Part 3 of the new garden.
By rose1949
I think I will continue by showing you the wide empty space in the recess of the bungalow. One side , which is the adjoining side of our neighbours faces west and the east behind, so the second arbour seat was placed there and as I dug up every single rhody including the very large one which was a family present to Rick my hubby 7 years ago, was a perfect place to site them. The only thing was that they all have to go in pots now ! The large one had roots so big that it wouldn’t even fit into the largest pot you could buy, so gritting my teeth and saying a little prayer, chopped some of these roots off ! It actually took me an hour to get it out of the ground and into the pot and if my hubby had seen me doing this, would have had a heart attack ! hahaa! Its amazing what you can do when determined enough and no way was I going to leave this one for those awful people to get ! You would have thought that most of these would have sulked for a while, but did the exact opposite and flowered and flowered. Most of them were already in bud , so was taking a big chance !
As you can see, there are plenty of plants still waiting to go into the garden !
As you walk up to this corner , there are two little steps, which I always seemed to trip over , so thought it would be a good idea to have pots…..
This corner still looked quite bare , so moved the bird table, added the table and chairs and put more pots of evergreens at the end near the window ….
I just wanted to show you a close up of some of the petunias in pots. I have them all round the garden, some single, some double and all ( would you believe it ) were collected from in between the paving around the front bay! I was weeding round there one day and realised they had set seed from a hanging basket which must have been there ! I just carefully lifted them out with a small knife and put them in small pots. I can only think that because of the long hot July, they just grew , and grew !
Of course the finishing touches to this area had to be the two geese , which were a present from years ago from my son and daughter-in-law.
The bottom part of the back garden , I thought would have been easy, but , like everything else, was not ! Twitch, and nettles seemed to have taken over, not to mentioned all the bricks I dug out. I shaped the border , not taking too much grass ! As you know Rick likes to see a lawn ! hahaa! I had brought my little Bramley apple tree ( in blossom, I might add!) and put that in the corner near the garage, This border faces south. After this, a Ballerina rose , I had actually thought had died while we were away, went in and now is thriving, followed by all the Rudbeckias Rustic Dwarf I still had in plugs and Gazinias. I then bought some Osteospermums.
All the Heucheras which I had brought with us were placed around all the borders and the Phlox, a red one just grew and flowered all summer. Its been glorious and is STILL flowering ! The apple tree sulked for a while, but has now picked up and has decided to blossom AGAIN !
The rudbeckias have never stopped flowering ! I just love them !
I will continue my last blog later showing the other borders , including a tiny nonentity of a border. I hope you have all enjoyed this one too !
Just a last word, did any one notice that our neighbours erected a conservatory while all this was going on ! It wasn’t there when we were away , but was when we got back, complete with new fence !
15 Sep, 2013
Previous post: Part two of the work done at the new garden.
Next post: Part 4 of the new garden.
You will be needing another holiday soon lol. It is all looking wonderful. People will tell you how lucky you are to enjoy such a beautiful home and garden. You must tell them how rewarding all that effort has been. I'm so pleased for you both.
15 Sep, 2013
Oh wow Rose. What a difference, nothing like what you started with. Looks lovely. Made me laugh you building the wall with all those bricks you found. (Very professional looking too)! I found masses of stones in our garden with which I built lots of little dry stones walls, pathways etc! All looks lovely. Well done.
15 Sep, 2013
Oh my! That looks gorgeous pretty and colourful. I sighed a heavy sigh when you said you dug out every Rhody. I have only taken two out. I am really worried about taking my favourite Ebony's so lovely but unless I can see something to replace it, it will leave a massive hole! Although, now I've seen yours I am thinking I might just haul it out anyway as I love it so much, and it's not easy to source......hmmmm....
It's amazing that you managed to get out all those seedlings from the pavement and grow them on successfully. What a boon!
Just looked around the I could get one of those two viburnums out...and swap it for that Ebony idea! Thanks Rose!! :))
15 Sep, 2013
If anybody has green fingers Rose, it is definitely you!
I love everything about your garden and am so very glad to hear that all your plants have done so well despite the upheaval.
You are a star my girl!
15 Sep, 2013
Hello again Karen, I thought I'd answer you first, DIG IT UP ! If you had seen how many plants , shrubs , perrenials, in fact anything that I definitely didn't want to part with , you would be wincing ! Wherever we have lived , whatever time of year, including a move years ago in August, I have always dug plants up, successfully, I might add ! I believe if you get a large enough root ball, the larger the better and the pot ready and waiting, it will survive. The only other thing I have always done is to water them in with Miracle Grow as this seems to prevent root shock. In the case of Rhodies, they all went in a good sized pot filled with either ericaceous compost or Irish moss peat. Oh yes, don't laugh, I talk to them !
Snoopdog, you are right, there is clematis in pots either side. I have done this with the other arbour seat as well. I'm amazed that all 7 that I dug up survived !
Thank you Louisa for your lovely comments again.
I'm afraid there will be no more holidays just yet, Scotsgran . What with the cost of moving and money we are still spending on the garden ( can't resist !) that will have to wait. Thank you so much for your good wishes.
Thanks Cosmosjane, I quite enjoyed building these little walls ! Its great just messing around with things and creating something as you must know !
