Men and their clothes!
By rose1949
This is just a silly little blog about our dear hubbies. I had a chat to a goy member the other day about her hubby wearing an old coat with string round it for gardening in, also a very baggy jumper which he won’t part with!
My hubby has a grotty cardigan which he refuses to let me throw out as he says is comfy in. It has wood and paint stain on it and has gone all bobbly.
Do any of you goy members have a hubby like this?
Lets hear about them. I can’t believe there isn’t any more out there!
16 Jun, 2012
Previous post: Let me take you to Saklikent to see the famous gorge..
Next post: In between the showers in late June.
If husbands wore brand new clothes for gardening in, they would get told off. We just can't win!
16 Jun, 2012
Mine won't part with any old clothes either,Rose..and I'm almost as bad..always thinking,they will do for the garden,painting..or round the house..and usually they do at some point,years later !.WishI had as many to go out in..:o)
16 Jun, 2012
Why do women think they know anything at all about men's clothes ? .... they don't .
I only wear old things in the garden. I can't afford to ruin good clothes.
And don't tell me about men. Beryl wears the same things all the time. She will buy something new, and then never put it on ... pointless :o(
16 Jun, 2012
On dear started something here - lol. Isn't that what chimmeas are for? - not burning our OH just the old baggy jumpers etc. If I try to get rid of one of my Oh's old jumpers my whole family gang up on me and they get rescued.
16 Jun, 2012
Oops, I sure started something here, didn't I! I must admit, I do have my favourite old clothes that I wear for gardening like you Scottish and Bloomer. No, Andrewr, you can't win! Lol. Thankyou Snoopdog, what a lovely thing to say , or is your better half stood right behind you as you are writing this! Hywel, well what can I say! We don't!
Thanks Kfunsters , I'm glad I'm not on my own here!
16 Jun, 2012 OH is funny with clothes. If he gets anything new, he keeps it about 2 years before wearing it! And he wears this pair if joggies that he's had for about 20 years. The other day he said "I think I may have to get some new jogging bottoms" so I answered in my best sarcastic tone.."?really? I reckon there's another 5 years at least in them (you should see them ladies, my oh my!) and needless to say, he hasn't put them in the bin yet! lol.
16 Jun, 2012
I have far worse gardening clothes than my OH - jeans and t-shirts covered in paint, creosote, grass stains, mud, full of holes and incredibly baggy and comfy. OH has the infuriating habit of coming home in his relatively clean, intact, newish and very-nearly-smart outfit, and starting the gardening without changing into one of the gloriously disreputable outfits set aside for that very purpose. Shouting matches are useless - he was born that way.
16 Jun, 2012
She has had them a long time,Snoop ! ..or maybe not..a lot of grass where she lives :o))
17 Jun, 2012
I love scruffing around in the garden! I've got an old black fleece that belonged to my son - it's got holes in both pockets which I always tell myself I'm going to sew up, but it is sooo comfortable and cosy (and I'm still wearing it even though it's June!) And I wear an old pair of jodhpur boots that were my daughter's in a previous life! I'm sure they both help me garden better!
17 Jun, 2012
Hey, Snoopdog - fun and grass stains aren't just the prerogative of the young, you know!
Actually, I lost my balance trying to get up from weeding the border with a numb leg and fell over backwards onto my bum! But don't tell anyone! You're right, Bloomer - LOADS of grass :-)
17 Jun, 2012
What's with all the new avatars, folks?
17 Jun, 2012
Perhaps you should "accidently" lose them Karen, or is that a fate worse than death! Lol.
Too much information Gattina!
Its a good job you don't put anything in your pockets all the time Mel! My hubby laughs at me as my work pockets are usually full of nails ,wire or string, not exactly feminine , is it!
17 Jun, 2012
Blame it on LilCrawford, Mel - she's been bullying us and telling us to get our real selves out there as avatar pictures. Huh! Have you seen her latest?
17 Jun, 2012
Ooh , is there a cat lurking out there Gattina! Lol.
17 Jun, 2012
No, I haven't, Gattina, but I'm very impressed by you!! Not your gardening clothes, then!!!
