especially for Libet,Scotsgran,Olive and Tulsalady.
By rose1949
For those of you who read my Aunty Molly’s little poem and requested her other one.she sadly passed away at the age of 93 and I received a copy of this poem from my cousin.It is not all in verse and its written of her memories of the 1920’s.
I will write it in separate parts as it is quite long and I know it is not about gardening at all but thought many of you would enjoy her memories of how it used to be.
Part One
Parents, five girls, five boys,
United by great love and care.
we had little money and fewer toys
than children have today.
Yet what we had , we learnt to share
Always ready to give things away.
The first five almost grown up
When the second five arrived,
in spite of which ,life was very grim
I’m amazed how we all survived.
Work was hard to come by,
Yet we were fed and clothed, neat and trim,
Clothes passed down from one to the other.
Father made bread to sell in the shop.
It went to the bakers in the next street,
Wheeled there on a hand cart by my oldest brother.
And for a treat I was given a ride,
A toddler sitting amongst tins of dough.
How I remember the joy of such rides.
such a simple thing gave me pleasure.
Mother made broth and sold it at the back door.
Marrow bone and vegetables cooking for hours,
A delicious aroma on a cold winters day.
Children came from down the side street
With jug and penny to buy a pint for their dinner.
Mother said “their mums were fickle, too lazy to cook”
But from the poorest of poor no pennies she ever took.
At weekends Mother was in her glory,
Making apple tarts and cakes to sell in the shop.
We young ones were roped in to help,
washing the baking things and greasing the patty tins.
We were all given jobs to do,
And Mother was never so delighted as when everything was sold,
and no cake was left for Sunday tea.
So we managed with extra jam and a biscuit.
“It doen’t hurt you to go without cake” says she.
My parents were good managers and Mother an excellent cook.
She made tasty meals out of very little,
And they were both as thrifty as could be.
They taught us how to save our pennies
So that the pounds could look after themselves.
And we learnt quite quickly never to waste a thing.
“A grocer lives on his losses” was my mothers war cry,And anything that didn’t sell was made into a tasty dish.
They worked so hard , yet they were so happy
And always counted their blessings.
I never heard them grumble at their lot.
They thanked God daily for what they had got.
25 Oct, 2011
Previous post: our garden in Autumn.
Next post: Aunty molly's poem Part two.
Lovely memories from Aunt Molly ...
.. wonderful verses :o)
25 Oct, 2011
Life was harder but in many ways, simpler.
25 Oct, 2011
Glad you all enjoyed it, i hope you have a lot of time and patience as there is alot more of that to come.Just let me know when you've had enough!
25 Oct, 2011
... bring it on ... lol
25 Oct, 2011
Thanks for posting Rose, I enjoyed it and look forwards to more of Aunt Molly`s memories...
25 Oct, 2011
Thanks Lincs lass and Sheilar.Next one tomorrow.
25 Oct, 2011
I try to live like that Rose. The secret is to treasure everything we have now. My allotment is the same ground as people used before Aunty Molly's time. There were allotments over acres of this land. People worked in the shoe factories, then after tea went to the allotment to grow vegetables, keep pigs and cows, to feed their families. They had come in from the country after the threshing machines were invented, and steam engines to pull the ploughs. They knew country ways. I often think of them as I work on my plot.
Thank you for the poem.
26 Oct, 2011
Great :o))) bring them on.
26 Oct, 2011
Thanks Dianebully,i wish more people thought like you did.I know it must have been hard, especially 12 in one house, but they all looked out for each other and looked after each other as well.Hubby and I try to live like that.Thanks stroller, hopefully more tomorrow,7 year old grandaughter permitting!
26 Oct, 2011
Hello Rose! That was lovely! She had a great way with words hadn't she?! It reminds me of my Granny's house, there were always people milling around, from about four generations, there wasn't a lot of money around, but she had plums, apples, blackcurrants, and raspberries, growing outside, so there were always tarts, bottled raspberries, jams...we always were fed and mightily entertained at Granny's house, it was bliss!...thank you for this Rose! Sorry, I'm so late! We're just back into the house there now, I'm going to look at part two now!
26 Oct, 2011
Lovely blog Rose, and yes, people did indeed work very hard indeed back then. I have recently written my story ( or snippets from same ) and that really made me realise just how hard my father had to work and the sheer volume of work he had to do. in fact the list was endless. Can't see todays folk doing that...
2 Nov, 2011
I was brought up with those values Rose and my parents used to say 'never a borrower or a lender be'. If you did not have it you did without and no moaning , there was no time to moan. And if you or a neighbour had too much it was given not lent. It brings back lots of memories and I wonder if the person who started Freecycle was also brought up with those values. I was amazed to discover what people give away on that website. I am very much looking forward to hearing the next few episodes. I have been busy lately so still catching up.
6 Nov, 2011
Thanks Elizabeth, Breda and Scots gran. I'm pleased you all enjoyed it.Sometimes my hubby says we were born in the wrong era as we often feel,inspite of the hardships ,people were much happier then.
6 Nov, 2011
That is true Rose. There were fewer pressures and we were fortunate that if you had a job it could be for life. Now the insecurity must be grim for young parents especially. I used to say to my OH 'we are bringing our children up to believe in values that no longer exist' but I am grateful to say that they have all turned out very well and have found friends and partners who share their values. Unfortunately you don't need to look very far to see an ever increasing number of lifes casualties. It is heart breaking.
6 Nov, 2011
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You have been busy Rose thank you for posting that, it really was a hard life they lived then, wonder what the moaning minnies would feel like if they had to do this today. Their lives are nowhere near as harsh as they were in those days, they were entrepreneurs in their own right. I look forward to the next instalment thank you.
25 Oct, 2011