Hi all - nice to be back!!
By richardpeeej
Sorry I have not been here for a while – I have been in hospital for the past two weeks!
I fell down in the back garden while doing some gardening and broke my femur in two places. I was stretchered off to hospital and had to have an operation to put a rod in my thigh bone. Wow what a palaver!
I am now back home and hobbling around on a zimmer frame and must not put any weight on my right leg- this is easier said than done!
Our son has been watering the garden and generally looking after the plants and my wife and daughter have been running around waiting on me (I think I could get used to this …….lol).
Anyway it is so good to be back as I have missed our little chats.
Gardens can be dangerous places so take care all !!!
best wishes to everyone :-)
Richard x
26 Jun, 2010
Previous post: OOO Yum!
Next post: Week in Northumberland
So sorry to hear about you mis-hap Richard, I wondered why we hadn't heard from you on site. Take care, and enjoy the sunny weather.
26 Jun, 2010
I ahven't been around much meself Richard so wasn't aware that you had been absent.
Sorry to hear about your mishap and hope you're on your way to a speedy recovery. Sometimes, it's someone's way of saying slow down.....and if you can get pampered and the work done for you for a while, well.......MILK IT BOY, MILK IT!!
Hope you're soon on the mend and back out doing what you do best:o)))
26 Jun, 2010
Hope they who are doing all the running about don't over feed you, don't forget your not to put any weight on your leg lol joking aside hope all is well hope it mends too, you would get bored to death, if they kept waiting on you with nothing to do, take it from me, nothing worse in life than being bored. I ve ticked I like as I like to see you are back, was wondering where you had got to.
26 Jun, 2010
Welcome back Richard. Sorry to hear about your accident.I wish you a speedy recovery. We know you are full of good ideas and your foresight in building raised beds will be a blessing. As Sixpence says boredom will soon set in and getting back to normal will be your priority as soon as the kindnesses start to pall. My son in law was mowed down by a motorist who had had a heart attack. He was home in a week with two broken legs and a zimmer. The Plastic Surgeons did a great job on his face. He drove us all mad by insisting on going back to work. Just to get him over the front doorstep was a nightmare because he had to sit on a chair and swing round to lower himself on to the lower level. His mum suggested we take a bed in to work as they were very disabled accessible. Keep smiling and take care of those lovely people around you.
26 Jun, 2010
welcome back and take it easy,love chris
27 Jun, 2010
Sorry to hear of your accident. It must have been frightening for you. I hope you'll regain your full mobility soon. I was wondering where you were.
27 Jun, 2010
sorry to hear Richard-- hope your cast doesn't itch too much in this hot weather !--- did you end up in the 'Royal'
27 Jun, 2010
Hi Richard, I wondered if you'd gone on a long holiday ! So sorry to hear of your fall, do exactly as the physio says and don't try to run before you can walk, if you see what I mean ! Enjoy the sights and sounds in your garden.
27 Jun, 2010
Welcome back! Yes, Gardens have their dangers, but there is nowhere like them to relax in and feel a whole lot better, quickly. Don't overdo it!
27 Jun, 2010
Thanks everyone for your good wishes and kind comments I really appreciate it. I am taking it easy at the moment but am eager to get mobile again-I realise that this may take some time though. Yes PamG I did go to the 'Royal' and the staff there were very nice. I did not have a cast as when you break a femur they insert a rod into your thigh now as the norm. They use a cast for children though. Sorry to hear about your son-in-law Scotsgran.
27 Jun, 2010
Ouch, you must be careful so that you heal OK. You'll have to sit in your garden with your leg up, advising the family what to do!! :o)
27 Jun, 2010
I have my leg up at the moment Potty (both of them) but I am not in the garden as it is too hot today I may go out later tho' when it cools down :-)
27 Jun, 2010
oh what a shame, hope you recover quickly. do every thing you are told mind:o)
and dont you dare milk it as suggested by 'a very naughty boy'.
I too thought you were away on hols. So sorry you had a stay in hospital.
27 Jun, 2010
So sorry,to hear of your accident,Richard,and I wondered where you were too.Glad you are back home,and that all progresses well for you.I bet you are bored and frustrated,not being able to do things in your garden.You may be posting and blogging a bit more,Richard,at least it will pass some time on for you.Its nice you have a good Family to help you out...Anyone peeled you a grape yet??..Don't push your luck!!!..take care....
27 Jun, 2010
What a time you have had poor you hope its getting easier now? dont try to run etc!!!! xxx
27 Jun, 2010
Richard ... poor you! Very painful fall ... hope you are over the worst. You take things easy now.
27 Jun, 2010
He is fine now and as you say no plaster casts. He has so many bits of metal in his legs that although they would normally be removed after healing is complete he will have to keep his. The reason behind the no plaster cast is because the muscles in the legs under plaster deteriorate very quickly and hinder rehabilitation and also necessitate a lot of physiotherapy to get the patient mobile again. How did you manage to break your femur while gardening. None of the Health & Safety ads mention this kind of accident. Take care. Your planting in the rhones spurred me to plant my lettuce in my wall tubs and they were growing like mad before we went away last week. They seem to have shot and will need to be replanted. I think I forgot to add water retaining crystals before I planted them. I just potted on the living salad from Lidl and they looked great in the pots, being a lot of different varieties. Get better soon and keep us up to date with projects we can all do.
27 Jun, 2010
Thanks SBG-I should have been on hols but we had to cancel them-anyway we had our money back and can go later.
No peeled grapes yet Bloomer but I am being well looked after ;-)
No chance of running yet drc....lol
Thanks Flufff things are getting better now slowly.
