Rain stopped play ! So......
By rose1949
I thought it was about time I did my May blog, before its June ! Hahaa!
Didn’t we have a mild winter and its amazing how a lot of plants have carried on through the winter without stopping. One of them was my Clematis Niobe. This is a picture in November…
Not a brilliant picture ! the next one is Niobe today…
Its amazing and I didn’t think it was supposed to flower this early !
The next one is looking through the archway to part of the garden.
The Dicentra began flowering in April …
I think I will get back to what I was supposed to be showing you ….and that’s May ! I’ll start off with my lovely Tulips and go on from there ! I do tend to waffle on a bit ! Hahaa!
My favourite Aquilegia that came with us from Willow Cottage. We’ve been here a year now, a very happy year!
I think these might be called Nora Barlow…but knowing me and my memory, they won’t be ! Hahaa!
The Cape Daisies , or as we know them as Osteospermums have come through the winter well !
These next ones are a selection of all the Lupins, which I love and seem to be thriving here ! Some are in the front and the others in the now larger herbaceous border in the back.
I can’t believe the size of them and the Delphiniums next to them are huge !
Now…on to my hubbies favourites…the Rhodies..
This next one is of the huge Rhodie the family all clubbed together for his birthday 8 years ago and I don’t know if any of you remember, but we thought we were going to lose it in the Autumn. It was dug up with a very large root ball , but still had to have some cut off it. It flowered really well last year , but then went downhill. A few of you , when I put a question on , gave me some good advice , especially Bamboo. But just look at it now !
And a close up…..
This Azalea was given to me last year by my friend and neighbour.
I’m now going down the path border ….
My lovely new blue pots ! Only £15 for the four from Morrisons ! Can you see the grass you sent me, over a year ago, Shirley ? After a slow start, its looking good now !
The Sambucus Niger
Sorry its not a very clear picture ! Here is a close up…
The Acer looks very healthy this year !
Clematis The President is doing really well !
Ceonothis which has been in flower since April. I only bought this as a small plant last year !
The annual Cerinthe which will seed itself everywhere, but I love it so I don’t mind !
The Weigela also flowered very early and unfortunately has nearly finished flowering.
I’ll finish off…phew!….you are probably thinking….. with my basket of dwarf Dahlias which have been in flower for well over a month !
I hope you all have a lovely June and hopefully not much more rain ! We are off back to sunny Turkey for 3 weeks in June !
Take care everyone !
24 May, 2014
Previous post: Small pond or big puddle !
Next post: Back to Turkey !
Wow that garden looks amazing Rose :O). I too love lupins and they are special. Lots of lovely colours too, you will miss your garden while you are away but the sunshine will make you rest and be ready for the rest of the long SUNNY SUMMER. lol :O) Have a good holiday you guys and enjoy yourselves :O)
24 May, 2014
A gorgeous lot of colour there Rose, and hard to choose a favourite. (I think Nora Barlow is a smallish flowered red one with white edging? Doesn't matter a lot to me what the varieties are called, they are all beautiful.)
24 May, 2014
If I hadn't known, I would never have guessed you've only been there a year Rose - your garden is wonderful.
Well done on the rescue of OH's Rhoddie, I'll bet he's pleased.
Have a great holiday :)
24 May, 2014
Your lupins are gorgeous Rose, mine just seem to get eaten so I have given up with them! Cannot believe you have been there a year !!!!! Really??
24 May, 2014
Rose it all looks great, I envy you the lupins, I've lost mine again just cannot seem to keep them for more than a year, your hubby's rhodies are really lovely and like you have settled happily into their new home, cannot believe how the time has flown by since your move, you can go on your holidays this time knowing you are leaving a well cared for garden here at home without the worry of what might be happening whilst you're not there, so relax and enjoy yourselves.....
24 May, 2014
Beautiful garden , the rain and lack of frost has really brough out the flowers and all so early too
25 May, 2014
A year ! :O Hasn't that flown ...
Your garden looks well established :) everything is doing so well.
I love lupins.
25 May, 2014
I love your garden Rose It's so full of colour! I can't really believe you've only been there a year, everything looks so healthy and well established. Enjoy Turkey but who will take care of your beautiful garden while you're away???
25 May, 2014
You've worked so hard on your new garden Rose - now you are reaping the rewards! Everything is looking so lush and healthy - love the set of blue pots and I'm so pleased the grass is thriving. Enjoy your holiday ... :o)
25 May, 2014
Oh, Rose. Your garden is looking lovely. You've so much colour. I love lupins too but, like others, can't keep them. The last lupin picture is a great colour mix, I think. My cerinthe have self-seeded this year and I love them too.
25 May, 2014
oh, that is a lovely Aquilegia! and the garden is full of colour! I'm surprised to see the clematis president with fully opened flowers. is that the normal time for it to flower or is this one early as some of the other plants in your garden this year? mine seems few weeks (or few sunny days) from opening its first bud.
25 May, 2014
Hello Sewingkilla, thanks for your lovely comments. This is the first time my Lupins have done as well as this. In the last garden, I used to lose them as they were not in the sun and the borders were very big and full and never saw the Lupin aphid until it was too late. Here, they are in heavy soil , which seems to suit them and I spray them with Provado the first time I spot any. I don't seem to get many snails or slugs here either . It might be worth giving it another go !
We have had torrential rain too, but today has been lovely.
Thank you so much Barbara. I'm really pleased with my Lupins this year. I expect we will enjoy the holiday once we are there ! I hope you're right about the summer !
Thanks Steragram. They are all lovely aren't they !
Thanks Scottish, We can't believe its a year already ! I was determined to bring hubbies big Rhodie !
Thanks also for your best wishes for our hols.
Thanks Grandmage, were has the year gone !
Have you tried growing Lupins in pots ?
Sue, I couldn't have put it better myself ! Thank you for saying that ! We have such lovely neighbours here and they all look out for each other. I'm just going to miss my garden while we are away !
Thanks Pamg. It has been a good year up to now, temperature wise, I mean ! I won't mention all the rain !
Thanks Hywel. A year gone by and yet another year older! lol
I think Lupins are one of my favourite flowers too !
Thanks Waddy. The year has flown ! I think time does seem to go quicker when you're happy. I have good neighbours who will look after the plants.
Thanks Shirley. Yes...that grass does look lovely in its new pot. It will be the first time ever, when I will want to get home after a holiday !
Thanks Tuesdaybear. It looks like Lupins are one of THE favourites ! Its a pity you keep losing them. Do they get eaten ? At least you have your Cerinthes !
Hello Jagienka, welcome to goy and nice to "meet" you.
I think after our very mild winter, everything seems to be early this year !
26 May, 2014
I think its a "GOLD" for you Rose its hard to believe how much you have done, but most of all to know that your happy with your move.
27 May, 2014
Thank you Stroller . I can't believe it too, but the heat wave last year helped as I was out there working every day. I have to say that its the best thing we have ever done and its great to see my hubby so happy again !
27 May, 2014
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lovely garden rose, love the lupins they don't do well in my garden don't know why, would love some. Hope you've not been hit by the torrential rain! been awful here all my flowers are flattened :(
24 May, 2014