My newest hypertufa project.
By rogi
Hi all. As some of you may know I like making things out of hypertufa after seeing one of our members showing us some of the things he made…he sure gave me the bug…and when I have time I think of new things to make….here is my latest….a planter… I will show photo´s from start to finish where the planter is provisionaly planted….
The first step was to get all the ingrediants ready…..Portland cement, sand, peat and water….and also the mould…that is the brown plastic planter…
The next step was to mix the ingrediants….I use 3 parts portland cement, 2 parts peat and one part sand…..other people use other quantities…but up to now I have had the best results with that,….mix it up until it is like bread dough…or when you make a ball with it it stays in shape…but don´t forget to use rubber gloves and wear some sort of eye protection as the dry cement can be harmful to your skin and eyes….so after mixing it I started to form it round the plastic planter…putting sticks in to form drainage holes…
After forming it as I wanted I added some pebbles…to give it a different structure….then I left it for an hour or so just to dry off a bit….then I wetted it with water in a sprayer….covered it up with the plastic sheeting and then left it for 36 hours to let it cure, then I watered it again and once more covered it up..that I did a couple of time to let it cure properly…
Then it looked like that….
Here it is waiting to be the way…from making the mixture until this stage 5 days have gone by..
…and here is the finished planter with some geraniums put in just to show you the finished object…
….where it will eventualy be put I have no idea…maybe I will sell it on ebay…because one thing is for sure…nobody else has got a planter like that…all hand made and unique….
14 Aug, 2012
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Very rewarding - maybe you will inspire some of us to actually have a go instead of just thinking about it!
14 Aug, 2012
Yes steragram...why don´t you try is not difficult...and if it doesn´t work out...never mind, but this one was a bit of a suprise as far as the shape was side is much thicker than the one side a very wide "brim", but that is the beauty of it....and as I said...nobody will have anything like it as get that bucket out...with the sand, cement etc...and give it a try..
15 Aug, 2012
That's an interesting mix Rogi. I need some water trays for my thirty plants, maybe I can do it this way?
15 Aug, 2012
Maybe I will one of these days? Are they heavy? something weighty might be useful round here with all the high winds we get.
15 Aug, 2012
Lol Rogi....have you thought about the postage on eBay?
You'll have to put pick up only, that's if anyone can pick it up....:)))
25 Aug, 2012
@ Janey...actually it is not very heavy....about 5 Kgs...I reckon...and also as far as postage is concerned for ebay...where I work I get very cheap postal
26 Aug, 2012
That's great then....have you sold it?
26 Aug, 2012
Interesting project
2 Dec, 2012
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Excellent :o)
14 Aug, 2012