Thanks for the update on your son-in law Scotsgran. I fell over the leg of a chair and came down with a thud on the decking. I had to be stretchered thro' our garage!Lucky for me there was someone home as it started to pour down with rain and my son had to hold a brolly over me while I waited for the ambulance- as I couldn't move!
27 Jun, 2010
Ouch! How many times have you been told to take more water with it?! Lol!
27 Jun, 2010
you were lucky Richard I hate to think of you lying there in the rain...
27 Jun, 2010
Take it easy Richard and just let them all spoil you.
27 Jun, 2010
Thanks fluff that's all I can have now water, tea etc as I am on antibiotics......bah !
Thank you Pam lucky there was someone here :-)
I will Khayla I'll make the most of it as it won't last....lol :-)
27 Jun, 2010
hi richard oh dear what you like, not fit to be let loose my friend, so glad your home now and being taken care of by your lovely family, have they suplied you with a bell lol, you take care and dont rush into anything, just enjoy watching everyone else do it all ;o)))
27 Jun, 2010
Never mind Richard ... think of it as a detox! For goodness sake take it easy now & supervise from your chair! :o)
27 Jun, 2010
Thanks Sandra -work fascinates me at the moment I can sit and watch it all day...lol they have not given me a bell yet though ;-)
I enjoy supervising Fluff I can recommend it ;-)
27 Jun, 2010
Hi Richard wondered where you where, nice to have you back, hope you feeling well soon. xx
27 Jun, 2010
Thanks Carol, I am feeling better. I am home now in Leicestershire I came home from hospital on Friday after being in for two weeks :-)
27 Jun, 2010
Hello my friend~you have been much missed by us all! Am so sorry to hear of your accident, and so easily done too~hope you take it steady and give yourself time to heal.......sending healing thoughts through cyberspace to you Rich, it's good to have you back with us here on Goy :~))x
27 Jun, 2010
welcome back Richard, sorry to hear about your accident. hope you have a speedy recovery
28 Jun, 2010
Thanks Flori I am taking it easy thanks for sending me healing thoughts ;-)
Thanks Irish I appreciate your kind words :-)
28 Jun, 2010
o poor you sorry to hear that, wondered were u were lol . get well soon . u soon b jumping over the garden gate again haha. bu the way ,the garlic has grown lol but just 1 large glove as far as i can c , think it still taste ok tho. hows urs . hope they all taking gud care of u. x
28 Jun, 2010
Thanks Cristina the family are taking care of me and running around waiting on me. My garlic is starting to turn yelllow/ brown which is a sign that it shouldn't be too long before it is ready. Hope you get plenty of garlic bulbs too but I think yours will be a while yet as they haven't been in as long as mine have yet. Thanks for your good wishes Cristina-I appreciate your comments very much and hope you are well ;-) x
28 Jun, 2010
not too bad lol keep wacking my head on the hanging baskets tho not knoked any sence into it yet haha . bin in the lake district this weekend but really miss my garden wen away . u must have while in hos.garlic going brown now as well but dont think it split. so ur dates must b right . lol x
28 Jun, 2010
The lake district is beautiful Cristina-did you take any photos that you can show us while you were there? Careful with those hanging baskets you will have to put a sign on them to say 'danger hard-hat area'....lol ;-) x
29 Jun, 2010
haha yes i will lol .yes have taken pics will blog wen more time , we go sillcroft on a camp site .its very quiet 1 pub thats all pepple beach on the door step . bin bt 3 times now love it . going again sat till sun . take it easy u ok x
30 Jun, 2010
I am fine thanks Cristina -just nursing my broken leg :-)
Hope you have a good weekend at sillcroft and the weather stays fine for you. x
1 Jul, 2010
Glad to hear you are doing ok, Rich, hope that leg of yours heals quickly my friend, and you can get back into your garden again...... :~))x
1 Jul, 2010
Sorry to hear about your accident, Richard. Just discovered this blog! Hope you are feeling better now though. How long before you will be able to walk - more or less - properly?
I've been spending lots of time down on the allotment & things are coming on a pace! We've erected the greenhouse & now Gerry is trying to find some glass that will fit. I couldn't wait till all the glass was in & have put 3 growbags, with 2 plants in each, of the last tomatoes I had on my balcony.
You will now have time to write more blogs while giving your family instructions on the gardening!
Get well soon. :-)
1 Jul, 2010
Thanks Balcony and Flori. I am hobbling around on the zimmer frame but am starting to walk a little better now. It will be so useful to have a greenhouse for your tomatoes etc.-glad your allotment produce is coming along.
I have been out in the garden this afternoon -first time really since I fell down over 3 weeks ago. I have done some weeding, tied up the garlic which had all bent over, thrown away the radish in the recycle bin as it all went to seed. I also repaired the broken hose pipe with a connector and swept up some brown fatsia leaves. I took my camera out to take some pics of my pansies but the SD card was indoors so I'll try again tomorrow. My son has been looking after the garden mainly watering, and all the family are waiting on me-I could get used to it in no time!
1 Jul, 2010
Great to hear you are on the mend Richard.
1 Jul, 2010
Thanks Scotsgran I am getting around a little better now but can't wait until I am fully mobile again ;-)
1 Jul, 2010
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3 Apr, 2010
Oh Richard, hope your recovery goes on well. What a nasty thing to happen. Take care of yourself, and of those running round after you!
At least now you have the best excuse for sitting in your garden and just enjoying it, leave the work for a bit, lol.
26 Jun, 2010