Whats Funky/Different In Your Garden?
By Jacque
Norfolk UK,
United Kingdom
How did u came across it? Does it have a story ? How Much was it ?

8 Jul, 2008
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funky garden ideas
I've already covered this in my blog on my garden helpers. Can't remember how much I paid for them all though.
The spider was bought on the second day of a holiday so it got packed and unpacked from the suitcase several times before making it safely back home
8 Jul, 2008
Thanx Andrewr i remember your Helpers& i bet your Spider was Qiute Confussed by time u got him home :)
8 Jul, 2008
Hi Jacque you been away? I collect old galvanised watering cans , tin baths , have something with a lid and handle looks a bit like old butter churn? Old pot sinks,chimney pots etc as yet not paid for any of these as people saw them as rubbish to get rid of .Think this is changing - someone even gave me 200 old victorian rope top edging tiles.Mind you I spent a whole W/E clearing his garden.
8 Jul, 2008
No just busy in garden Bonkers & enjoying it in the few lovely eveings with Wine ;) Your Collection sounds great Bonkers why Have`nt u loaded any pic`s of these great items ? Id of loved those Rope Tiles :)
8 Jul, 2008
I like my copper kettle Jacques- it was given to me by my friend when he emigrated to the US, He came back after a few months but he never got it back!!
8 Jul, 2008
I make pottery things for my garden. I get ideas from the shapes of seed pods, shells etc. I haven't got any I can take photos of now because I gave them away etc when I moved. After I've made some more I'll put photos for you to see.
8 Jul, 2008
A Cooper Kettle is it kept in Garden Popemike or used 2 make brews? Sounds Lovely u must show me & not giving it back u r Naughty lol. Wish i could do Pottery Blodyn it always looks so hard 2 do but the mess it makes look Great Fun,Cant wait 2 see some of your work :)
8 Jul, 2008
Its got geraniums in it Jacque- there's a pic of it on my latest page.
8 Jul, 2008
Well Jacque waiting to plant these items up - only moved here last year rather busy as house and garden a little neglected.Will post a few pics of my 'rubbish' collection for you .
8 Jul, 2008
Dont sound like rubbish2 me Bonkers , u go &buy some nice suitable plants &pop in them ul soon see what i mean ;)
8 Jul, 2008
Hi Jacque! We just love our own Tin Man, etc, and they were home-made and free! I've also just inherited loads of items belonging to 2 late Great Uncles. One of them (my wife's) was a cobbler - he died aged 98 - and I got a large wooden box filled with shoe lasts in all sizes from small child upwards, a tiny little anvil, and many cobbler's tools (I don't know their uses but they look like instruments of torture). On my family side, I had a Great Uncle who worked with Clydesdale horses, and used to enter shows and local parades with them wearing their ornamental gear. I now have some of his horeshoes and the ornamental gear. I have managed to de-rust all the metalwork and preserve it with anti-rust and metallic paint. My aim is to display all this in my recently-acquired side "alley garden", with old family photos turned into garden art posters, and planting. In my own mind I call it "Memory Lane". Mind you, this may take me some time to achieve!
9 Jul, 2008
R yes David your Tin Man & the Wizard of Oz garden theme is so Fantastic :) So different & a great pleasure 4 all ages ,The Memory lane sounds Brill i cant wait2see all your Fancy Harnesses & Horse shoes on display do they have the Brasses all on them ? i used2have Ponys13hh/14hh when younger&go 2 Shows 2 see the Beautiful Giants&my Late Father worked them on the land :D
9 Jul, 2008
I have a victorian bier that i am going to restore, and use it to display plants on and around. Should prove an intresting talking point.
9 Jul, 2008
Some odd shaped, small pieces of driftwood, we picked them up in Poole Harbour when we took our boat out, they were just floating there begging to be put on display in the garden. I hung one piece under an rose arch for birds to perch on.
9 Jul, 2008
I have some small brass pieces, too, Jacque, but they are attached to leather straps, and so I won't put these outdoors. Gr8 to see we have a connection with Clydesdales! I was thrilled to see them in their finery at the recent Royal Highland Show, the kids were enthralled by them.
9 Jul, 2008
Just make sure u take pics as soon as its completed David :) Driftwood What a Great Freebie Greenfingers i bet the little birds love their origanil swing/perch :) & whats a Victorian Bier Philip? Plez tell :)
9 Jul, 2008
Hi Jacque, I was afraid you would ask, well a bier was used to transport coffins to the grave. I have posted some pictures of it, wierd or what.
10 Jul, 2008
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A Mechanical Bumble Bee ! This is @ Eden which i think is Funky&Different :D
8 Jul, 2008