By rose1949
Is anyone experiencing the loss of pictures on here? I have just looked at your blog Lincslass and the pictures you put on were not there, plus everyone’s name on here doesn’t have a picture.
Is it just my laptop or is it a problem on goy?
1 Oct, 2020
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Next post: Vanishing pictures!
I use Google on Windows 10,and no problem with that or Microsoft Edge for GoY.x
1 Oct, 2020
I was advised by the computer chaps in our local shop not to use Chrome, but use Microsoft Edge, and I get no problems.
1 Oct, 2020
I don't use Chrome or Microsoft Edge, I've used Firefox for many years & I can see everyone's pictures with no trouble at all.
Hope you get your problem fixed soon, Rose.
1 Oct, 2020
Thanks Julia ,Sandra,Hywel and Balcony for your help, but apparently as I have a Chrome Book, I can't get Microsoft Edge so don't know what to do now!
Shirley, I have looked at Waddy's page and she managed to get that app whereas I can't as it says its not available on Chrome Book.
I have written to Dave and they are looking in to it . So will have to wait and see now!
2 Oct, 2020
Oh crumbs it seems to be happening to a few people Rose, most seem to be okay if they use Microsoft Edge...
2 Oct, 2020
Apparently Sue, Chrome Book can't get that! Just don't know what I shall do now. I am waiting for Dave to get back to me about it. All my pictures are on everywhere else so it's got to be just goy. I have had my chrome book for over a year and never had this problem before!
2 Oct, 2020
It happened to me Rose my daughter put me on Microsoft Edge and the photos came back ...
2 Oct, 2020
I just checked and it says if you have downloaded and enabled the Google Play Store on your chrome book then you should be able to download Microsoft Edge...Worth trying Rose...
3 Oct, 2020
I use Google on Windows 10,and no problem
17 Oct, 2022
Firefox, the browser I've used for many, many years never seems to have that problem, whether I'm using in on Win.7 or Win.10 I can see everyone's pictures just fine. 👍
You should be able to download FireFox on any computer or laptop, it will run perfectly fine on whatever machine you are using - even on Chromebook, Rose! 👍
18 Oct, 2022
Thanks Balcony! I am on FireFox now and have been for some time.
It's strange but the problem was in 2020 and now getting messages about it!
But I was on here the other day and checking the blogs I had been on and one came up from Terratoonie from 2016!
How weird is that!
19 Oct, 2022
I'm glad that the problem of viewing pictures has cleared up for you now, Rose! 👍😀
19 Oct, 2022
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4 Apr, 2009
Hello Rose, a few of us are/were having issues like this. Take a look at the recent blog by Waddy (Vanished Pictures) and you may find an answer to the problem.
I use Google Chrome on Windows 10, but now need to use Microsoft Edge just for Growsonyou!
Not being techie minded at all this is about the best advice I can offer, ha ha!
1 Oct, 2020