15 Sep, 2013
My goodness Rose, you've been at it again haven't you? What a transformation! Rody's are actually unbelievably easy to move. My OH, who used to drive JCB's always reminds me about a job he once had to move a huge area of Rody. He just put his machine bucket down just under the roots, and pushed. Amazingly, the whole lot just moved! It was relocated about 20 to 30yrds and was soon in bloom as if nothing had happened.
Didn't you know about your neighbours conservatory and hedge? Perhaps they were jealous of your beautiful garden and couldn't bare to look at what you'd achived lol!
15 Sep, 2013
Hello Chris, where were you hiding then ! Hahaa! Each time I have written a comment and just about to go off this page, you appear ! Weird or what !
Is that a gold star I've got then ! lol xx
15 Sep, 2013
Hello Waddy, I have heard of Rhodies being moved like this before. In fact my friend Elizabeth (Libet ) has done just that on one of her many landscaping jobs. It was still nerve racking though as I didn't want us to lose any of them, especially the big one . We read somewhere that Rhodies when moved, think they are going to die, so flower and flower , more than they had done before ! Maybe there is some truth in that !
Yes. we did know about the conservatory as they said they would try and get it finished before we came back off our holidays. There was always a high fence between us, but it was on its last legs and we couldn't believe that they erected this while we were away and painted it , on BOTH sides, saving my husband who doesn't get many good days now the job ! In fact we are lucky in the fact that all our neighbours are lovely and have accepted us so quickly.
15 Sep, 2013
Rose, I dug it out this afternoon....and my Mahonia as well! Nobody would still looks great!
15 Sep, 2013
There's no stopping you, is there?
You sure you haven't been having a crafty nip of miracle-gro yourself? Lol.
It's all looking wonderful & has probably galvanised the neighbours into having a fresh look at their own gardens, hence the conservatory.
That, or they want a good view as you sunbathe next year! ;-)
16 Sep, 2013
16 Sep, 2013
I'm so pleased you got it out ok , Karen ! And a Mahonia, well done you !
Hahaa! Mouldy ! Do you know, since we have been here, I have noticed that the neighbours are putting up baskets, buying pots and cutting their lawns more often ! One of my neighbours comes out with me now, every time I go plant buying. We even have been rather naughty and pinched some cuttings off the Clematis Tangutica, from a garden centre, which have already rooted ! Not a clue where its going though ! I just love this one with it being yellow and having lovely fluffy seed heads.
16 Sep, 2013
Nice one! Lol...cheeky though. I wouldn't have the nerve. nice to know that you have started to get your neighbours motivated. People really are like sheep aren't they? one does something...they all follow! Sadly not here. my neighbour has remained steadfast in her loathing of outdoor work...still no plants in her garden, back or front!
16 Sep, 2013
It's coming along nicely now. I'm pleased to hear you brought as many plants as you could from the old place. I also remember doing that lol.
I like the little steps, but glad you've put those pots there. They're more noticeable now :o)
(I mean the steps, not the pots ...)
16 Sep, 2013
It is lovely, Rose. The plants were obviously as happy with the move as you are! What a lot of work you have put in - you can certainly see the results, though. ;-)
16 Sep, 2013
Better hope nobody from said G.C. is a menber of Goy, then, or you & your new cohort are in soapy bubble, Rose! ;-)
Karen, your soon-to-be ex-neighbour will probably be scrambling over the fence, spade in hand, the moment you're 100yds away to 'redistribute' your garden's wealth into her's! Lol.
17 Sep, 2013
I've just got to say, Karen and Mouldy, that the clematis I took a few snippets of was one on show, absolutely huge , climbing up an enormous obelisk ! So, I don't think our little bits would be missed ! lol
So, I'm not the only one , then Hywel ! Hahaa! I bet a few of us, truth be known, have done this ! I'm pleased with the pots up the steps, but it will look bare in the winter. I think I will have to fill them up with a few winter plants!
Thanks Mel, one more blog to go !
17 Sep, 2013
When I moved here, it took one day to bring the furniture, and one week to bring the plants lol ... and my neighbour's little boy (as he was then) said to me 'You've got a million plants in front of your house !' :D
I think 'winter interest' plants are great. Why should it be a non-garden time ...
17 Sep, 2013
Wow Hywel - a million! Lol!
17 Sep, 2013
LOL ! It wasn't far off :o)
17 Sep, 2013
I know what you mean, Hywel, our drive looked like a garden centre ! lol
18 Sep, 2013
18 Sep, 2013
Well,I finally made it to part three ,Rose..fabulous comes to mind..I'm sure all your plants have done well,because they all got new compost,plus they knew you wanted to take them with you.. nice for them to feel loved :o)
I'm almost speechless ....I did say almost what you have both achieved in such a short time..and with a holiday in between..and what wonderful neighbours you have too..enjoy,and we are both glad you and Rick are so happy there xxx
18 Sep, 2013
Thank you so much, Sandra. You speechless ! Nooo! Hahaa! xxx
18 Sep, 2013
you noticed ! and there was I thinking I was a bit more reserved,Rose Lol.. ,,I tell porkies as well .ha ha..x
18 Sep, 2013
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It all looks amazing, you've worked really hard and it shows.
15 Sep, 2013