Horrendous weather !
By rose1949
I hope you have all kept safe in those severe gales we had the other day ! Looking at the news and seeing all the flooding makes me realise how lucky we are living on the east coast.
Those poor people with flooded homes and streets which looked like a river.
I woke up Monday morning to see our greenhouse totally blown over. It was even screwed into the house wall , but somehow the wind had got into the back of it and the screws and wall plugs were on the floor. Luckily it wasn’t glass but a polycarbonate one. There were quite a few panes broken and plants I had in there ( 3 small potentillas and lavenders which I had sent for last year ) had all come out of their pots and was scattered all over the back way.
As my husband Rick is disabled , I tiptoed out of the bedroom and went out there to lift it up, but every time I got it upright , a severe gust of wind took me and the greenhouse over! I persevered , not telling Rick what I was doing ( still asleep as it was early) and as I had huge pots with trees and shrubs in, I tried to pull them over to the greenhouse to keep it propped up. Every time I reached for one and left go of the greenhouse, another gust of wind came and so it took a lot of perseverence and patience, plus strength I didn’t know I had, to get it sorted.
I now have to decide how to make it more secure before more gales come . Any ideas would be very welcome!
13 Feb, 2020
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Rose, that sounds horrendous! I've no idea how to help you. I hope you find a better system. It sounds dire. I'm glad you didn't hurt yourself...sometimes the risks we take eh? And afterwards you think 'how daft am I, I could have been really hurt' but at the time we just want to get it sorted. Please take care of yourself. You'll get it all sorted once the weather improves.
13 Feb, 2020
What a frightening task. At least its good to know you yourself survived intact even if the greenhouse didn't...
13 Feb, 2020
what a struggle you had but I cant offer any suggestions unfortunately.
13 Feb, 2020
Thanks for your concern Karen. We do have some friends who may be able to help, but today we managed to screw it back into the wall with longer screws then we are going to put batons on both sides to prevent the wind from getting through the back.I am not sure Rick will be able to do this though !
Thanks Julia. With not living here all that long , the only people near us are elderly, but am hoping our friends may help.
Thanks Honeysuckle. I am just glad it wasn't glass !
Thanks Homebird, I am hoping putting longer screws in the wall will hold it now !
Thank you Stera for your concern.
Thanks Seaburngirl. I am hoping our friends can help !
14 Feb, 2020
Rose, I am so sorry you have had this struggle in such awful weather. I just hope that the longer screws will secure your greenhouse much better. I don't like to think of you out there in such wild conditions so please be careful and don't take any risks.
This horrid weather is certainly testing everything and it definitely isn't much fun!
14 Feb, 2020
Bless, Rose. This sounds horrific! You must have been quite scared when this happened, especially getting caught up in the gales. I hope you are ok? No injuries?
It’s the one weather I dislike, wind. It causes so much damage.
I agree with Julia, do you know of any handymen? My OH’s mum is 80 and she has a whole load of them doing all sorts when we aren’t available to assist!
Hope you are ok and get it sorted soon. Sorry about your plants too, what a real shame x
14 Feb, 2020
Oh dear,Rose,you were taking a chance going out there,and sorry what happened to your Greenhouse..glad to see you have now got it more secure ..just hope Storm Denis isn't as bad as forecast tomorrow ! The damage here in Yorkshire was really terrible wasn't it? those poor people :o(..Luckily we were ok where we are..
I've been out this morning ,putting some heavier pots under a Patio Table,to stop it from flying away,and wedging the Wheelie bins !Russell can't help me at the moment,as he is just recovering from a replacement Hip Op,but doing nicely .:o) take care,and love to Rick xx
14 Feb, 2020
Hello Chris, thank you for worrying about me ! I never thought about what could happen as I needed to get the greenhouse upright before there was anymore damage. I won't know if the longer screws will work until the next storm comes. Unfortunately it is slightly warped and the doors won't fit back on! xx
Thank you Kate. I never thought about getting hurt at the time and luckily I am fine. I just felt a bit battered and have had a couple of lazy days while I get my strength back up to carry on. There is a neighbours web site with people doing odd jobs so may try this. xx
Hello Sandra, Rick said this storm shouldn't be as bad as the last one! I hope !!
Give our best wishes to Russell and pleased he is getting on alright. xx
14 Feb, 2020
It's awful the destruction from these storms. I am so pleased to know you did nt come to any harm Rose tackling your green house I would of left it until after the storm had passed as you cant tell if some one else debra could being flying into your garden and hitting you.
A large conifer has blown over in my garden it's like the leaning tower of Pisa lol but glad I did nt experience what you had its put me off wanting a green house now .
14 Feb, 2020
You are brave, Rose. It could have twisted in the wind and hurt your arms. My greenhouse is against a wall which shelters my greenhouse. I also have a hedge and a shrub to reduce the wind on each side. The wall and the hedge make no difference to the light but they cut out wind. The shrub isn't dense so the light gets through.
15 Feb, 2020
Thanks Thrupenny, but if I had left it , it could have damaged even more, but thank you for your concern.
That is a good idea Linda. The greenhouse was screwed on to a wall, but still came away from it , plus there is a fence not that far away from it. As it is all concrete all my plants are in big pots which went over too, but I have bought much bigger pots to transplant my big shrubs into and will put them round the greenhouse, that is if I can manage to get the greenhouse repaired !
16 Feb, 2020
Hi Rose, hope that you have came out of this last bit of weather unscathed. I have just came of Amazon, four fence panels and three fence posts is the damage so far, main problem we have is that where we live in Plymouth was built on hills and valleys, we are south facing, so the weather just funnels up the valley creating fence and garden destruction in its path. Also had a few decent size trees go down as well. Hoping that this will be the last of it now.
16 Feb, 2020
I hope so too Davey! Thanks for your concern and up to now everything is intact. Fingers crossed !
5 Mar, 2020
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13 Sep, 2019
I have an aluminium greenhouse which was given to me and bought all the polycarbonate sheets to put in it, but having retrieved several from the field next door, so need to re-position it before trying again. So I really feel for you, you would think it would have been safe screwed to the wall. I would be devastated to keep being flooded like some of these people have been, how do you carry on?
13 Feb, 2020