our garden in Autumn.
By rose1949
I seemed to have been waiting ages for things to colour up this Autumn. Perhaps its because of the mild weather and lack of rain here.
This is sorbus cashmiriana , but it hasn’t coloured up well this year.
Amelanchier candensis with another sorbus behind it.Don’t know the name of this one as it came from a retired allotmentholder.
a small amelanchier
This is the view from upstairs ,sorry its a bit hazy, it was a bright sunny morning.
I tried again from the other bedroom,wich is only slightly better.Never mind,you can still see some colour.
My one and only large acer bought from a tree auction a few years ago for only £6.
Gleditsia Sunrise, living up to its name.
This is the view across the garden and my little old man is sitting there quite happily.He was a 40th birthday pressie from my friend many,many moons ago!
I think the Cornus brightens up the border this time of year.
And the roses are still flowering … This is Fragrant Cloud..
Graham thomas which i trained as a climber.
And as many of you know , my old favourite Bonica who has flowered constantly from early summer. There were many more in flower but as some of them are large shrub roses , I had to be hard and prune them back as strong winds are forecast and if not done could have the roots disturbed, which would weaken the plant.
Rudbeckia Rustic Dwarf is still flowering well and so are the geraniums…
Sorry, its a bit blurred.
And last but not least , my helpers. This is Minnie and Mickey,brother and sister.I think they are dicussing whether they should help or not……
…Well, maybe not!
Minnie just loves to sleep and Mickey keeps an eye on her as he likes to be my number one!
23 Oct, 2011
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Minnie and Mickey are looking happy...
they seem to like a supervisory rôle ...Lol.
Interesting to see your trees and shrubs.
You have some stunning roses :o)
23 Oct, 2011
Yes, lovely blog rose. I know what you mean about cats Hywel. I don't have one now but so adored my lovely 'Pod'. She used to sleep with my Maltese dogs.
23 Oct, 2011
Lovely blog Rose....you garden is beautiful :)
23 Oct, 2011
Lovely autumn blog Rose.
23 Oct, 2011
You have a lot of autumn colour Rose, well worth hanging out the windows and very much appreciated, lol.
Lovely non- helpers as well....
23 Oct, 2011
Rose, my garden has been the same....waiting ages for colour to start. It has happened now though....the first slight frost set it off. The cherry tree is positively glowing today. I must take a pic of it.
Your garden is so pretty and huge! What a wonderful view you have from upstairs...absolutely lovely...lucky you! I think you live in my ideal place! :)))
24 Oct, 2011
Thanks Hywel for your comments. Both cats love to sit on your knee , but absolutely hate to be picked up.Thanks Scottish,Sheilar and Ginellie for your lovely comments and for taking the time to look.Meadowland ,I think perhaps we need some frost as Karensusan said for them to colour up.We are still having very mild weather with S.W. winds.Terra ,both cats always follow me round the garden, even next door on to the allotment.Minnie just goes to sleep as usual and Mickey tries to get as close to me as possible and have to watch that I don't catch him when I'm digging.He is so jealous of Minnie and won't let her come near me or my hubby.Thanks lincslass for your comments.It is just starting to colour up a bit but has been late this year. Karensusan, I would love to see your cherry tree.It is lovely here and most of the time we feel very privileged to live here inspite of the fact we are isolated here being in the middle of allotments,with no neighbours.
24 Oct, 2011
Yes, as I said, ideal! :))))
24 Oct, 2011
Obviously you like the idea of no neighbours Karensusan!
24 Oct, 2011
Lovely Rose just lovely, such a lot of colour going on still, hope we keep getting this sunshine for a bit longer but after watching the forecast think maybe it will not be here for much longer. Enjoy while you can it is so pretty.
24 Oct, 2011
Yes Rose, you are right!
24 Oct, 2011
Ah ha! Found you pet! Lol! Isn't the garden looking lovely, Rose! Isn't your Acer a stunner, does it produce seeds? The Gleditsia is gorgeous too, I did have one, but it seemed to be very brittle, huge chunks would blow off in heavy wind, so I just took it out, it looked very odd at the end! Still, room for something else! Your roses are still looking lovely Rose, do you cut them to bring into the house, or do you leave them to look at and 'inhale' when you're outside? Lol! Your two kitties are the image of each other, aren't they? You'd know they were from the same litter! We used to have a cat that we would let outside, and she was fab company in the garden, she always slept under a wee umbrella shaped weeping Acer, it's only about 2ft high, and when I would have been clearing weeds or leaves out from under it she would pounce on my hand, no claws out, just tapping away at my hand with her wee fat paws, so cute! We can't let our two out now, there are too many buzzards about, and they have been seen taking rabbits and lambs, so I think they could manage a cat okay, only if they could get past the pawful of razor sharp claws! Mickey and Minnie are very lucky to live in such a beautiful garden, with such lovely owners!
25 Oct, 2011
Thanks Olive for your lovely comment. At the moment it is still fairly mild here but won't last much longer.My friend Elizabeth, I'm glad you enjoyed the blog. I don't get seeds from the acer, which is a pity. How are yours doing.I know its seems odd ,having so many roses, but I don't like to cut them very often, I just like to see them in the garden and once cut ,you have to wait for the next flush.Mickey and Minnie love it here.They follow me all over the garden and when i'm going to the gate to go out to the allotment, Mickey knows where I'm going and gets there before me!
25 Oct, 2011
Aww! Kitties just love the company ... sometimes! Other times it's just a case of standing at your feet with a wee disgruntled face as if to say 'so why are your two arms the one length? Fetch me a treat! Or turn the gas fire on!' Honestly, our calico, Chloe actually sits in the hearth while I light the gas and when it ignites into flame, with that big whoosh, she never even flinches! It makes me jump nearly everytime! Then, she warms her tummy, and races over to get cuddled down into my lap, before she cools down, it's lovely!
25 Oct, 2011
Our two always want to be on the same knee at the same time.They are twins and are jealous to death of each other.
26 Oct, 2011
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A lovely autumn blog. It's nice to see all the colours, and the helpers too :o) I love to see cats. I always want to pick them up lol
23 Oct, 2011