My new pond and the borders.
By rose1949
I have been waiting to show all my main garden, but was waiting to get the pond border finished before I did the blog.
So…this could be quite a long one!
I will show you my little wild life pond which I did as a surprise for my hubby Rick. We normally go out for lunch to a little cafe on the sea front and when we come home, Rick goes in his usual recliner chair and I just said that I had a lot of gardening to do !
He can’t see me where he is and was on tenderhooks incase he came through to the kitchen, but..phew…it never happened as mostly he would nod off!
When it was our wedding anniversary, I took him into the garden and made him cover his eyes while I lead him on.
His face was a picture and I think every aching muscle was worth it to see the look on his face!
He misses having ponds and the clay soil was so difficult to dig through, which decided me to do this pond hopefully to encourage frogs!
This is looking down to the pond from the entrance to this garden.
As you can see, it is not very big! But hopefully will get some wild life!
Dicentra Bleeding Heart and apparently the name has been changed , but will still call it this!
The plum tree blossom has been amazing this year and I have found a good recipe for a plum cake.
Plus the blossom on the large cherry tree is better than ever this year!
A present from the birds last year! I love it when this happens , and I love this plant! Sweet Rocket Hesperis Matronalis
I hope it self seeds around this year!
The next photos are from around the garden and what is flowering now.
I have quite a few of these Doronicums around the garden now!
Mahonia Aquifolium Oregon Grape
Perennial wallflower and still forgot the name! lol!
One of the many primroses and tulips!
This is one of the smaller Pieris.
The large one I have had since Willow Cottage and the smaller one is one of two given to me as cuttings 8 years ago.
I started my tomatoes off in the conservatory and the other day had to transfer them to the green house as they had got so big!!
It must have been the mild weather in February as they were almost stepping out of their pots and walking away! Haha!
Because it is still cool at night, I wrap them up in fleece.
This Jasmine was a little present to myself from Tescos!
Couldn’t resist it and the perfume is wonderful!
I hope you enjoyed looking around part of my garden and probably need a cuppa to revive you ! Haha!
I just hope these photos stay on long enough for you to see them!
20 Apr, 2022
Previous post: Happy Easter to all my goy friends!
Next post: Close ups of plants in the garden!
Your garden is lovely Rose. Love your petite pond.
Love Marjorie
20 Apr, 2022
Even a tiny pond is better thsn none, wild life will appreciate it as did your hubby. Love your view down the garden, leads the eye. Gosh your Toms are monsters already, Ive yet to clean up the greenhouse on my allotment before putting in my toms.
20 Apr, 2022
Such a lovely pond which will give you and Rick such a lot of pleasure. As for the rest of your garden it is so very, very pretty and has so much of interest. You will cherish your jasmine as you watch it grow. The blossom on your plum tree is just fabulous. Hours of work and effort are very obvious Rose.
20 Apr, 2022
Thank you Seaburn! I don't know why they changed it!
Thanks Paul! Couldn't resist buying it!
Thanks Julia! I couldn't wait to show him it and just opposite is the arbour seat where he will be able to just sit and enjoy looking at his pond!
Thanks Marjory! It didn't seem small when I was digging it! lol
Thanks Siris! That was just half of the garden! I am waiting for my roses to flower before I take pictures of it all!
I couldn't believe how fast the toms grew this year! Must be down to the warm February!
Thanks Chris! Despite the pain I am still getting now, I do enjoy working out there!
I couldn't believe how strong the perfume of the Jasmine is!
It greats us as we go in to the conservatory! xxx
21 Apr, 2022
A lot of hard work there, Rose, I'm sure it will benefit the wildlife.
Your garden and its plants are a picture.
21 Apr, 2022
I hope so Anget! Thank you!
21 Apr, 2022
Rose You've worked miracles well done ,your husband will enjoy sitting next to the pond ,I'm wishing lots of frogs and frogs spawn for your lovely little pond for you to enjoy :o)
22 Apr, 2022
Thankyou Rose - been looking forward to seeing your garden for ages! Its very pretty! I bet Rick was thrilled with his little pond and appreciated all the heavy work you've done against the odds!
Well I think the new name for Dicentra has dismayed mine to to the point of despair because neither of them has shown up this Spring! So I am busy envying those and also the Doronicums which have also refused to grow here, though they did well where we lived before.
Do you remember Shirley Tulip's recipe for plum cake - wonder if its still there? I never used it but remember it was very popular. Perhaps its time to start looking for it,fingers crossed!
22 Apr, 2022
Rick must've been a happy chap, Rose! You've done a sterling job there! Looks a lovely wildlife pond, it'll be exciting as the time goes by seeing all the new little visitors to it too!
Your garden is looking wonderful with everything thriving and blooming so well and so full of colour too!
The jasmine looks beautiful! What a thrill having that scent filling your conservatory!
I do hope you were taking care while you were building your pond! Look after yourself and hopefully you managed plenty of rest afterwards x
23 Apr, 2022
Thank you Amy, but I am having problems getting frog spawn as my friend and her daughter got frog spawn and then it vanished!
Hello Sue, nice to hear from you!
Rick loves his little pond so hoping eventually we get frogs!
Its a shame about your Dicentra and Doronicums! Mine have been the best ever this year! Maybe it's the soil or position they are in!
I do remember Shirley's plum cake recipe and think I may still have it.
Thank you Kate! We are looking forward to it too!
The scent of the Jasmine is breath taking! A good buy!
Yes Kate, I was being careful and only doing a bit to the pond each day!
24 Apr, 2022
Very much enjoyed the garden tour. Thank you, lovely plants & a successful build of a pond.
26 Apr, 2022
Thank you Feverfew! I appreciate that!
27 Apr, 2022
Running late Rose, to be honest I got a bit despondent when all the photo's kept disappearing, I've noticed today that most blogs are complete with photo's, lets hope they stay now..
Its wonderful to see how well your garden is doing, you've really worked hard and it shows, everything is thriving, I like the pond and could imagine Ricks delight when you showed it to him, I hope its soon found by some little creatures, I had loads of spawn in both our ponds but sadly I cannot find any taddies, not surprised as regards the big pond, the fish got there before I did but I cannot see any down the bottom one either which is a big disappointment, I found a newt in there last year so wondering if its still there and eaten the spawn, or possibly the sudden drop in temps has been the cause..
I do like the jasmine, I had one growing up the big shed behind the stumpery but lost it last year, it was beautiful when in flower and thought it was doing well, that nasty week of winter conditions late last April was the cause I think, luckily the lovely lady who had sent me the first one came up trumps and posted me a new one, this time I'm planting it on into a bigger pot when it needs it so as it can spend winters in the g'house in future....Lovely blog and photo's Rose..xx
27 Apr, 2022
Thanks Sue! I was getting frog spawn from one of my friends as she had quite a lot, but when she went to collect some, it had gone and she doesn't have fish! Her daughter has a big pond with lots of frog spawn, but the same thing happened to her!
As it was so warm in February and then the weather changed rapidly in March, it could be that! Usually Rick knows most things about ponds , but he was mystified!
I read up online and it said that when the weather warms up again, there may be some more.
I have noticed the pictures are staying on now! Lets hope it continues!
27 Apr, 2022
I'm hoping for a repeat performance in June Rose, I've even considered cleaning the pond out if I don't get any signs of taddies soon...Finger xx the photo's do stay put....
27 Apr, 2022
We can only hope Sue! Let me know if you get any taddies!
28 Apr, 2022
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i a not surprised Rick loved all your hard work. That pond is wonderful.
Lamprocapnos is Dicentra's new name.
The garden is looking very colourful indeed.
20 Apr, 2022