By Andyanddebs
any idea what these fruit are & are they edible ? my work car park has a couple of trees which shed their fruit about now & the car park is full of them,seems such a waste if they can be used for jams or pickles

30 Aug, 2013
Cut them in half and see if they have plum stones in them. I'm sure the purple ones are, so cut the yellow ones and see if the stones are the same. Then taste - few (not quite all!) things are so poisonous you can't taste them and spit them out again - I've seen mushroom experts do it!
30 Aug, 2013
Not sure what the yellow ones are called but we have a couple of trees down the village that drop fruits on the verge - delcious and I am still here!
30 Aug, 2013
Bullace, or wild plum. Prunus cerasifera. Make a perfectly good jam.
30 Aug, 2013
plums and crab apples?
30 Aug, 2013
I have the yellow plum, there sweet tasting :o)) if you cook them only add a very little water & sugar to taste, they make a lotta juice.
30 Aug, 2013
Nope Lizzie all plums :)
30 Aug, 2013
Look like plums .stew them and enjoy with a nice dollop of fresh cream -just a little one.
30 Aug, 2013
We have these planted on our estate and I have been gathering them for years. I cook them and painstakingly take all the stones out then mix them with cooking apples. Makes delicious pies and crumbles and all free...enjoy !
30 Aug, 2013
Thankyou for your help in identifying these Plums i will be gathering some up to make some jam
2 Sep, 2013
I simply wash them and eat them raw :-)
2 Sep, 2013
Oh yes - love 'em raw, cooked, jam, pies, crumbles. Ooh I'm getting hungry...
2 Sep, 2013
They would appear to be plums.
30 Aug, 2013