November in colour
By rose1949
I thought I would get out in the garden inspite of the dismal weather and I’m so pleased I did.
I can’t believe that these dahlias are still flowering making the garden seem more cheerful.
Mahonia Charity just coming into flower.
The large acer is showing more colour now.
Sexy Rexy is in flower again and so are the antirrhinums…
The silver birch is showing its colour now.
I think this one is Trumpeter and has flowered continuously all summer and autumn.
This begonia is still going strong and I haven’t the heart to take it down.
I’m going to take a short walk to the embankment garden at the back and main entrance to our home as after many years working on this garden it now is starting to come together.
Looking across the car park to the allotment side is a beautiful tree and I wonder if any of you could tell me what this is.
Going back into the garden now , passing under the ivy over the gate .Each year I try to keep it under control , but it seems to come back ,stronger , so I might as well accept that it is determined to stay and enjoy it!
I shouldn’t complain as it is a good hiding and nesting place for the birds.The blackies especially love it and the babies are always born here.
These are the only two pyracanthas with berries left on now.The birds have had a really good feast of them this year.
Even my bay tree has berries this year and the Viburnham Tinus which has flowered well this year will soon produce its blue berries.
I think I’ll take you to the allotment next door to see what is flowering there, or should I say Mickey will take us!
Cosmos still flowering..
Cerinthe just starting again …
Achillea which just goes on and on….
I think I’ll take some chrysanths back for the house…
And for those of you that may remember the French Marigolds in the greenhouse which grew and grew,well they are still growing even after I cut them right back.
I’m so pleased I came outside ,this was much better than ironing and I hope you enjoyed it too.Sorry it was so long again.
9 Nov, 2011
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Lovely - definitely better than ironing (weeding is better than ironing!!) lol
9 Nov, 2011
i was just going to say the same as sheila! what a lot of flowers you still have out ~ thats amazing.
9 Nov, 2011
Rose your garden and allotment are lovely to see, its a real tonic for us to still see so many flowers and you have lots of trees and shrubs looking great with their berries and the autumn colours as well...
9 Nov, 2011
Thoroughly enjoyed that walk with you & its lovely to see you still have pretty colour in the garden to enjoy, even if you are slipping towards the colder winter month .... it will make the winter seem a little shorter, I am sure.
9 Nov, 2011
I'm so pleased to see your lovely cerinthe, Rose. Isn't it lovely and so graceful? Last year I pulled up all of ours that had seeded themselves in the wrong places, like the lawn, and this year there have been none! Just as I found out what they were and decided I liked them after all.
It broke my heart to do it, but I had to clear out my beautiful double trailing begonias a week ago while they were still flowering. Don't yours still look wonderful? I love our giant ivy - it looks just like yours - but our neighbour doesn't. He and his wife came round last week with lots of meaningful suggestions about killing it with boiling water and salt poured onto the roots. Maybe I can pretend I didn't understand his accent. ;o)
9 Nov, 2011
It's good to see everything you've still got flowering in the garden. They're all enjoying the mild autumn. And it was nice to have Mickey as our guide :o)
10 Nov, 2011
Hello Rose I loved that blog, lovely colour still in your garden, that ivy is magnificent, I have lots growing in the hedgerows too it can be annoying if it gets overpowering, but as you say all the birds love to nest in it and it is good to see it through the winter months. Thanks for the lovely walk, I have been out tidying up round my fish pond, it was ready for the clear out, mainly the dying leaves of three big hostas and they had started to tumble over into the pond so had to remove them. Lovely day, damp and cloudy but still very mild for November. Hope it keeps on like this. Thanks again for your lovely blog.
10 Nov, 2011
Love the pic of the Rose and Mahonia ... amazing for early November ... :o)))
10 Nov, 2011
Such a lovely blog. Nice pictures. I wish my was still in bloom like yours.
Luckily yesterday I noticed Morrisons near me had a load of primroses on sale and 30 of them came home and were all planted along the border.
(My latest blog)
10 Nov, 2011
I just realised that said blog is below this one in the list.
10 Nov, 2011
Thanks Terra , Lincs and Dywliss, Its amazing to see all this colour at this time of year and even now the latest forecast is that it is going to be turning milder again. Thanks Sheilar and Stickie , Ironing is to be done only on a rainy day. Thanks Gattina for your comments, cerinthe selfseeds all over so you never know, you might see them again. I can always send you over some seeds if you still want them.I don't think salt and boiling water will kill the ivy , in fact not much does, so I wouldn't worry too much.Thanks Hywell and shirley for your lovely comments.Mickey , as soon as he sees me going towards the gate ,he is there before me, with Minnie his sister straggling behind. Thanks Olive , I agree with you , the ivy is a godsend to our birds so is worth keeping.We still have our ponds to clear up , but we have got some big mesh screens this year which we were given and will cover the ponds (putting them on bricks so that pond life can get out)to stop the many leaves that fall in from all the beech trees.There is so many cleaning up jobs to do , so lets hope the dry weather continues. No problem Alextb.
10 Nov, 2011
Hello again Rose! My goodness you've been busy! That's so lovely that so many of your plants are still flowering and reflowering! Please could you save me some seed from your marigold in the greenhouse, it's a fab one, such a lovely soft colour,mine are all quite dark red and orange ones, with lots of small heads, if you would like some seeds, we could swop! They flower all summer long too, aren't they great value! I'm not sure because I can't see the leaf shape, but I think the tree you were asking about, might be a fastigiate hornbeam or beech, they grow up in that flame shape! Your chrysanthemum's are a fantastic colour, Rose, I'm not surprised you took some for the house, they're so cheerful, and the frost might get them soon, so make the most of them! Sorry pet! I'm rambling again! Your gardens looking so great Rose, it was really worth all that hard work!! Well done!
12 Nov, 2011
Oh, yes please, Rose, if you could save me some cerinthe seeds, I'd be very grateful. While digging over the vegetable beds ready for winter, I've noticed some little tiny seedlings that could be cerinthe, but it's far too late in the year for them to survive and flower.
No, I don't think salt and boiling water would kill the ivy either, and I've no intention of trying. We are sure that if we got rid of the ivy, the whole wall would fall down. Anyway, we love it, and until I've got a new, well established plant in another part of the garden, that's staying. What would the birds eat in winter?
13 Nov, 2011
It's lovely to see all of these Rose. November is the worst month of the year for me...I hate the dark, dismal, soggy, untidy, messy look and feel of it. I've been out today too, in spite of the horrid thick cloud we've had all day. I did lots of tidying up and raking leaves etc. and I felt better for it. Then I took the dog to the park and we rustled all the fallen leaves just for fun. You have loads of lovely colour in the garden....thanks for sharing!
13 Nov, 2011
Hallo my friend Elizabeth, and there am I checking my emails and I never thought to look for you here.I will gladly send you the seeds, but whether or not they will come true to seed is another matter. But we can but try.Thanks for your lovely comments and for telling me what the tree is.Gattina ,your seedlings should survive the winter , unless your winters are worse than ours , but I'll definitely save some seeds for you.Its amazing isn't it Karensusan that, no matter how nice the weather is out of season its always dull and damp in November.We haven't had a sunny day apart from a few hours just lately.Its nice that you have a park to walk round.Glad you enjoyed the blog, thanks.
13 Nov, 2011
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That's a wonderful blog, Rose....
... lots going on in your garden in November... :o)
9 Nov, 2011