aberdeen trip
By sanbaz
as i didnt get to see any of aberdeen and the only pic i got were from the car, and mostly sky lol, anyway for those who like sky pics and bridges thats about it ,we stayed in a small guesthouse which backed onto the river dee, so i did try to walk along but didnt get anywhere so took this pic
then this looking the other way i think, cant rememeber lol, im sure it was
lots of lovely hillsides
took joe to uni, poor lad had to go in on his own, mind you he was happy with that so we parked up next to golfclub and got a cuppa from one of them roadside vans and saw a few rooks and gulls wanting tipbits off drivers
then one the way home some sky
not the trip i wanted but at least joe enjoyed the uni there and is hoping to get a place next year to study forensic science/archioligy, and history, and worth the trip because im so proud of my son :o))) hope it wasnt to boring for you and sorry i didnt get the pics i would have wished for xx
sorry this was the fourth bridge which i uploaded into blog then deleted it oops lol
4 Sep, 2009
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awww thanx Terra, yes he has his heart set on going so i hope he does well with A levels and gets his place, mummy will miss him though :o(
4 Sep, 2009
Joe will also miss Mummy. but a great opportunity for him...
4 Sep, 2009
yes it is Terra just wish it wasnt so far, course is 4 years and will get a chance to go to russia for 12 months to, which he says he would love to do
4 Sep, 2009
Great Blog Sandra and some very interesting Photos despite the weather...
Its a great opportunity for your sun..good luck to him
4 Sep, 2009
cheers deida, maybe i will get to go again
4 Sep, 2009
Loved your blog and photos tell Joe good look for next year, one of my grandaughters is at uni, she will be 20 next month, she is studying to be a doctor, A & E doctor, said to her can't you be a doctor in another appartment, away from all the drunks etc at night, but she just sees it as a challenge.
4 Sep, 2009
thanx carol, like your grandaughter they are strong minded and will do want they want at the end of the day, at least they has ambition carol, she hasnt taken on the easiest job has she !
4 Sep, 2009
Nice blog Sandra....big day when they go away isn't it? My Son went away for a 4 year course too......long way away and didn't see him all that often. Much to my surprise, he came back to this area and started his business here. Lives only 10 miles away so not far. My Daughter did the same!
So you never know.....
4 Sep, 2009
Enjoyed coming on your trip with you Sandra, shame you didn't feel so good but it was worth the effort. Fingers crossed for Joe, 4 years seems a long time but it will soon go and you're sure to see him lots even though it is a long way. Someone's got to do his washing!
4 Sep, 2009
Thats for sure, i've been getting readyto pop out, going for a meal in 10mins, see you later.
4 Sep, 2009
thanx potty and lily, makes me feel better when people talk about their kids going to uni :o)
enjoy your meal carol :o)
4 Sep, 2009
Lovely pictures Sandra yes dramatic skies too love the hill side one its great, of course he was happy to go on his own, he dont want others thinking holding on to mums apron lol reminded me a bit of the film Curley Sue at the end he he lol.
4 Sep, 2009
thanx morgana. glad you liked the pics, lo yes think your right he just wanted to be grown up and i guess he is, being my youngest its harder to let go, and so differant to his brother who is 24 and not at all grown up, a constant worry to me,i havent seen that film will have to check it out :o)
4 Sep, 2009
Lovely pictures Sandra we stayed at a hotel right underneath the Forth Bridge, at Queensferry. The weather was cloudy also when we were there.
4 Sep, 2009
lovely pics Sandra. hope your back on your feet. i'm sure Joe will do his best in his a'levels. the thought of uni excited my daughter soo much she worked realy hard for hers. 3 out of four of mine are off in Ireland working at yet another festival....
