How to prune my Paeony???
By Jangue
United Kingdom
I have only just discovered that it is a Paeony and have been chopping it back to ground level each year. It has about a dozen flowers but they are all at the base
of the plant. How much and where should I cut it back (when the flowers are finished) so next year it flowers more 'evenly'
15 May, 2009
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Owdboggy - stupid question but how will I tell which one it is ?
16 May, 2009
it is best not to prune a peony they are i bit fussy
16 May, 2009
a tree peony has woody stems like a woody shrub and in the autumn bare wood/twigs/branches. the herbaceaous one all the leaves die off and in the spring reddish swollen buds like lipsticks push up through the soil. hope that makes sense and helps you identify it.
16 May, 2009
Ah, I see - mine is a herbaceaous one then - thanks for that
16 May, 2009
all you need to do is remove the dead flower head and then cut the dead leaves back to ground level late autumn.
16 May, 2009
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Now, is this a herbaceous paeony or a tree paeony? If the former then all you do is remove the dead stems in autumn or spring and let it grow.
If the latter then really speaking you should not prune it at all and eventually it will flower at the correct height.
15 May, 2009