Weather warning
By samjp
Hi all. Just a quick blog with a warning. According to the met office most of the uk is expected to experience freezing (and sub zero) temperatures overnight Friday through monday. This could be the last chance to protect any tender plants in the garden. I’m planning to mulch all the bulbs that are poking their heads up tonight. Lol should be interesting trying it in the dark.
Wrap up warm everyone. Could be a good weekend for baileys hot chocolate :)))) have a good weekend.
12 Jan, 2012
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Sam the bulbs will survive, they do so every year - we have trillium noses sticking up over an inch out of the ground, they did so last year in far worse weather.
12 Jan, 2012
Thanks Sam ...
a timely reminder that colder weather is on its way !
12 Jan, 2012
Bailey's hot chocolate ? Sounds great ; certainly help keep the cold out
12 Jan, 2012
It's been raining most of the day here pam but as you said the skies are clear and it's already going cold.
Thanks moon Growe glad you said that. Saves me breaking my neck getting the compost out of the shed lol. All the other tenders I protected before Christmas.
Hmm driad I'm thinking baileys hot chocolate when I get home tonight. Who needs cold weather for an excuse lol.
No worries terra. Let's hope it doesn't get as cold as last year eh.
12 Jan, 2012
Thank you Sam - will bring in the fuchsia pots
12 Jan, 2012
The temperature's are dropping here in Newcastle samjp from Friday night, so it is wrap up warm time again.
12 Jan, 2012
Left London yesterday morning in quite mild weather and found it to be a little cooler in the Lake District. This morning, however, it was very cold up there but bright and sunny. Back home now and turned the heating off. Who knows what tomorrow will bring.
12 Jan, 2012
Bailies hot chocolate sounds a good idea :o)
It's sunny here in this morning, and there's a slight frost I think - not much though (haven't been outside yet lol) Ihope your geranium is all right.
13 Jan, 2012
Ginellie its strange how different the weather can be from one place to the next, even just in one small area of the UK. Hope it wasn't too cold for you today.
Hywel glad you approve :) We had a frost as well this morning, didn't seem too bad though. Although it was a little strange on my car. I park on the drive facing the house. The windscreen was frozen, the front and rear passenger windows were just wet, but the little side windows at the back of the car (I drive a Focus) and the rear windscreen were frozen! Seemed really odd lol.
Hope it doesn't get too cold for anyone. Could be a good weekend to cuddle up by the fire and watch a film.
13 Jan, 2012
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Thanks, its been warm again today but the sky is clear and the wind is now coming from the north.....brrrrr
12 Jan, 2012