By Ladyessex1
Leigh-on-Sea Essex,
United Kingdom
How do you go about taking seeds from my Tree Peony, and when to sow them, the pods are on the green side at the moment also would they turn out the same as the plant I have now.

18 Jun, 2010
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collecting seeds
Thanks Moon Grower, when can I plant the seed or do I wait for next Spring ??
18 Jun, 2010
It will be a month or so before it is ripe, you can sow immediately. We son't even botehr to collect the seed, we just let the seeds fall and dig up the seedlings the following year. Mostly these just go in the compost but we grow the odd one on.
18 Jun, 2010
Thanks again Moon Grower, cant wait to see how they do when I start them off also what colour they will be of if they keep to yellow :o)))
18 Jun, 2010
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Wait until the pod is ripe and just starting to open. The seeds will be the size of a coffee bean and dark brown. Growing from seed if there are any other tree peonies in the area then you could find they have cross pollinated.
18 Jun, 2010