By Theivy01
E. Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Can you tell me what this is? They were growing in my front garden. I transplanted them along my fence in the back and they have done well. I love the colour, but have no idea if they are a wild flower, weed or the previous tenant planted them.

3 May, 2011
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herbaceous perennials
This is an Aquilegia. Not sure exactly which one. They will seed themselves round the garden if you leave the seedheads to form when flowering is finished.
3 May, 2011
They're also called Granny's Bonnet!
3 May, 2011
Lovely colour too, most of mine have self seeded into a pale mauve/pink despite being dark purple to begin with!
3 May, 2011
Yes they are lovely but ive never seen or got an aquilegia with a leaf shaped like that. ;)
3 May, 2011
Interesting. The leaves look like Semiaquilegia ecalcarata, but the flowers are more like Aquilegia canadensis than anything else.
3 May, 2011
Not a bit large for Semiaquilegia, Owdboggy? I agree that the leaves are 'interesting'.
3 May, 2011
Flower is not right for A. canadensis after having a closer look at it. I wonder if it is a cross between A vulgaris and A. canadensis with the leaves of one and the flower of the other?
4 May, 2011
Thank you everyone for helping me with this. I'll do a bit more research with the information all of you gave. If I find out something interesting I'll post it. You've given me a good start. Thanks again
4 May, 2011
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It is a cultivated form of Aquilegia, but I don't know the name. They are difficult to lift and transplant so you did well.
3 May, 2011