By Blah13
United Kingdom
With working in the hospitality industry i have access to alot of used ground coffee beans. I know they are good to use in the garden but what exactly for? As a deterent to slugs and the likes or as a fertiliser of sorts? Thank you :-)
22 Feb, 2010
You can put some in the compost bin, but I suppose in moderation, mixed in with other things.
22 Feb, 2010
My blog of 16th Nov. 09 "I'll Drink To That... going Bananas" might be of interest to you, Blah13.... Read the members' comments about tea, coffee and bananas. I hope this helps you. :o)
22 Feb, 2010
thank you :-)) Just so much of it and if i can use it may as well and not let it go to waste. Altho all the staff just looked at me when i was telling them yesterday to keep it. Think they thought i was loosing my marbles :-)))
22 Feb, 2010
hahaha.... I hope some of the members' ideas in my blog make you decide that collecting the coffee is quite a good idea.... and tea... and bananas.... :o)))
22 Feb, 2010
I understand that they are somewhat acidic so they might make rather a good mulch around camellias etc., though if there are lots they could reduce the nitrogen content (sprinkle with wee?)
22 Feb, 2010
Starbucks give away their spent coffee grounds for free. My former garden was a haunt of squirrels (who like to dig up and eat bulbs). I read that the aroma from the coffee grounds deterred them, and so mixed this in with the compost.. Not one bulb, whether in the ground or in a pot, was touched - by squirrels, slugs, etc. my ornamental alliums were huge and healthy, despite the fact that the smell of coffee every time I walked past made me want to dig in and eat the lot, myself! :-)
22 Feb, 2010
Thank you. David you sound like you like coffee just as much as myself :-) have to start up a compost heap now will tey davids idea on mixing it with compost i
24 Feb, 2010
I read about and tried dried coffee grounds in thick rings around lupins - I think the slugs used them as a starter before the lupin main course.
22 Feb, 2010