Heres one for you Libet.
By rose1949
Having had conversations the other day about this poor summer and not having much to show or write about i decided to have a slow walk around the garden and see how the garden was doing.Expecting to see sulking plants (no sun)or totally flat ones(rain) i got a lovely surprise which i would like to share with you.
This blue agapanthus has recently flowered to my amazement as i lost most of them in the severe winter,the ones that survived didn’t flower this year, so i’m really fussy with this one.
This is the best i have ever seen it.It is a perrenial i have had for a few years now but have lost the label ,so have put a close up on as well in case any of you clever gardeners know what it is.Its not from the rudbeckia family and i remember it has an unusual name.
Hubbies pride and joy.Water lilies don’t always do very well because of all the trees which shade our garden ,so he was real excited when he saw this.
These echinaceas have excelled this year. Perhaps this strange summer we are having agrees with them!
Do you know , these phloxes are amazing this year.They definitely like the weather even if we don’t!
Choisya sundance has just started to flower. Aren’t they pretty flowers.
I love these white anemones , they really brighten up the border especially on a dull day and can always be relied upon to make a good show, and the bonus is they clump up very quickly so they can be divided to make more.I love being a gardener even on a bad day there is always something in the garden to cheer us up.
….and you can always rely on the rudbeckia. This is annual Rustic dwarf but why its called that , i’ll never know as it is never small!
Leycesteria Formosa ( Flowering nutmeg) I have had these in the garden for many years and this one self set from the mum ,and decided to leave where it is. They don’t like being moved about much.I suppose you could call it a perrenial shrub as it dies down every winter.
Bonica.My most favourite rose of all .It never lets you down and flowers and flowers all summer.
The Times.Hubbies favourite rose is another one that keeps on going whatever the weather but unfortunately doesn’t have much scent.
Where would we be without cosmos! Ignore my weeding bucket in the background,lol!
This is a new form of Thalictrum(meadow rue) which i bought from Tatton Park RHS show.Very dainty isn’t it.
A few of my Heucheras.
This is a new little area i’ve just done.
Just thought i’d slip this one in. Pretty cyclamen.
Houttuynia Cordata " chameylon"that’s a mouthful isn’t it! A bog garden plant which creeps along the edge of the bog garden
Crocosmia has just come into flower after i moved it in May (i know i shouldn’t have!) with coreopsis sunrise underneath it.
We’ve just nipped next door to my allotment to show you how my dahlias are coming on and if you look carefully you can just see the “knee high” sweet peas in flower now .
I’ll cut you some ,shall I! Thankyou for taking the time to look at my pictures.Hope you enjoyed them and haven’t nodded off with it being such a long blog again. I don’t seem to be able to do short ones!Happy gardening.
14 Aug, 2011
Previous post: 2 days of sunshine!
Next post: The pumps on the move again Libet!
looks as if the sun is shining in your garden with all those lovely bright colous.
14 Aug, 2011
My you 2 were quick, i'd finished the blog and hubby and i had late snack of tea and scones (bit naughty,i know) when you replied Thanks for your comments, and before you say it Stickie, no jam on the scone!
14 Aug, 2011
oooh very healthy rose!!
14 Aug, 2011
you know what they say, a little of what you fancy does you good!!! says she tucking into a bar of choccy
14 Aug, 2011
Thanks Stickie.
14 Aug, 2011
dont blame you numbty.
14 Aug, 2011
Thanks Numbty, but if you knew about my jam making you wouldn't say that!
14 Aug, 2011
Love the Agapanthus and those Phlox are so pretty . . . . .
14 Aug, 2011
Beautiful plants,Rose,and so packed with is really lovely..I have just shared a Snickers bar with OH..well,it is Sunday..a day of leisure and pleasure...:o))
14 Aug, 2011
Stop mentioning food! lol! . . . . .
14 Aug, 2011
Lovely blog Rose, you have some lovely plants, we seem to have waited a long time between the spring and summer flowers but its been well worth it....
14 Aug, 2011
I just knew you would comment about that,Shirley !Lol.
I have a spare shoe box..shall I send you some? :o)))
14 Aug, 2011
It's ok, Sandra, I've just eaten a bowl of cereal! .... I know it's 9pm but no chocolate shall be eaten ... lol!
14 Aug, 2011
Great blog Rose, lovely photos, and could the yellow flower be a Coreopsis ?
