Oriental Poppy
By Motinot
You know, i have trawled through the internet to try and buy a pot of "patty's plum".. but to no avail.....Can anyone please tell me where i could purchase this oriental poppy??...i thought autumn might be a good time to plant..is that right??? :>)
17 Jun, 2009
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Try ebay, under perennial plants.
17 Jun, 2009
You are lucky Owdboggy, garden centres here dont have ANY oriental poppies....its so frustrating, any gardening companies i tried on the internet had high postage charges and some of them had surcharges of maybe £15 on top to send to N Ireland addresses..
17 Jun, 2009
I just tried e-bay Bbb, no luck....:<(
17 Jun, 2009
i have just sold all my patty plum, i didn't buy it in though it came in as a mistake for something else, but hey, its all gone now...:-)
17 Jun, 2009
I've just checked the GoY Garden centre. If you click on plants, then P for Papaver, I think you'll find what you're looking for. It isn't named, but it looks very much like Patty's Plum to me.
18 Jun, 2009
Aw Steve, maybe you shouldnt have told me that.:<(...but what a nice mistake...:>)
18 Jun, 2009
OK Bbb...Ill try that....Thanks
18 Jun, 2009
Hi..Bbb, tried the GOY Garden Centre....Yes there she was 'patty's plum'...I went through the entire process of sending for her from 'Crocus'..then discovered that 'crocus' dont send overseas...N Ireland, Isle of Man etc.....but thank you for trying for me.....
18 Jun, 2009
J parker sell them
17 Feb, 2011
Hi Debby....Its nearly 2 years since i requested Patty's Plum..lol....I have lots of her growing now....I was in Twickingham 18 months ago and brought 2 home in my suitcase......Thank you....:>)
17 Feb, 2011
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To begin with they do not come true from seed so packets of seed would not be available.
As far as I can see when we go out Garden Centering, almost every one of them has it for sale.
17 Jun, 2009