By Drc726
East Sussex,
I along with fish have lots of Frogs and Neuts although in 12 years I have never seen any spawn in my pond. Over the last few days the water has an oily film and lots of little clusters (see pic) that look as if it may be spawn except there is no black bit in any of them.
Any ideas on the oil or the clusters?

29 Apr, 2010
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pond life
If it is I hope it doesnt reck the water balance Meanie?
29 Apr, 2010
Try a PH test maybe?
29 Apr, 2010
they are eggs that havnt been fertalised and they just turn to yucki jelly .i dont know about what produced the scum but its a good chance its the rotting eggs .a female has just emptied them out of her to stop her getting egg bound or she mated with a male who wasnt fertile.either way id give your pond a majer clean out fully if you can or as much as you can then overflow it . if you have a metre its woth asking a friendly neighber who hasnt got a metre.generaly frogs and toads go back to the egsact pond they were hatched in with a few exceptions hence some ponds never getting toads or frogs spawn in them.they will often stay near or in a volume of water in there travels as they loose water through there skin and have to stay damp.ive herd of a sewage plant with hundreds of square ponds with just a walk way between all of them yet the frogs and toads always go back to the few ponds they were hatched in while swimming across many others.anyway back to the job in hand.i would have another look at the eggs when your cleaning your pond and a smell asthey should smell mite be coincadence so i would look out for other possabillities while your cleaning your pond out so it doesnt happen again.
30 Apr, 2010
they could be air bubbles caused bye a dead fish or creature you cant see .
30 Apr, 2010
Thanks Noseypotter, they are not air bubbles, unfertilized eggs sounds right as when I scooped some up they were jellified. Thanks for your help as now I feel its alright to dispose of them now and have a clean up. I was surprised to see it as I have never had spawn so didnt expect any? But as I have plenty of Frogs I never mind the lack.
One other thought I had was I put 2 barley straw packs in last week - wonder if they were oily?
30 Apr, 2010
well unless you had a tricky suplier it shouldnt be oily.i have a basic falosify even though i cant spell it lol .if in doubt clean it out . ig you can work out the gallons its not a bad idea when you clean your pond out to put in a teaspoon a gallon as a kind of tonic . it will help the fish settle in without so much possobillity of desease drc .id say its the rotting frogs eggs causing it at a guess but like i say keep your eyes open when you clean the pond thinking your fish are ok as you havnt mentioned them . mite be worth catching one and putting it in a clear container to see how perky it is .normaly if i can i would keep some pond water even if its a couple of big containers but with this oily scum and dead eggs i would completly change the water for tap water.dont worry pond fish are very hardy bye nature . there eyes will go a little cloudy for a little while but they will be fine and its far better than keeping any of this water.the better of 2 evils if you will .fish can handle a slight instant rise in temperature of there water but realy suffer with a drop in temperature . id guess there isnt much differance between tap water and the ponds temperature outside this time of year.have you got a thermostat ? if not you can normaly tell if theres a big differance bye putting your elbow in both.
30 Apr, 2010
The fish are fine NP, I think the Barleystraw was just a coincidence? I have taken the top of the water off with buckets and its seems ok now I use the 'safe water' I use when topping up with tap water. Thanks for your help 2 of my fish are 11 years old and the rest 8-9 years I would hate to upset them.
30 Apr, 2010
well if it doesnt work clean it out . you will soon know as the fish will run out of ogygen and start gasping so just keep an eye on them . as they say look after the water and the fish will look after thereselves.the other saying is dont mend something that isnt broken.i would still either water change a couple of times .i water my plants from my pond and top the pond up or let it overflow a couple of times in the near future .it wont hurt honest i prommis .
30 Apr, 2010
Thanks NP
30 Apr, 2010
anytime drc726 im sure infact i know you would and have done the same for me not thats why i try and help but its nice anyway .
30 Apr, 2010
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Not sure about the clusters, but could the oily film be related to volcanic dust? It may sound daft, but there are a lot of hydrocarbons (by products of fossil fuel burning) up in the atmosphere. If you look at the condensed water that comes out of your car exhaust pipe it will also have this oily film.
29 Apr, 2010