By Doctorbob1
United Kingdom
Has anyone else received a strange Private message? I had an extremely provocative PM today from a young lady. I am wondering how it got onto the site.
8 Dec, 2011
Me too Moongrower, no PM there.
8 Dec, 2011
Well you didn't miss anything ladies.
8 Dec, 2011
I had a quite provocative private message from a lady not long after I joined GOY.
It was obviously some sort of internet sex scam
8 Dec, 2011
I had one today. Flagged and deleted. I think it may have been from the same person many folk here received one from a couple of weeks ago.
8 Dec, 2011
Obviously Moon grower and myself are not considered desirable enough - how lucky are we!
8 Dec, 2011
These are from the Far East and are properly sent by hackers trying to get your personnel information i.e. your email address when I worked in IT they called it social engineering strange terminology I had one this afternoon so delete it straight away.
8 Dec, 2011
I reported mine and it has been deleted for me.
8 Dec, 2011
I had one too this afternoon but it was deleted quickly this time
8 Dec, 2011
is that why mine says I have a pm but when i try to click it says :oops we have made a mistake please try later'. Its one of the proper GoY pages.
8 Dec, 2011
I flagged it early this afternoon Seaburngirl and it was gone within an hour, so I would say yes.
8 Dec, 2011
Ah well I don't mind not getting weird pm's...
8 Dec, 2011
Just logged on, as email said I had a private message, but nothing there. Hoping my firewall stopped them tracking my login/password. Burglars and thieves, that is all they are! Heard that some on facebook are receiving messages from friends, requesting financial assistance. Obviously, a scam. Don't do facebook!!!
8 Dec, 2011
I had one todays as well.....I flagged it immediatley and then it dissapeared.
8 Dec, 2011
Hi Bob..
Lots of members had that same message this afternoon. I flagged mine and it soon disappeared...
Reminder to everyone, NEVER reply to those strange messages nor comment on that sender's photos or blogs.
8 Dec, 2011
I also got an e-mail saying I had a pm, logged on nothing there, tG for security,!!!!!
8 Dec, 2011
Glad it's not just me..I had e.mail saying I had a private Avkg47 - nothing there! hopefully enough 'flagging' has been done by all of msg to flag in my i/box!!
8 Dec, 2011
Me too. Wondered what had happened.
8 Dec, 2011
Well it sounds as if someone has nothing better to do with their time.
8 Dec, 2011
hmm..not the first time it's happened to me - I e.mailed that time(and then got to realise wot 'flag' is for!!) it occurred to me then.."Grows on You" could be misconstrued as a friendship/dating site...don't know if anyone else thought this??! ;-)
8 Dec, 2011
As I have replied to a previous question posted by Popedot:
They probably originate from Nigeria. The poor English of the original message would confirm this.
These conmen have now started to target sites like this because it's difficult to trace them through their IP address, etc, as would be the case if they used direct e-mails. They hope to befriend you, send fake photo's of themseves, or offer you the earth, tell you that they have money to move and will pay you handsomely if you give them your bank details, or tell you some other sob story to play on your emotions. They are very clever and their only motive is to extract as much money as they can from you.
On no account reply to them, they are the lowest scum and will try and trick you anyway then can to get money.
It's a big problem because countries like Nigeria don't have the will or the means to stop this. My advice is just ignore them.
8 Dec, 2011
Looks as if the person whoever it was has been on a fishing expadition as so many of us got the same message? makes you wonder if anyone did reply instead of flagging it!!
8 Dec, 2011
Well it's not a PERSON maggy, but an organised gang. I've been intersted in this type of scam for a while, and it's rife. I wondered how people could be so stupid to fall for it. But if you read about it you will probably understand as I do.
They prey on vulnerable and lonely people and can be so convincing. They usually operate out out countries like Nigeria or other Eastern European countries that have little or no control.
If you think that people can't be so gullible to fall for it, Google it, you will be surprised to learn how many people have, and in some cases it's 100's of thousands of pounds. Makes you think, a lap top and and a bit of luck... A good living :o(
8 Dec, 2011
hello doc i hope you arewell mate . i had a flirty girly thing in pm as above a couple of weeks ago . dont worry about it . take care my friend your a good man .
8 Dec, 2011
I got one saying goy have made a mistake as well.
9 Dec, 2011
I too had pm but it was a very rude mail so flagged it its now deleted.
9 Dec, 2011
Well goodness, glad no-one has fallen for it, weird to pick on a gardening site though.
9 Dec, 2011
No I havnt yet
ha ha
9 Dec, 2011
Actually, the 'new member' profile said that they came from Dakar in Senegal...
French websites are infested with scams from French speaking West African countries esp. Cameroun, Senegal and Côte d'Ivoire. It has been a big problem for some time now.
9 Dec, 2011
I'm still getting the 'We have made a mistake..' message and cant actually open my messages folder :(
9 Dec, 2011
Ah - perhaps the dodgy messages have been removed, and that's why the email I got today saying there was a new message appeared to lead nowhere - no new messages.
9 Dec, 2011
They were removed within an hour of flagging yesterday, Bamboo. It was all pretty quick.
9 Dec, 2011
Well it's good to know that they are being removed, the flagging works then!
9 Dec, 2011
never mind flagging these folk need flogging!
9 Dec, 2011
But who would want to buy them?
9 Dec, 2011
I'm sure that since most of the slaves who were transported to the Americas came from Nigeria, lots of people did.
Also, they speak, read and write English in Nigeria.
9 Dec, 2011
I falgged the message as soon as I saw it, after getting over the shock of how disgusting the message was. It was removed less than 2 minutes after I found it.
10 Dec, 2011
the sex industry is one of the biggest in the world and the internet will look for any opertunity for a sale . id be rich if i got a pound for every letter i got asking for bank details so they can put millions in my bank lol ./ it is a bit odd in goy admitadlty but its bound to happen as the word net implies all computers online are joined tov everybodies computer on the planet . theres bound to be the odd mistake . you ask who would want them marlon but look at them phone in girly things youy get in lots of magazines at the back . £1.50 a min . youd wonder if people realy ring but there must be a huge demand for them to aford just the adverts .you never know as they seamingly want the preverbial role in the hay perhaps they want to learn to grow the hay first lol . take care everyone and have a nice xmas if your into that . i just cant weight for spring myself .
11 Dec, 2011
I supposedly received a PM but when I clicked the link there was no PM last one was several days ago...
8 Dec, 2011