Tomatoes for the windowsill
By Craftnutter
United Kingdom
Hi again! Seeing the earlier tomato question, does anyone know the name of a tomato which is supposed to do well on the kitchen windowsill? I'd love to have a go, as I do not have a greenhouse or hanging basket. Thanks!
26 Feb, 2009
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Thanks! Will investigate now I've a name!
27 Feb, 2009
Some varieties grow ok outdoors without any protection (although the last two summers were too wet for mine - complete disasters!)
27 Feb, 2009
Apparently, these tomato seeds need heat to germinate. I can get some seeds from ebay but I don't want to buy one of those heating seed tray things, my dh will complain about my spending money! Should I risk growing the seeds in pots and just see how they get on instead? What do you think? Thanks!!
28 Feb, 2009
The heat inside your house will be adequate to germinate the seeds. Put the pots inside the curtains at night or they may get cold. Use a small variety or one for hanging baskets (Tumbler). Turn the seedlings once they start to grow or else they will lean over to the light. A good way to shade plants on a hot windowsill in summer is to Blu tack white paper to the window. It lets light through but keeps the plants from scorching. You may need to hand pollinate the flowers with a kiddies paint brush.
28 Feb, 2009
Hi Volunteer! Many thanks for your help! I may need help when it comes to pollinating. I tried pollinating with a paint brush before and it didn't seem to work (not on tomatoes tho'!) I've put a bid in for Red Robin seeds on ebay, so will wait and see what happens! Thanks again!
2 Mar, 2009
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Tomato F1 Tumbler Seeds
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Previous question
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Red Robin sounds ideal but I've had no experience in growing them.
26 Feb, 2009