By Monstersmum
United Kingdom
I have a frog (might be toad) in my garden. As I have semi free-range rabbits I can't use pellets to get rid of the massive amounts of slugs and snails, so he's more than welcome to live with us! I need to make him a small water area, but we are talking very small, maybe around an A4 sized plot (about all I have left at the moment!). Does anyone have any suggestions that don't cost a lot of money to create?
On plant
Froggus Hoppus :-)
21 Apr, 2010
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Or use a baby bath a bit bigger than you want I guess!
21 Apr, 2010
The baby bath got used for plastering :-D
Thanks for the hints, I've finally found Richard's photos, and it would be a perfect idea for the area I have in mind. I need to sort something as he keeps getting into the rabbit shed and getting their water - needless to say they're not impressed!
Just found this site, it's already given me lots of ideas!
21 Apr, 2010
your comment about the frog in the rabbits water bowl made me giggle mm!
i think i would quite like a washing-up bowl sized pond-type-thing in my garden with a frog to control the slugs!
21 Apr, 2010
He will be happy with a buried washing up bowl, but he needs encouragement to feel he can to come and go safely so place it where you have some established plant cover if you can and put a water plant or large stone in the water. This way he will stay around and feel safe and you may well get more!
21 Apr, 2010
and dont forget stones so he can climb in and out.
we also have had a frog in the rabbits water too. the expression on the rabbit's face was priceless. He thumped for 5 mins I suspect to get our attention. the rabbits version of muuuuummmmmmm.
21 Apr, 2010
you could also if you have a little more room make a small cave next to it so he can hide from the sun or over winter .if hes got lots of little bumps on him/her its a toad.if he/she is realy smooth then its a frog .our toads cant jump like frogs either.
21 Apr, 2010
toads walking reminds me of sumo wrestlers in a funny kind of way. They have gorgeous amber eyes too.
21 Apr, 2010
i agree people think there horrible but i think most if not all nature is beautifull in its own way . i mean i know snails are called pests but they are quite amazing and wasps are a beautifull colour.
21 Apr, 2010
As long as he/she: toad or frog eats the slugs and snails who cares!!
25 Apr, 2010
Yesterday I found a website called million ponds project. Something to do with Alan Titchmarsh. You might wanna check it out. Loads of info on there. How to build/where to site a pond etc
25 Apr, 2010
25 Apr, 2010
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yes a washing up bowl buried in the soil. I have just found a website called selfsufficientish. That shows you how to do it in pictures. OR go to richards blog and see what hes done
21 Apr, 2010