I feel Sad

21 Sep, 2008
It wont be long untill were our gardens go to "sleep" for winter and it makes me sad, I really dont like this time of year, It will look empty and sad untill spring, but for the next couple of weeks ill enjoy what is left of the flowers and the lushness of it all.
Comments on this photo
Aw.... Daisydee, but your garden is gorgeous and will be for a while yet.....I agree though, there'll be nothing to post on the pics, but then a Winter garden with frost can be stunning!
21 Sep, 2008
lovely, lovely, lovely. your gardens looking beautiful dee:-)
21 Sep, 2008
Don't get too depreseed youngdaisydee. I find winter is a good time to take a look back and see what could be better in the garden for next year and start planning. It's also a chance to recharge your batteries ready for that busy period in spring
21 Sep, 2008
Thanks you lovely Peeps, Were all in the same boat and even tho i have evergreens, they also go to sleep, dont they.. im dreading clearing it all sigh... But... im planning for next year and thats exciting, and on the upside i wont have to cut the grass hehe.
21 Sep, 2008
It's a stunning show. Enjoy it.
21 Sep, 2008
What fab Colours uv used in theses beds Dee LOVELY :)
21 Sep, 2008
How about a bowl of snowdrops by the front door ,some hellebores or winter flowering honeysuckle-smells gorgeous! I love this time of year for all the cyclamen in their pinks and purples-a couple of indoor large ones will cheer you up.! or you can have them outside with ivy or black grass.
I know how you feel!
21 Sep, 2008
and don't forget Strictly come dancing for when you can't get outside!
21 Sep, 2008
It's sad that you're sad Dee but if you think about it all seasons have their own beauty. In winter you might have to look a bit harder for it but it is there.
I like the cosy feel I get in the winter, and there are lots of winter flowering plants to be had. I always look forward to them. And if you didn't have the winter you wouldn't have the joy you get when spring arives.
It doesn't matter if the days are short. You can use them as a time of rest. And you know they'll start to lengthen again before you can turn around.
Look for the positive.
All the best, Hywel.
21 Sep, 2008
Your garden is still looking wonderful.
I'm sure you must have a couple of winter flowering plants or shrubs up your sleeve for the winter months :0)
22 Sep, 2008
Youngdaisy! you are always so full of enthusiasm! Lots of good advice offered here....I like Arlene's suggestions...might try them myself!! You have succeeded brilliantly...just check that photo, and imagine what you'll accomplish with the experience of this garden.... Even though it slows...life never stops...always the next cycle...more seeds...more sprouts...more blossoms... don't be sad...you have to plan where that castor bean is going to go... just a hint though...make it a background plant because even though they added shade where I wanted it...I could have placed mine better. Cheers!!
28 Sep, 2008
Thankyou To all you Lovely People, The suns shining and there's new Growth, the banana has a new Huge Leaf and the Canna is Flowering, Whoooppee.. Ive Tidied and cleaned the Greenhouse, ready for overwintering, and ive bought some more bulbs and Winter Pansies :) The black grass sounds great Arlene, And Lori im really excited about the Castor Bean, im clearing some old shrubs out next spring AND making another Hot border, :)) And hywel your absoloutly right, If we didnt have winter, how can we look forward to Spring, Thanks again Peeps, youve cheered me up no end...Love Dee..
28 Sep, 2008
Hi Dee
good! I.m pleased you are feeling better!
I always have big bowls of tete tete daffs,bluebells, and double primroses in early spring and I have about 30 varying size pots of Hellbores some of which are quite large .Pink spotted and dark purple singles and doubles and white spotted (just bought this year so looking forward to that)and next year I will collect the seed and you can have some-no knowing what you might get! They are usually good from seed in coming through and getting nice little plants but might not flower until at least the following year.
Check out Barnhavens site in France-I have bought from them and their plants are great!
28 Sep, 2008
Awww Arlene, your so kind and thoughtfull, i would love some seeds, Thanks a Million, They sound gorgeouse, your garden must be Fantastic in Spring, Ahhh Spring, just round the corner, Love Dee..
PS ill Check out Barnhavens ta..
28 Sep, 2008
This is a wonderful garden, be proud of yourselves young gardeners.
27 Jan, 2009
Ha! And now we are back to spring Dee so we can all be happy again!! I feel the same way as you about the autumn but I find that as I get older it lessens and I have been able to enjoy all the seasons much more than when I was young. Growing older does have its good side! lol.......And Strictly Come Dancing IS a great help to me in the autumn! ha ha!
11 Apr, 2010
Not long now until spring again Daisy! I hope you are managing, it has been a hard slog this year! :)) This pic. cheered me up today!
19 Feb, 2011
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This is so beautiful Youngdaisydee!
21 Sep, 2008