14 Aug, 2011
You are such a good girl,Shirley..I'm proud of you,my girl ..:o)
14 Aug, 2011
You have a beautiful garden--and an allotment too!! When do you find the time to do it all!! It looks so tidy, and puts mine to shame. You have some beautiful plants. That flower looks like a type of sunflower, because the leaves are just like some I have. It's a perennial sunflower, and spreads like mad. I don't think yours is the same as mine, but it could still be a helianthus (sunflower) of some sort. Perhaps you could look it up by pressing the H tab at the bottom of the page, or going on the net. Hope this helps, but I'm probably totally wrong. Annie
14 Aug, 2011
Och! Thank you so much Rose! I'm all chuffed! xx. This is a lovely surprise!!:0) Aren't they all lovely plants, and great pics too! That agapanthus is a beauty, such a beautiful colour, it's the ones that lose their leaves in winter that are supposed to be hardier, is that right? The echinacea and phlox are blooming away too! It'll be that blooming rain! Lol! You must give me some tips on growing phlox, I can never get them to clump up like yours! I initially thought that your yellow plant was a coreopsis, like Cinders said, but you mentioned a coreopsis in a later picture, and you said the wee plant had an unusual name, so it may be a wee sunflower as Annie says! I'm always losing labels as well, or thinking I'll never forget the name...yep! Me too! Lol! I will definitely have to be on the lookout for a Bonica rose, you're always singing it's praises, and it's just so beautiful as well! I'm very jealous of your lovely white anemones, years ago I planted what I was told was 'Honorine Jobert'...and it blossomed into dark pink! I still have it, it clashes horribly with 'Emberglow' crocosmia, but it's impossible to get rid of it! I'm sure you were really heartened by your lovely discoveries around your garden, I know I have been, Rose it's looking lovely and lush! I'm going to go for a prowl round tomorrow, see what's happening! Thank you Rose!x
14 Aug, 2011
Very interesting blog, looking at all last years seed pods on the cyclamen ready to open,mine usually open about a month before the flowers start,you being farther north look like they take that bit longer,you must have thousands there do you spread them around the garden.
15 Aug, 2011
Look very good your garden Rose, love the colours in your borders, the roses are lovely and everything looks fantastic it is amazing how the garden has managed without a lot of sunshine this year. We still have not had a lot of wet weather, cloudy but not a lot of rain. Off out to cut my grass in a little while what bit of rain we had last week has kept it growing and it is nice and green still only odd places where it is a bit brown. Hope you soon get some sunshine it keeps promising us some but we have had very little - this morning is the best morning for a long while. Really enjoyed the blog keep them coming. Regards - Barbara (oliveoil)
15 Aug, 2011
Fantastic lovely agapantha and that deep red rose is beautiful that was the colour mine was supposed to be!
15 Aug, 2011
Thanks Shirley and Bloomer for your comments.I think the phlox is one of my favourites , but i love them all.You're very generous with your choc. bar Bloomer, sharing it! Thanks so much Lincslass for your lovely comments.It means alot to know people enjoy looking at our garden.I sometimes wonder what i did in my spare time before Goy.Thankyou Cinderella ,i seem to think that the flower is probably from the inula family.I looked through all the perrenials as Annashby had suggested and it seemed to be the nearest to it.Thanks for that Ann and your kind comments. It is a full time job but i love it.Hallo bjs. i'm afraid i don't have anymore cyclamen apart from this one as (naughty ,i know) but i tend to forget its there,as its such a big garden. Thankyou Barbara for your lovely comments. I think the best of the summer is over now unless we get an indian summer!But as long as i can get outside i'm happy.We are getting bits of sunshine through the clouds.Nanad,what is your red rose called.Thankyou for your comments, its very much appreciated. Elizabeth, my friend,here we are again!I leave the flower heads on the agapanthus over winter as it makes a nice show when they are dried especially with a bit of frost on them on a sunny day.The leaves die down and these are the hardy ones,My white anemone was given to me by a friend as it was taking over her border and guess what,she lost the rest of them , so will have to split them and give her some back.Can't you just move your pink one to somewhere else in the garden?The bonica rose is one of the most reliable and pretty roses i have but it is not very fragrant.Have you looked at my roses blog yet.There's plenty of choice in that.Thanks once again all of you for your very kind comments .Speak to you soon Elizabeth.
15 Aug, 2011
So many lovely flowers in your garden Rose, thanks for showing us. Every time I see Bonica pictured I think "I must get that rose", now I REALLY must get it! Will it grow over an arch and/or up a trellis? :o))
15 Aug, 2011
Oh dear Lily! Have you still not decided on a rose for your arch!! Lol? Rose's Bonica is a cracker though isn't it! ;0)
15 Aug, 2011
Thanks Lily, but Bonica is a shrub rose and although it is not an untidy sprawling plant like some shrub roses ,it is quite large.If you want a scented climbing rose ,why don't you try New Dawn which constantly flowers and is perfumed.If you look on my blog "I know its July," you will see it.
16 Aug, 2011
Hi Rose...
fantastic set of photos... well done :o)
16 Aug, 2011
Thanks Terra ,I appreciate that.
17 Aug, 2011
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Lovely blog Rose, enjoyed it - keep on blogging!:)
14 Aug, 2011