By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
What is this please?
Help Spritz or anyone else. I think Spritz sent me 2 of these back in the spring. They are bienials I think.
The photo was taken on saturday when it was frosty.

1 Dec, 2009
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its not silvery though, thats the frost. is there one with a name like turkistan? That is rumbling around the back of my brain. oh how i wish i had kept the name somewhere safe.
1 Dec, 2009
Salvia sclarea turkescanica, Sbg. OK? Yes, they're biennials. :-)) I grew them from seed.
1 Dec, 2009
bingo! thanks me dear. I had just pm'd you too about it.
Looks good frosted doesnt it?
1 Dec, 2009
Yes, it does! Mine got gobbled by snails. :-(((
1 Dec, 2009
nasty slimey things :o(((
1 Dec, 2009
Lol, silly me I have Clary too should have known, just saw the silvery leaves. Is it biennial Spritzhenry? mine all flowered this year cut them back and have all formed new rosettes of leaves, probably bit like a foxglove some of them can go on for several years here.
2 Dec, 2009
Yes, I agree - the ones I inherited did that - so I don't believe the books! However, they seeded themselves as well. I've lost them now. :-((
2 Dec, 2009
Don't know if Spritzhenry has a picture SBG but I have one of it in flower this year, 1st page under perennials bottom right hand corner, it is gorgeous, just discovered there's a white form too, on my wish list.
What a shame Spritzhenry, never know it may pop up again, I'm still getting cerinthe seedlings popping up which I grew 8 years ago,lol.
2 Dec, 2009
Just a warning! We grew some at the nursery this year, amazing flower thats lasts for weeks, but it has beeen commented on that the flowers smell of B-O! SO we called it the B-O Sage - well not to customers of course. I wasn't to sure of the smell but i wasn't too keen on it!
2 Dec, 2009
LOL. Oh dear - I hope Sbg doesn't mind! I didn't send her 'smelly' flowers on purpose - mine were at the back of a border, so I never had the 'pleasure' of sniffing them!
2 Dec, 2009
mine will be going to the back of the border too so dont worry spritz. I have some weird smelling plants anyway.
[parcel arrived at local post office. will pick it up tomorrow :o) thank you spritz]
2 Dec, 2009
That was quick! :-))))
2 Dec, 2009
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1 Dec, 2009