17 Jun, 2012
Unfortunately, Rose, I DO put things in my pockets! (That's why I keep telling myself I'm going to sew them up!)
17 Jun, 2012
No, I haven't seen Lils new avatar, Gattina, but I don't understand ( sorry if I'm offending anyone) why, how we look makes a difference and why more people don't show their true selves. After all its whats inside thats important , not how they look! Well , perhaps you could go and sew them up , right now Mel!
17 Jun, 2012
Oh right Gattina, I have just looked at her avatar, I know what you mean now!
17 Jun, 2012
What I don't understand is why some women spend half an hour putting on their make-up just to go out to put something in the dustbin
17 Jun, 2012
It'll be that Orlando Bloom lookalike dustman, Andrew.. Had you not noticed?
17 Jun, 2012
Oh rose, you are naughty I've just come in from the garden and realised I was wearing my beloved crocs - how awful they actually are - I'll have to buy some new ones now - your fault!! lol.
17 Jun, 2012
Do you remember how Penelope Keith looked when she was gardening in 'The Good Life'......just like me in fact.......only kidding, I always wear the same old clothes and look a bit of a sight but then nobody can see me - I hope!
17 Jun, 2012
I too have a fleece, unwashed, except by the RAIN lol zip will not fasten, think it is the podge though not the zip. lol. sleeves are rolled up to stop them getting in the soil and I would not leave it off or swap it for another at all.
17 Jun, 2012
Mmmm - just another thing to mull over....One of these days I'll do it, I guess. (And to think, when my children were little I made most of their clothes!)
17 Jun, 2012
Sorry Kfunsters. What are crocs, by the way?
I think I'm the same Chris. We have some friends who remind me so much of the Good Life. We, hubby and I dress in our old clothes for working in. The friends are always dressed up to the nines, especially the woman.When they come to visit. My hair (its now curly) always looks a sight, especially if its wind blown. Hubby in his usual jumper. My friend, apart from looks is exactly like Margo and talks to her husband just like Margo does to Jerry. It is so funny to watch them , because here we are , not a care in the world and there she is , picking on him and all he does ( like Jerry) is raise his eyes to heaven and say "yes dear!"
I had a similar fleece barbara , the zip broken , but in the end I did throw it out as it was all the time blowing open.
Come on , Mel now, it will only take a few minutes!
17 Jun, 2012
17 Jun, 2012
Crocs are plastic clog type shoes, quite chunky and come in lots of different colours and they have holes in the top for ventilation. The holes in mine are Mickey mouse shaped :-)) they are very comfy.
17 Jun, 2012
I've got a 30 year old cardie that's going nowhere Rose, it's lop-sided stretched in every direction (pockets like rucksacks) pulled threads the lot. My it's comfy.. :)
22 Jun, 2012
I meant to say, thanks Kfunsters , but don't the insects ( ants etc. ) get into your feet!
Oh well, Pimpernel, it looks like we are all as bad as the men!
22 Jun, 2012
Lol...I am a Bloke Rose :)
22 Jun, 2012
ha ha have just damaged his street cred,Rose ! Lolol...
22 Jun, 2012
Street cred ? I didn't even have that 30 years ago when I got the cardie Bloomer....Haha lol
22 Jun, 2012
Why does that not surprise me,Pimms ? :o)
22 Jun, 2012
Oops! Sorry Pimpernel!
23 Jun, 2012
Good morning Rose.
I will get over it...well, I will if that Bloomer stops tormenting me about it. ;))
23 Jun, 2012
Nice to meet you too, officially! I'm glad I didn't shorten your name Pimpernel, Lol! Couldn't resist that!
23 Jun, 2012
Lol..I get called so many names her on GoY I get confused Rose. :))
23 Jun, 2012
well at least I won't be calling you a woman anymore Pimpernel! Lol.
23 Jun, 2012
Good job bloomer has no WIFI in her caravan.. LOL
23 Jun, 2012
Are you sure..........?
24 Jun, 2012
WIFI,Pimms..we didn't even have a wardrobe !!!...good job we were only there two problem..we shared with Grandson',not his clothes,although he was better dressed than me :o)) Showed me up when we were strutting our stuff on the dance floor ..what a little mover ! again,him ,not me :o)))
25 Jun, 2012
Sounds like you had fun Bloomer.
