By Sanbaz
staining blackpool,
United Kingdom
i have a small camellia which has had buds since i got it around 7th april, the buds are quite large but show no signs of opening, am i being impatient, i read that sometimes they dont open which is rare but can happen, i looked at my camelia and all but one leaf had dropped off, buds still tightly closed not looking good, anyway i decided to take it out and look at roots which seem ok, so ive potted it in fresh composs and fed it,put the pot where it doesnt get direct sun as one of my clients said better somewhere out of direct sun and just late sun, so hope it bucks up, its worth a try dont you think :o( by the way its still the same pic but without leaves, sorry one leaf

15 Apr, 2009
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thanx for that moon grower, makes me feel a bit better :)
15 Apr, 2009
Mine stayed like this swollen stage for about 2 weeks and then open. There are still some in bud too.
15 Apr, 2009
cheers seaburng...
15 Apr, 2009
My Camellia is taking Ages 2 open 2 San & like yours look just like this when i purchased it ! but now its slowly opening im sure yours will 2 :)
15 Apr, 2009
thanx jacque, i know im impatient, but cant wait to see flowers :)
15 Apr, 2009
Im the Same :)
15 Apr, 2009
think its a women thing jacque lol
15 Apr, 2009
A Gardener thing id say San as im sure were not alone wishing Flowers to open :) lol. Iv just taken some Pics of My Camellia Buds Opening 4 u 2 see how mush more theyv opened since buying the Plant :)B Posting them soon :)
15 Apr, 2009
great will look forward to seeing them jacque,, cant even remember what colour mine are, guess it will be a nice suprise lol
15 Apr, 2009
Looking at the buds they are a deep rosy pink - crimson red
15 Apr, 2009
thanx moon grower, will take pic when open
15 Apr, 2009
I had one bought as a Xmas pres Sanbaz with really tight buds......and only this week have they opened. Mine was bought as white with a pink stripe and had pink with a red stripe and plain deep pink flowers. I decided to dig it up and see what was going on..and it was two plants entwined round each other..and very tangled roots...........I've seperated them and given them a feed of Camellia food. Hopefully they'll be okay!!
15 Apr, 2009
thanx janey,im sure they will open in time,, i need to grow patients lol
15 Apr, 2009
I know how you feel.......I kept going out to look everyday and inspected the buds till one fell off....that stopped me in my tracks...Lol
15 Apr, 2009
lmao... sorry janey just sounded funny in my head, could just picture your expresion ,,
15 Apr, 2009
Hope you waited until they had finished flowering before you dug them up Janey :-)
15 Apr, 2009
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Camellia buds take a long time to open in my experience.. the two in your pix. are pretty 'fat' and should open soon.
15 Apr, 2009