By Oops_a_daisy
United Kingdom
trailing hydrangea? is there such a thing .Any advice appreciated thanks
5 May, 2011
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yes the urns are about 2 feet across and the depth of compost about 3ft. the urn is around 4ft tall altogether. Is a trailing hydrangea the same as a climber just without support? please be patient with me im really not sure thankyou
5 May, 2011
That's a good question! :-) Logically, yes, but Hydrangea petiolaris, the climbing variety is pretty "upright" - it clings on its own to a support if it can find one. I think you'd be better off looking for something that trailed naturally, if trailing from the urn is the look you want.
6 May, 2011
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Hydrangeas tend to be rather large shrubs. There's a climbing one which is a bit slow to get started. I have one that's about 20 years old and about 15 feet high, never been pruned much.
I noticed you referred to planting a climbing hydrangea in your question about plants for urns. Hydrangeas are not suitable for such a small container, unless your urns are at least 2 feet across and about 3 feet deep.
5 May, 2011