Potting on...
By lincslass
Still spending time in the greenhouses, well you have to else they`ll all go leggy, at least its warm in there..
Still a tray of them to do, very fiddly. When I’ve potted them on I then transfer them to the bottom g’house.
As you can see there are still lots more coming on…
17 Apr, 2012
Previous post: Beating the rain..
Next post: April showers.
wow your seeds are coming on brilliantly soo much better than mine.
I havent had time to do any potting on or get any more seeds started off...loving the overtime but working 6 days a week is killing me and not doing my garden just rubs it in :)
I seriously need to get my shed sorted out too
17 Apr, 2012
First time of growing them Paul, my mum and dad always had a lot in their garden and as the house is going soon I won`t see theirs so thought I'd try my own..
Thats one good thing about reaching retirement Carol, I used to feel like you and resented work getting in the way of my garden, lol....
17 Apr, 2012
Your garden will be stuffed to the gills Lincs...Love it.
I must get one of those bottles again.
I work a perminent 6 day week Squarefoot...It is rubbish.
17 Apr, 2012
17 Apr, 2012
You've done absolutely brilliantly, Sue! Amazing . . . satisfying isn't it? Until it comes to the planting out, then you start to think maybe you've overdone things a bit, lol. Hope you've got a strong back :))
17 Apr, 2012
Wow, how busy youve been. Youre not going to be short of lovely sweet peas. Its so nice once all the seeds are filling the shelves of the greenhouse, lined up like little soldiers! Of course the next thing is to find somewhere in the garden to plant them all! It never ends does it? What a lovely time of year this is!
17 Apr, 2012
They have all done well Sheila, I think I'll need to set up a stall at a carboot, lol....
That poor bottle has been waiting for me to plant it for years Pimpernel, its on my arountuit list,lol....
17 Apr, 2012
Wow, you have been working so hard and have achieved so much! Even Monty Don can't compete with your efforts!! They all look so healthy and so neat. Lovely to see.
17 Apr, 2012
I was wondering Linclass if you had room in your garden for all these new plants. I have to control my desire for growing seeds. In Scotland it is May before I can put out the plants from my green house so it gets a bit busy in there with all the seed trays. :o)
17 Apr, 2012
The answer is no Linda, lol, I will be giving loads away around the family, thank goodness because I`d hate to chuck any away, I have two g'houses but with this weird weather none are outside yet so its a good job hubby got fed up of me complaining and bought my second one a few years ago, I was always juggling them around before ...
17 Apr, 2012
Brilliant healthy seedlings! Hope you've got enough space for them all! :o)
18 Apr, 2012
If you go to Scotland, Sue, you can actually BUY a "Round Tuit" . . . not joking!!
18 Apr, 2012
Lol:o) you have been busy Lincslass that is a lot of planting out into pots. The garden will look amazing with all those different plants in it. We are very wet here, cold too, but the garden needed the rain and it is doing so much good. Who is bothered now about the hosepipe ban? Not me!!!! lol:o) proper April weather I cannot remember the last time we had proper April showers. :o)
18 Apr, 2012
Some times wish i had a green house husband did offer,dont have a lot of room in garden and i know it would give me a lot of work which i dont want as i go out a lot,do use my conservatory for seedlings and plug plants ,i only have nine trays so far behind you Linda
18 Apr, 2012
Housework today Olive, its raining again and yes very cold, not even worth going between g'houses, as you say the garden is enjoying it..
Linda they can be time consuming and if one goes away then its a case of relying on others to pop in and do the watering and keeping an eye on things so I don't blame you, also I do have plenty of room here which is always a factor in anyones garden...
18 Apr, 2012
Everything is coming on really well in your greenhouses.
18 Apr, 2012
How healthy everything looks and all very professional, you are going to have loads of lovely colour in your garden, OH planted out the sweet peas, poor things,or worse still washed away!! it is a wonder they have not died of the cold........but, we do need the rain.
18 Apr, 2012
Wow , you've been busy, and what alot of sweet peas you have Lincs. What did you say about no thunder! I think you spoke too soon. Isn't it nice to have a warm greenhouse to go in. The problem I've got now is that my tomatos are just about stepping out of their pots, but don't want to pot them into big pots yet as its too cold to transfer them to the allotment greenhouse. My one at home doesn't get much sun when all the leaves start to return on all the beech trees.
21 Apr, 2012
Looking good:)))))
22 Apr, 2012
cor blimey u got ya work cut out there avnt u,ive dun all my potting up now so i can just sit back and watch it all grow luverly jubberly lol
14 Jun, 2012
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my word lots of growing for you and looking great - love hollyhocks - I have many - big leaves :))))))))))
17 Apr, 2012