers - brought to mind something bleeding to death. Global warming is a fact - the only question mark that remains is whether it's mankind's fault or whether it's just 'nature'. My feeling is, it's nature, but we're excellerating it. Whether it's our fault or not, I don't think we have the option to do nothing - space travel is not yet available - we can't take off and go somewhere else if we ruin this planet.
3 Dec, 2009
i hate to be a scare monger but if this isnt our fault introducing ferral species of plants , animals and animal life is realy going to mess things up.on top of this humans over breeding while others are starving and through in terrorists doesnt bode well at all not to mention running out of fossil fuels i doubt us as a race will get anywear close to the dinosaurs rane .i purpasly wear blinkers myself and dont watch the news.
3 Dec, 2009
I agree there are too many people in the world. Birth rates drop as education gets better/more accessable. But as education gets better, then peoples aspirations rise and that results in more pollution, which is what we are seeing in the far east now. Sorry to be such a pessimist, but I believe the only time people will stop using fossil fuels is when it's all gone. I like to think of this time in the distant future as the world returning to a kind of rural idyll, where people return to subsistance farming, no cars, no planes, but I fear that in fact it will lead to mass starvation. The UK cannot support itself without importing food - the population is too dense. And it's the same for many countries. I can only foresee war and famine......I generally consider myself to be an optimist!! LOL Sorry for being so depressing. Let's turn our thoughts to more pleasant ostridges burying our heads in the sand.
3 Dec, 2009
im with you there sid sorry to say while my heads out of the sand lol .lets face it desserts arnt getting smaller and seas arnt getting shallower its a fact.the basic reasen for war is people like it ,well the wrong ones do it seams .can you imagine an adolf hitler comming to power now with the tecknoligy excuse my spelling we have today.cruse misiles £6`000`000 a time or to put it in perspective a small hospital.if people were all good and had one child between them and there children had one child surley the population would drop bye three quarters without to much pain. animals and plants manage to keep restrained unless we have something to do with it .its just not going to happen and im a realist rather than an optamist but i like to think my glass is half full if you know what i mean .you war and famine sid . quite often they go together at the same time in the same place . its a damn shame this beautyifull planet thats been here millions of years getting violantly raped bye humans including me i guess .for what its worth happy xmas .
seems a bit lame saying that last sentance.
3 Dec, 2009
the question should be anyone had any hurrycanes,volcanos or flooding yet i fear .
3 Dec, 2009
acording to some expert on the tv the other day in the last sixty thousand years we have had twehty global warmings, and we are due for another ice age, makes you realise just how small and unimportant we realy are, and how small is our contrybution to the way things are.
3 Dec, 2009
i doubt we make any infact probably less than none realy.what will be will be i guess .
3 Dec, 2009
what goes up must go down . even mount everest will be flat one day.
3 Dec, 2009
On a happier note, a light dusting of snow on Brecon again this morning. ;-)
4 Dec, 2009
lol very nice sid xx
4 Dec, 2009
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