Algarve garden centre
By sanbaz
hi guys just got back today from our two week break in the Algarve, the first week i ended up in the clinic over night and a week of illness due to gastro infection after eating something that wasnt to good :o(( that also set my IBS off which made things alot worse, so the first week was awfull,, anyway once i was ok we went to quite a few lovely places one of which was this lovely garden centre, i wanted to bring it all home with me, lol
as you can see the water features and statues were out of this world, would fill my garden with just one lol
i wanted one of these donkeys,:o)) you certainly needed a big wallet for this place, maybe when i win the lottery
this is just a small selection of what they have, some of the palms were so big you would need a crane to lift them and about 2 grand to spare,
all in all this was the best garden centre i have ever seen in my life, dont know why they had such little baskets cause nothing fit in them lol,, hope you all enjoyed this as much as i did guys, glad to be home, next blog is some of the flowers i saw while out and about , take a look at this tree trunk, we called it a rhino tree
28 Jun, 2009
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Welcome Home both of you.......Hope you had a brilliant time....Nice garden centre there but you duidnt seem to load Bas up with very much Sandra.......Lol
28 Jun, 2009
thanx jen and maurine, yes i was pretty misserable to the first week, never had so much pain,, that tree was about 20ft tall, it was huge, didnt load baz up because there wasnt anything small enough or cheap enough maurine, lol, i was very dissapointed but enjoyed looking,, :o))
28 Jun, 2009
hi Sandra hope u had a lovely holiday despite been ill with Gastro have had it myself on holiday horrible at least u got to see some lovely garden centres great pics
28 Jun, 2009
Oh Sanbaz sorry you were poorly, but pleased you recovered enough to visit this amazing Garden Centre never seen anything like it, loved the wonderful Pergolas and statues fabulous.
28 Jun, 2009
thanx mobee, i tried to see as much as possible in the second week, was very hot,
28 Jun, 2009
Fancy wonting a donkey San we've loads of real wonts on the beach, but have to admit it was nice was'nt it. Sorry you was'nt well for the first week, but pleased you are OK now.x
28 Jun, 2009
What a shame your holiday was spoilt by being so ill. The garden cente looks so tempting, if they were like that over here I would spend even more time in them but maybe wouldn't buy so much if they are so expensive!
28 Jun, 2009
thanx PP isnt it amazing, i love the statues to,i was in heaven there lol and just my luck PP to be poorly, a whole week, poor baz to, he was so upset to see me in all that pain in the clinic, said he thought he had lost me awww
yes your right claice, but these dont eat your garden and leave a mess behind them lol
thanx lily2 yes ours look very boring compared to this dont they,but like you i would want everthing lol, and its getting very expensive over there, not a bargain to be had he he
28 Jun, 2009
Just as well the statues were too dear - I can't see the airline accepting one, can you? lol
I hope you are feeling MUCH better now. xxx
28 Jun, 2009
lol spritz,, do you think customs would have noticed me sneek one through lol, thanx spritz im back to normal now,, well as normal as i can be hehe x
28 Jun, 2009
glad to see your second week wasnt wasted. oh it must have been murder not being able to buy plants.
28 Jun, 2009
Oh welcome back Sanbaz...what a mixed bag for you ! Welcome home and glad your second week was better !
28 Jun, 2009
aww sandra im so sorry to hear you wernt well at the start of your holiday.
the photos are fantastic, i would want everything there lol
29 Jun, 2009
thanx sea.. and yes it was murder not being able to buy those lovely plants,, lol
, cheers BB,, very mixed,,
lol irish baz got sick of me saying"oh thats nice" "oh thats pretty" "oh thats lovelyyy" heheeh, think he wanted to strangle me
29 Jun, 2009
Glad he didn't! LOL.xxxx
29 Jun, 2009
I hope you're better now. At least you enjoyed the rest of the time.
29 Jun, 2009
me to spritz.. hehe
thanx hywel normally only go for a week, that would have been a disaster then, so yes at least the second week was nice x
29 Jun, 2009
Hey Sandra welcome home - sorry you had a rubbish first week there is nothing worse, we've all been there and it ain't pleasant - I think the customs would have spotted the donkey so just as well you left him behind - How funny would it be if it arrived next week via special delivery from the algarve can you imagine Baz's face
30 Jun, 2009
lol angie, donkey cost about 200 i think could have been more, cant just remember angie, so think baz would have fainted lol
1 Jul, 2009
WOW, WOW and WOW again San !!! You'll have to let me know where it is, it'll be a definite day out !!! :-OOO)))))
8 Sep, 2009
im trying to remember where we were heading when we passed this, will get my thinking cap on, i would hvae got some plants had i known we can bring back from EU countries , anyway always next year , ive looked it up and think its called Q garden, its on the web sue in lagos
8 Sep, 2009
Too true ! :-))
8 Sep, 2009
i added sue, the name, its on the main road into lagos im sure, look it up,
8 Sep, 2009
Cheers San :-)
8 Sep, 2009
yw sue :o)
8 Sep, 2009
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bless your heart how awful being poorly. I had gastrointeritis on my honeymoon in Egypt
and I broke my gucci sunglasses!! was a very miserable bunny that week but still loved it
what an amazing place you visitied that is a very funky tree
x x x
28 Jun, 2009