By Cornishsally
United Kingdom
Last year I saved seeds from a red oriental poppy & sowed them in the spring. The plants all look like this! Can anyone throw any light on this please?

14 Aug, 2014
Perhaps they are still very young plants & take longer than one year to bulk up. They certainly would not flower in the first year if they really are Oriental Poppies.
14 Aug, 2014
they don't look like oriental poppy to me either. do you have a picture of the original plant and or the seeds you had.
14 Aug, 2014
Thank you all. It's very puzzling. The seeds definitely came from a bright red oriental poppy. I collected them in a paper envelope and labelled them straight away. I'll leave the plants until next year and see what happens!
17 Aug, 2014
Welsh poppies (Meconopsis cambrica) maybe?
5 Nov, 2014
They look like carrot plants. Are you sure you sewed the right ones?
14 Aug, 2014