By Kfunsters
United Kingdom
Plant ID please..
This plant has large oval shaped leaves, it stands about 5ft tall and has yellow daisy type flowers which the bees love

27 Jun, 2010
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herbaceous perennials
Oooh! I like that...does it prefer full sun or would it grow facing east - so sun for half the day?
27 Jun, 2010
It really doesn't like direct sun, i'm always having to water it as it wilts.
Simbad - is there a common name for the plant?
27 Jun, 2010
Heart-leaved Ox Eye is it's rather prosaic common name - Telekia speciosa is much better IMO :-)
27 Jun, 2010
thankyou folks now I know
27 Jun, 2010
Another name is Buphthalmum speciosum, but thats even more of a mouthful,lol, yes mine wilts badly too have it in a shady spot near the pond under some trees, just seems to get bigger every year read it can get to 8ft!!!!!
27 Jun, 2010
I have a much smaller Buphthalmum...B. salicifolium...that does need a sunny position, though.
I'll keep an eye open for this one!
27 Jun, 2010
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Its Telekia Speciosa Kfunsters, fabulous perennial I have it in my garden too.
27 Jun, 2010