HAND TOOL HEIRLOOMS I'm sorting out my sheds and found these tools among other unusual heirlooms
By Terratoonie
I'm sorting out my sheds and found these tools among other unusual heirlooms...
Do you recognise the two cutters, please ?
Are both intended for garden use ?
... and the tool on the left appears to have woodworm in the handle... is there a household product I can use to kill the woodworm ... If I stain/varnish the handle, would that kill the woodworm ?
Thanks in advance for answering my questions. :o)))

7 Sep, 2011
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garden tools
hand tools
Hi Pimpernel...
Yes, I would think suitable for getting out any small weeds, but I hope to kill the woodworm first...
7 Sep, 2011
the woodworm may not be active. pop it in a poly bag and if there is sawdust in a week or two it is still active. I would think a good coat of varnish would seal off the air supply to the grubs. It is called a daisy grubber and is a good tool for prising out weeds especially in lawns.
The orange handled ones a a type of secateur [spelling] an anvil type.
The other pair are what I was told were for cutting flowers, lightweight blades.
7 Sep, 2011
There is every chance that the woodworm is not active . You can buy woodworm spray from DIY supermarkets ....but is it worth it because the item itself has no commercial value.
7 Sep, 2011
Thanks folks .. the tools have sentimental value...
I'll try the poly bag idea... and see what develops ;o)
7 Sep, 2011
Well the daisy grubber is a very useful tool and looks more solid than some you can get nowadays. Once you see the holes from woodworm the worms have actually left, but there may be more inside. The danger with leaving it untreated is that it might get into other wood or even the shed itself, so spraying it just in case would be a good idea.
The other tools look very good too - a useful find!
7 Sep, 2011
The daisy weeder is fot deep rooted weeds
The prongs go in straight down to the bend then lever back .. very good for dandelions..I prefer a dab of round up.
Petrol soak the handle it preserves and kills.
There is a product which soaks into rotted wood and hardens but I have no idea what it was called. My shed is better for it
7 Sep, 2011
Goodness Terra....I have an identical tool to your wooden handled thingy! I found it in the old shed when I moved in here. I have never used it but I had thought it may be for lifting weeds.
8 Sep, 2011
Thanks everyone for your comments and ideas ...
The wooden tool is now in a plastic bag for a fortnight ... away from my wooden sheds ...
.... and awaiting developments ...
I have a more modern "plastic" version of the daisy-grubber, which is good for getting out some weeds.
However, the wooden-handled tool above has a longer metal part, and so would dig much deeper under a weed... would be useful for dandelions in lawns I reckon ...
Have a try with your identical tool, Scottish... see how it goes .. :o)
8 Sep, 2011
I will do terra....I think I dumped it at the back of the shed. I'll look it out!
8 Sep, 2011
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Is the wooden handled one for grubbing daises ?
7 Sep, 2011