Aunty Molly's poem Part Four
By rose1949
I remember, i remember
Picnics near the sea.
We travelled by tram to the terminus,
Carrying buckets and spades and all our paraphernalia.
Happy as the day is long were we.
off the tram, “Who’s first to see Spurn Point?”
We rushed to the promenade and looked out to sea,
There to espy the lighthouse and trawlers waiting for the tide
In a long line at the mouth of the Humber,
Choppy waves, foam washed, splashing
Over the beach, and here the river so wide.
I remember how we raced along the Kingsway,
gardens of flowers and plants to admire.
“Who’s the first to see the boy with the leaking boot?”
Sad I was for the dear little boy out in all weathers
But soon to be forgotten in our many pleasures.
Then on we walked past golf links and sand dunes,
Past army camps and first world war trenches,
Until we came to our favourite place,
A grassy knoll, well sheltered, and a little pond
Leading to our own treasure island.
The grown-ups settled down to rest,
While we children,off with shoes and socks
Paddled in the cold sea water- Lily Fred and me-
Across to our island, treasures to find.
The water was too deep for me, came above my knees,
So fred gave me a piggy – back. He was always kind.
Thrift, Sea Lavender, shells and pebbles were our treasures.
Back on dry land for sandwiches and drink,
Our joy and glee spilling over to the brink.
Soldiers came to talk – could be to chat up Doreen and Minnie,
Then off like scared rabbits at the bugle call.
“Come to the cookhouse door boys, come to the cookhouse door”
We chanted this along with bugle as we played ball.
Doreen and Kathleen joined in games of hide and seek.
They lost me in the trenches , I was so small.
Too soon , tired but happy, it was time to go home.
I remember one time having a ride in pushchair with Eric
As we all rushed through a thunderstorm back to the tram.
There was nowhere to shelter.
Back home, my legs itching, covered with spots.
Mother blamed the sea water as she rubbed on ointment.
I think it was sand flies or gnats in the dunes,
But this never spoilt the wonderful day we had spent.
A decade later our little pond and treasure island had been extended and made into a large boating lake.
8 Nov, 2011
Previous post: Aunty Molly's poem Part Three
Next post: November in colour
Thanks Rose ... and Aunty Molly ...
I'm enjoying the stories ...
well-remembered with vivid descriptions :o)
8 Nov, 2011
Love it! Looking forward to reading more.
8 Nov, 2011
Ah the memories of lovely sand dunes - and the itching - lol.
I gave up on the housework decided to look here first Rose,
again really moving and lovely memories of how the children could be children and play safely without a lot of money and expensive electrical equipment. Think today the children are somehow missing out on that part of growing up. I think it is a shame they do not experience things like this. They seem to go off on more expensive holidays abroad and there can be no substitution for somewhere you have grown to love and return to year in year out. They would say boring today but to me it is something they are missing out on. After saying that I always took two youngest camping and never went back to the same place twice but they have such good memories of our camping holidays, hard work for me with all the driving to do and cooking and entertaining, hardly a holiday. lol. but we did see lots of beautiful places and fantastic scenery. Hopefully they will have these memories to look back on - somehow do not think they will put pen to paper though. Another thing which we do not do any more - SHAME!
Thanks for the verses they are really interesting such fabulous memories - made me want to go to Spurn Point a place I have never visited, ah well maybe one day.
9 Nov, 2011
Hubby and I often talk about this Olive , especially since all these electronic games have come out.The youngest grandaughter , when I asked what she would like from Father Christmas , said a computer or a mobile phone , and she's only 7!Other than that, it was just a purse, not much difference is there.Although she does like to go to Cleethorpes for a day out with us and loves the sand pit and little steam train which takes you round the sea front and the eldest also loves to go on caravan holidays.
9 Nov, 2011
We used to go to Cleethorpes quite a lot a few years ago now Rose, but it was not for the seaside, we used to take our youngest there to train for swimming, she trained and swam for CADS club. The Swimming Coach she had at Lincoln coached there and we went with him to train with him there made some really good friends over there, in fact I still miss them all. Don't see them now but still have good memories of lots of hectic training sessions and fantastic swimming competitions with them all. Eh we also had fantastic fish and chips there too, which was probably the best out of all of it. lol. only kidding.
9 Nov, 2011
Lovely to remember times like that. Childhood memories can be so vivid, and bring lots of pleasure .
10 Nov, 2011
Thanks Sheilar and Terra for reading them all .I'm so glad you enjoyed them.That was all the poems from her childhood , but she did another about her parents shop and her life because of it , which if you are interested I will put on.Thanks Dywliss and Hywell , so there may be more to come.I would just like to say that writing these poems has brought a lot of lovely memories back to me of my lovely Aunty Molly and Lily my Mum .I wonder if I would have appreciated these poems when I was young! Thanks once again Olive and there still are great fish n chips in Cleethorpes.
10 Nov, 2011
That's a lovely poem, Rose, it was very sweet to read about her days as a youngster, with your Mum, I agree about the little ones not getting out and about in the fresh air, but then again, you have to keep an eye on them, if you can get them out at all! It's a least your littlest grandchild loves playing in the train room with her Grandpa, lots at her age would be welded to the nearest tv!
12 Nov, 2011
I've really enjoyed reading these poems again Elizabeth and I bet Keith wishes he was playing in the train room!
13 Nov, 2011
You're dead right, Rose, pet!!
14 Nov, 2011
More happy memories and some more recent ones too. My daughter brings her children up for a fortnight before Daddy gets his holidays and then he comes up and they all go off to a holiday let and to do some sailing somewhere. It is visits to the beach everyday if the weather is nice. Sand castles and gritty sandwiches washed down with coffee from a flask. We are lucky to still have beaches which are not commercialised as yet. We also have nice country parks where she can teach them about the life of the trees in the wood and all the animals who live there. Then it is home to bed and stories out of our imaginations relating what has been done or learned during the day. We are lucky we have been able to turn the clock back to relive all those happy times. The only difference is we go by car. Thank you Rose I hope there is lots more to read.
21 Dec, 2011
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Another lovely blog Rose ... ah what memories ...
8 Nov, 2011