Seasons Greetings
By samjp
Hi all, first of all sorry I’ve not been around so much just lately, what with work and Christmas (and being lost in Droitwich lol) things have been a little busy just lately. Hopefully I should have a bit more time to myself (she says hopefully) and will be around more often.
I hope everyone had a brilliant Christmas and that Santa brought you everything you could possibly want. Must say I had a lovely Christmas. Spent the day with my family. Had a very good laugh, eat way too much and drank a tad too much lol. A good day had by all.
I’ve come to the conclusion that my parents must be haunting these boards. I’d only commented a few weeks ago that given half a chance I’d love a greenhouse for Christmas. I never mentioned this outside of these boards to anyone. With Christmas morning came a rather large box. Couldn’t for the life of me think what it could be. Yep you guessed it; a mini greenhouse! Its one of these 4 tier lean to plant houses. :))))) I couldn’t have been happier. Lol you know your a gardener when your favourite Christmas pressie is a Greenhouse. My cousin thinks I’m mental. But I can’t wait to get it set up an into use. I already have some new guinea impatien cuttings I can move in :) lol be nice to get them out of my bedroom.
Got loads of work to do in the garden. Although its been really mild, I’ve either not been home, or its been dark or raining or I’ve been ill (had this cold I can’t shift). Theres leaves all over the place and several annuals which need clearing away, not to mention the weeds I can see poking their heads up. Ho hum hopefully the weather will be better next week and I can spend a happy few hours in the garden.
I hope you all have had a fantastic Christmas and here’s to a very happy and healthy new year. I look forward to seeing what 2012 brings for everyone (and the gardens of course).
27 Dec, 2011
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Hi Sam...
I've seen "Sleepless in Seattle" ...
... but "Lost in Droitwich" ???
that must be a completely different story ! ;o)
Good luck with the mini greenhouse.
Wonderful Christmas present.
What else will you be growing in there ?
All the best to you and yours for 2012. :o) x
27 Dec, 2011
Lol TT yes lost in Droitwich was very very different from Sleepless in Seattle (sadly).
To cut a long story short they had closed the northbound sliproad at J4 so I went to J5 with the idea of turning round only to find out they had closed that sliproad as well. I did eventually find my way home 1 1/2 hours later (no thanks to the extremely unuseful diversion signs - which vanish after 20yards lol). Lets just say I was not at happy bunny.
Thanks Stickie and TT, can't wait to use my greenhouse :))))
Still making plans on what to grow (there may be several questions popping up in the next few weeks lol), but so far I have cosmos and penstenemon seeds which I collected myself and I've brought a few other seeeds. I think I've got some marigolds, busy lizzies and something else that I can't remember what it was lol. I'm planning on having a go at some Hebe cuttings, since my nan commented a few weeks ago she would like one, plus I can use them in my OHs garden.
27 Dec, 2011
Cosmos, Penstemon, Hebes etc .... great !
... sounds colourful and lovely :o)
27 Dec, 2011
what a nightmare trying to find your way round with the motorway shut off, thats not so good!!
have fun with your planting there are several GCs around for you to get ideas as well as on here!!
27 Dec, 2011
We got ourselves one of these mini-greenhouses in the late summer, and we have no idea how we managed without it before. You won't need ANY help thinking of things to fill it.......
27 Dec, 2011
Thanks TT, lets hope it works eh lol
Lol Sticki, tell me. It wouldn't be so bad if they actually gave you some warning they were closing the motorway or provided decent diversion signs. Still I finally made it home. Now enduring much ribbing from my family - personally I think I did really well finding my way back lol. As to the GH I can't wait, plans already formulating :P
Gattina, I've been wondering how I was going to cope without a greenhouse lol. I know my mom wouldn't be too happy with the nursery in the conservatory and my desk in my room (best spot for getting the light and warmth) really isn't big enough for what I have in mind lol. I'm now thinking dianthus cuttings - so I have plants for my OHs garden lol.
27 Dec, 2011
lack of diversion signs drives me mad and gets me very lost.
27 Dec, 2011
Sounds good to me Samjp.
27 Dec, 2011
Lol Sticki, don't get me started. Its a pet peve of mine. Drives you mental when you don't know where your going.
Thanks Gattina :))
28 Dec, 2011
You had a lovely present. I hope you'll be able to grow lots of nice things in it.
I'm wondering if it's really the right time to put Impatiens cuttings in it though. They like it a bit warmer I think (just a thought)
I'm glad you had a nice Christmas :o)
28 Dec, 2011
Thanks Hywel, can't believe how pleased I am with it. If someone had given me this last year I'd have been most confused lol..
Good point, about the Impatiens, although by the time the greenhouse is assembled it'll probably be feburary lol. I've got a huge pile of soil with god only knows what growing in it to clear first. Then since it will be next to the shed I want to re-paint the shed before it goes up. Do you think sweet-peas will be ok out there (not sowed yet, but on the list of jobs for the next few weeks)?
28 Dec, 2011
Yes they'll be fine. They are quite hardy. I often sew them in the autumn and they last through the winter in a polygrower outside.
It sounds like you're going to be busy. Good luck :o)
29 Dec, 2011
Thats a relief, not much room indoors lol. Lol I only seem to know one speed at the forward... still looking forward to getting stuck in :) I think I need all the good luck I can get lol, thank you :)))
29 Dec, 2011
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lost in droitwich sam? done that myself when they shut certain roads off!!
i work there.
how lovely to have such a wonderful surprise present and just what you wanted
happy gardening!!
27 Dec, 2011