Does my garden know it IS Winter !
By rose1949
I know I should lift some of these plants , but it seems such a shame. I have however put very thick layers of composted bark around all tender perrenials acknowledging that I do know winter is just around the corner. So here are a few plants still refusing to go to sleep!…………
White Penstemon which just shrugs off the weather !
One of my favourites. Buphthalmum Salicifolium
I think this pelagonium is being protected by the apple tree !
Clematis Niobe
Clematis The President
Fuschia Lady Boothby which is hardy !
I hung the Begonia under the arbour seat . The Bidens is still flowering and the little grass is from Shirley Tulip.
I think some of these are hardy Fuschias.
I can’t believe this Petunia is still flowering !
Hydrangea Annabelle late going over !
My new winter basket. You see I do know winter is ALMOST here ! lol.
27 Nov, 2013
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Thanks Waddy, I can't believe it either ! Its going to be a shock when they finally all go to sleep ! I think being not far from the sea on the east coast protects us from serious frosts, plus the garden is quite sheltered from all sides !
27 Nov, 2013
Incredible, isn't it? My late stop-outs have just about finished now. The John Waterer rose has a few beautiful blooms left on it and I still have lots of primulas and a few antirrhinums, but I have taken the non-hardy fuchsias in along with the bedding geraniums. Consequently, the greenhouse is full of blooms. I've no petunias left, though, and all the begonias were finished a while ago.
27 Nov, 2013
You've got some beauties there - very surprising for the end of November. Most flowers here gave up a few days ago - just a small selection left now.
27 Nov, 2013
Unfortunately Mel, I've no room for a green house here and I miss it ! I have brought a few plants into the conservatory , but others have got to go into the garage. My roses in the front garden are still flowering too.
Thanks Steragram, I think my favourite would have to be the white Penstamon as it has flowered and flowered all summer and still shows no signs of stopping !
28 Nov, 2013
It's nice when the winter doesn't arrive too early. You've got lots still going on in your garden Rose, I hope they last a lot longer too :o)
28 Nov, 2013
It is quite astonishing how different the climate can be the further east you go. It all looks very pretty still Rose, love the colour you have still got going. The move has obviously suited the plants well. :O)
28 Nov, 2013
Thanks Hywel. Its going to look very sparce when they have all gone ! If it stays like this, it may be December before they give up the ghost !
Hello Barbara, hows your knitting going ? The move definitely suits the plants and us !
28 Nov, 2013
Lovely to see so much still flowering in your new garden Rose ... is your white Penstemon 'Snowstorm' (White Bedder) by any chance? I have that variety and it has been very poor to flower ... lots of foliage though! Amazing to see the Clematis in bloom in November ... and I am pleased the grass I sent is thriving ... :o)
28 Nov, 2013
knitting going very well, two jackets down and one more on the way, well one of the jackets was more like a coat. lol. the needles were very hot. Nice to sit in front of the log fire at night and knit though, still that is all that one can do when it is too dark to work in the garden though.
28 Nov, 2013
You've still go an amazing amount of blooms Rose - your new garden is giving you a real treat. It must be appreciative of all the effort you both put in :)
28 Nov, 2013
Hello Shirley, I'm afraid I don't know the name of the white penstamon. It cost me just £1 last year from the local nursery .The grass is doing very well, but hasn't put on a lot of growth yet !
I don't like knitting, Barbara, never have really. It must be quite relaxing for you. Are these jackets for you, then ?
I should really start painting again, but I always seem to be involved in different things in the village now.
Thanks Scottish. I appreciate that.
28 Nov, 2013
Astonishing but what a treat to see!
Everything looks perfectly happy and to think that December is nearly here!
I love your winter basket Rose which will probably remain as good as it is today until at least August!!!
28 Nov, 2013
Thanks Chris. The good thing about the winter basket is that they can all go in the garden next year and carry on !
29 Nov, 2013
Hello Rose ... your £1 Penstemon was a bargain then ... :o)
29 Nov, 2013
No Rose, I do not knit for myself, I promised the two youngest jackets and bought the wool last year, only knit in a winter as the nights are dark and not able to get out into the garden. lol. They have both got one each so far, am on the third at the minute which is a waistcoat type jacket so should not take too long to do. Double knitting though so is a bit slower than the other two which where Chunky wool. That knits up much faster on much bigger needles. lol. I enjoy knitting just do not like it more than gardening. I have also been knitting for a friends little one he has had a couple of hoody style jackets done, one for his birthday and one for Christmas. I like knitting for the little ones as they are soon finished and I do not get quite so bored with them. lol.
Sounds like you got a good bargain with the Penstemon, was that from the garden centre at the roundabout by Morrisons there? I like that g.c. - good grub too. lol.
29 Nov, 2013
It's damp and grey here today, but still fairly mild. Sorry to hear you've no longer got a greenhouse, Rose. Mine is quite small and unheated but very useful.
By the way - one of the petunias in a forgotten hanging basket has just set off again! Two flowers out and three about to open!
29 Nov, 2013
Yes the penstemon is lovely. They are such good value aren't they? Do you know I thought it was a snapdragon when i first saw the photo - difficult to see the scale. What a wally.
29 Nov, 2013
Gosh it still looks like summer in your garden Rose ,the Penstemons have done brilliantly and are still flowering in our garden, I love them ... !
29 Nov, 2013
Your garden is blooming lovely lol. You have made a huge difference in the short time you have been there. That winter basket is going to light up your life for the winter months. Our garden seems reluctant to go to sleep too. I suppose the season moved back a bit because of the late Spring. Its hard to believe its almost 'C' again. I have not even thought about cards yet.
29 Nov, 2013
To answer your question , Shirley and Barbara. Yes the Penstamon was a good bargain but , Barbara , I got it from a local nursery where I always go in the spring. You can pick all sorts up from there ! I bought my acer for £5 and have bought shrubs in the past for £2 and £3. Its on the outskirts of the village of Healing and only opens March to the end of July. We go to the one you know for a carvery lunch every Wednesday. £5.99 and its always a lovely meal. Enjoy your knitting !
That was a nice surprise for you Mel ! Just saying "I'm not going yet " Hahaa! I've studied the garden and can't really find anywhere for a green house. Never mind, I'd sooner be living here without one than where we were !!!
Thanks Steragram ! Maybe you need new glasses ! lol
So do I Amy and I get the beauty of them in this garden. It was survival of the fittest in the last one !
Thanks Scotsgran. I've just written my Christmas cards, but apart from making the Christmas cake in October, thats all I've done !
30 Nov, 2013
18 Jan, 2014
Thank you Marybells.
18 Jan, 2014
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My goodness Rose are you even on the same planet as the rest of us?
Seriously, Your flowers are all still looking terrific, there's not much left in my garden at all! I can't believe such as your Clematis are all so beautiful.
Your winter basket looks superb!
27 Nov, 2013