how & when would I take geraniun cuttings for next year
By Creationist
United Kingdom
how do I keep cuttings during winter without a greenhouse
30 May, 2009
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summer bedding
I take cutting at any time of the year & just put them in pots with my normal compost (never garden soil!). I never leave them to dry out. I water them immediately after putting several in a pot & they nearly always root fairly quickly.
As for overwintering them, I keep mine in 5" pots on a table in the most sheltered corner of the balcony. I keep them fairly dry & most survive the winter. They even came through the extremely low temps of February this year when we got down as low as 5 or 6 degrees below zero Celsius.
30 May, 2009
Yes, Balcony's method is also my preferred method (also having a balcony!).
31 May, 2009
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when you say geranium do you mean pelargonium, the summer bedding type as opposed to the hardy 'in the garden' all year type.
choose a non flowering stem and cut it off so that there is about 4" of stem. remove all but 4/5 leaves. I pot these stems dry into compost and leave overnight, then i water them. I keep them on the slightly drier side. over the last 20 odd years i reckon i have had about 95% success with this method. you can keep them anywhere where there is no frost. you can do this any time of the year.
i have lifted them in the autumn and wrapped them in damp newspaper and kept in the garage until feb then potted them on. I had 50% success with this.
but there are other ways of doing it and i am sure someone will suggest alternative methods.
30 May, 2009