26 Jun, 2012
Great fun,Rose..not easy trying to keep up with a two year old ! Lol.
26 Jun, 2012
Hi Rose, I'm saying nothing about my sartorial elegance, but will spill the beans on my Dad. He has TWO new 'gardening' jackets in his wardrobe and my Mum reckons it's because he's left 'em to me in his will!
(Now I get the Pimp 'Girlie' 30 year old jumper quips!)
A really good blog Rose, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading it ;-))
2 Jul, 2012
My FIL had a second-best cementing hat (he had a "best" cementing hat as well!)
2 Jul, 2012
LOL! ;-))
2 Jul, 2012
Thanks Muddy, glad you enjoyed it. Mel, what on earth is a cementing hat!
2 Jul, 2012
Do you remember that John Smith's beer advert, where Arkwright's missus could tell where he was by which hat was missing off the pegs. 'He's gone fishing - his fishing hat's not here' and he'd be in the pub wearing his fishing hat! . . lol :-))
2 Jul, 2012
Oh,Lol..Muddy..I loved those ads..old ones were the best :o))
2 Jul, 2012
Oh I`ve had a giggle here, I`m afraid both of us are the same, we both have scruffs, donkeys years old for working in, neither of us like to part with things, its a case of it`ll do for dirty jobs, the airing cupboard is full of raggedy clothes, lol, as for the new clothes then we are also guilty of buying new and then popping them in the wardrobe for a special occasion or they have been worn only once, trouble is I`ve lost that much weight I`m now having to buy new as the others are all too big now, I do however like my working shoes and use them all the time until they go in the bin, hubby waits until he burns his feet when standing on his cigarette ends, then allows me to dump them....
2 Jul, 2012
Hi there Rose! Well now, a cementing hat is one you wear to do your cementing in!!! (He wasn't a gardener - he repaired walls, and fixed the back yard, and etc. etc. etc.....!)
2 Jul, 2012
Maybe that's what I need to encourage me to get on with the pointing...A cementing hat !
2 Jul, 2012
Nothing like it! Lololol!!!
2 Jul, 2012
Pimpernel - I reckon you need an old pair of winkle pickers for doing the pointing
2 Jul, 2012
Well, I would never have thought of that Mel!!! Hehee!
I don't know why I can't remember this advert, Muddy, must be old age creeping up , after all I will be 63 this month!
I'm just the same Lincs. I have just had to throw my poor old gardening shoes out after , ooer , old age again, probably 12 years! Hubby will often say to me when we're out, why don't you buy yourself some new shoes. Whats my answer.." Why would I need new shoes when I've got my old faithfuls" Looks like I'm going to have to get some now! New clothes are bought and put away for hols. or special occasions , which are few and far between, so I reckon all of us gardeners are the same!
3 Jul, 2012
Hi Rose, there's no excuse for not remembering these days when we have . . . da da da dah! . . YouTube. 'Arkwrights Caps' is the 5th one into this collection. Enjoy ;-))
3 Jul, 2012
I have just watched it,Muddy...all of it,and Peter Kay as well ! LOl..just great..we never got those first ones in Yorkshire,would you believe,and it was our beer too ! a first for me..loved the dog doing tricks at the bar :o) thanks..just what I needed,a good chuckle :o)
3 Jul, 2012
I will have to watch this as well Muddy.
3 Jul, 2012
Just remembered , ( without watching it) Its Open all hours, isn't it. I used to like that.
3 Jul, 2012
No Rose, it's a beer advert. But you've just mentioned the only other Arkwright that I've ever heard of . . . and I used to like that programme too ;-))
3 Jul, 2012
It's worth watching, Rose! ( And "Arkwright" meant "Open All Hours" to me, too!)
3 Jul, 2012
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I don't have a hubby like that Rose...but I have an old fleece that I use in the garden. Covered in paint stains, holes in the pockets and the zip is just about done. It's comfy so it stays!! Don't get on at him - mine practically walks to the washing machine itself sometimes :))
16 Jun, 2012