By Badfish
United Kingdom
Scented Herbaceous perennials.
Any suggestions ? All i can think of are Phlox paniculata sp and P. 'Clouds of perfume'
29 Jan, 2015
Yeah, me too....and i've got those. Thanks.
29 Jan, 2015
What about Dianthus? 'Summerfield Debbie' is highly scented, compact, flowers deep pink, or 'Eileen', white with a crimson centre, a taller plant.
29 Jan, 2015
Doris pinks?
29 Jan, 2015
Was hoping for something a bit bigger with more of an impact. I'm designing a big herbaceous border...35 x 10 meters Which is going to be mainly summer flowering herbaceous with spring bulbs.
As it's next to the garden's entrance, i'd like lots of scent. I'm already looking at clumps of lillies or various heights, colours and flowering times.
29 Jan, 2015
35 x 10 metres - is it a park?
29 Jan, 2015
Yes it is....
29 Jan, 2015
Depending on conditions, might I suggest Actaea simplex 'Brunette' . Amazing scent!
29 Jan, 2015
Hyssop. For comment on it and a picture, check my photo section-page 5 photo 100-2115. It's at the bottom of the page to the right and the one just to the left of the frog conga line photo. Planted four of them at 2 ft tall the photo was taken a year later with growth to 5ft in height and lateral fill in was better than I had expected.
29 Jan, 2015
Is a list of scented day lilies.
29 Jan, 2015
Hostas. I'll keep banging the drum for them. Cottagekaren put me on to the Mickfield Hostas website which has a great search facility that allows you to search by leaf colour, then select by size, scent and flower colour.
29 Jan, 2015
What about Daphnies? The perfume from mine is intense and is long lasting.
30 Jan, 2015
Peony. Mine have a gorgeous scent.
30 Jan, 2015
I adore Peonies but i think they're just a little too early and short flowering period for what i'm after.
Good shout with the Actea...i already have some in the garden and i'd pencilled in a big drift for this project. Their smell is unusually devine and very strong.
Not really looking for shrubs so Daphne's out....a bit too early flowering too.
I plan to plant the area up with scented Daffs too...some of the Jonquilla varieties are devine.
As for Hyssop....not really heard much about it to be honest so looked it up and it's an Agastache, yeah ??? If so, i adore Agastache...i already have 'Black adder' and do plan to include it in this border.
I adore Hostas too, Urbanite but this is for a dry (there's a few big trees in this border) and south facing area, i just don't think they'll cope.
30 Jan, 2015
Might add that hyssop is a great attractant of hummingbird moths if you have the where you live.
30 Jan, 2015
Really ?...we do get them in the garden but they seem to prefer the Salvias
30 Jan, 2015
Most phlox need moisture and shade - so if you think hostas won't do well then neither will the phlox. Personally, I've never worried about shade or moisture for hostas - the only real problem is whether the slugs and snails get to them.
31 Jan, 2015
How about Oenothera for evening scent, and Erysimums for scent and almost all year colour. Was going to suggest a dwarf Lilac, but you say not shrubs...which is a pity as lots of shrubs have great scent. In my scented patio border I grow lots of scented pinks, scented roses (five are standards to give height) some scented bulbs for the spring time, lilies, and a good selection of herbs as well. but It would be tricky without the small scented shrubs which act as great fillers. If you fancy a climber, clematis flammula Triternata Rubromarginata is fairly easy to get and has a wonderful almond scent in high summer. I also have an arch at one end of the border with a scented honeysuckle growing over it ( and roses of course) and I use scented leaf pelargoniums in pots for a summer display. Last year I had a tripod of sweet peas as well, but this year I shall be growing them in a different place. I highly recommend Dianthus carthusianorum, which has lovely scent and a gorgeous deep pink colour on lovely tall flower spikes. The flowers are small and single with a really airy appearance quite unlike border pinks. Must say....walking out there on a summers day and breathing in the scent was a real joy, so good luck and enjoy your scented border!
31 Jan, 2015
P.s. Actaea must have shade....or so it says. mine is in semi shade and does well enough, but I'm not sure how well it would cope with South all means give it a try. A lot of my Hostas cope very well in full sun, so you never can tell!
31 Jan, 2015
Is that Preston rock garden in Brighton Badfish.......have you been on Goy before?
I like the idea of scented hardy perennials amongst the herbaceous plants, it would give the area its structure and provide colour and scent even at this time of year
1 Feb, 2015
It is indeed, Pam. Not sure what you mean if i've been on here before...i've been here for 18 months.
Yeah, the scent is is their value for attracting butterflies, bees and other pollenating insects. I will probably be planting the main herbaceous in April/may (my preferred planting time) and then adding the clumps of lillies (16 varieties, 50 bulbs of each planted in a clump) plus the spring flowering bulbs in autumn.
Among others, i've got various Echinaceas, Rudbeckias, Kniphofias, Agapanthus, Actea, Heliopsis, Helenium, Astrantia, Phlox, Gaillardia, Geranium and Salvias.
Even though the border is south facing, it does have a bit of shade as there are some very mature Eleagnus, Corylus, Paulownia, Ulmus "Jaqualine Hillier" and Mahonia so there are a few challenges ahead.
1 Feb, 2015
I just remembered talk on Goy about Preston Park some years ago as I have friends in Hove....
1 Feb, 2015
Yes the head gardener Andy Jeavons was a GOY member back in 2011 I believe.
2 Feb, 2015
2011??? Good grief it doesn't seem that long ago.
6 Feb, 2015
Thats right Cammomile!, I loved his blogs, and ideas for the gardens
7 Feb, 2015
I assume if you grow salvia you already grow Glutinosa ? That has an amazing scent on a warm day remember its first year in my garden I wandered round for ages trying to figure out where the smell was coming from ,it grows in sun or part shade ,a monster plant and dead easy from seed.
13 Mar, 2015
Previous question
Can only think of lavender and roses so far.
29 Jan, 2015