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Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

Best growing conditions for Fritillaria Elwesii please

Asked from the GoYpedia fritillaries page



It is one that I would tend to grow in a pot of gritty, loam based compost in the unheated greenhouse so that I can ensure a warm, dry summer dormancy. If you try it in the garden it would like a sunny position in very well drained soil.

13 Oct, 2010


F. elwesii is native to Pine woodlands in southern Turkey and can reasonably well in the garden, provided it's planted in very well drained, humus-rich soil - much like you would find in the leaf-litter beanth Pines in fact.

Like Bulbaholic, I would (and indeed have in the past) grown this species in an unheated greenhouse to protect from unseasonal wet weather.

18 Oct, 2010

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