4 Sep, 2009
I loved your pics. Sandra .. I always like photos of bridges and those dramatic skys . brilliant .. I hope all goes well for Joe as i'm sure it will .. good luck to him :o)
4 Sep, 2009
San, your pics are great (as usual :) Uni is a difficult time....for us Mums... the kids however LOVE IT! It's so hard to let them go, but it does literally pass in a flash, and before you know it your Joe will graduate, and you will be so proud! xx
4 Sep, 2009
Its a great film sad but very funny indeed.
4 Sep, 2009
Oh Sandra think you just got back in time judging by Bscotts pics..hope Joe Ok sure he ll enjoy this new chapter in his life .
4 Sep, 2009
thankyou richard, sandra, amy,Di and jane, glad you liked pics and thanks for encoragment on joe :o) x
morgana i will see if my step son can get it for me
i just looked at Bscotts blog how awfull is that, glad we didnt have to drive through that rain, poor things living with that
4 Sep, 2009
I will go and look
4 Sep, 2009
Even in bad weather your photos are interesting. Your son will be fine. Just be prepared for the load of washing on his visits, Don't worry he'll be fine and a credit to you.
Excuse my ignorance but can someone tell me what lol is?
5 Sep, 2009
thanx srendipity, im sure your right about joe x lol means laughs out loud
5 Sep, 2009
Wish good luck to Joe from me to will you San. I like watching time team and went to see a dig near here and wish I had done something like that when I went to uni but NO I had to do a 'proper' course or I couldn't go. I ended up doing Engineering and design............ :~((
5 Sep, 2009
thanx ian im passing on all well wishes to keep him focussed for his Alevels, my grandad was an engineer,was in the merchant navy during war and carried on all his life in engineering, my uncle has done the same, he wanted my dad to do it to but he quickly signed up for RAF to get away, lol
5 Sep, 2009
Its sad really that I went to uni because I was never happier than when I went to one of two uncles places for the summer.
One (uncle Jim) had a haulage business and another (uncle Bob) had a breeding kennels so I learned how to drive artics from the age of twelve and also learned loads about dogs (mainly G. shephards)
5 Sep, 2009
thats what my dad did when he came out of RAF ian,, long distance HGV class 1, great driver, he hated it when he started with diabetis when he was about 58, had to stop driving almost blind now,, bet you would have been good with animals ian,:o)) never to late
5 Sep, 2009
I have trained about 8 dogs through others and two for myself. I was a lorry driver from age 22 until I gave up to look after Carol, then when I became ill I had to give up my HGV entitlement but could keep my standard licence. Which is daft if you think about it as a car is as dangerous as a lorry?
5 Sep, 2009
yes seems a bit daft doesnt it ian, well at least you have done some of the things you wanted to ian, some people never get to do want they truely want, thats sad, im doing what i always wanted, well one of the things, a hairdresser, but would have loved to work with animals to, may one day as like i said nevr to late :o)
5 Sep, 2009
Its never to late San, uncle Bob asked if we wanted to manage his business for him about four/ five years ago and I know he would have left me to it, if you know what I meen, but everything was up in the air with Carol's illness and I had just given up work to care for her and we thought it wasn't possible. He sold the farm where he lived and went back to Northumberland or I would be begging him now for the chance. :~((
5 Sep, 2009
what a shame ian, some things arent ment to be hey, a bloke who lived near me where i lived before baz came along he owned the chippy, he was from yorkshire, always wanted his own place, had it about 2 years then his wife took very ill so had to sell up to go back home, we do these things for our loved ones which is the most important, shows how much you love and care for someone, you made the right choice ian, :o))
5 Sep, 2009
Oh I know San but thank you . There wasn't really a choice at the time, but now we are more settled and used to what we can achieve and not afraid to try things I would have loved the opportunity to give it a go.
Thats the difference between us then and us now. We thought we were limited to a life without doing anything but now we know the only thing stopping us from doing anything is................................ us.
We regularly get weired looks because we do things in our chairs that people find unusual. We go camping, fishing and enjoy long walks (or wheels actually) around the local forests and parks. My arm muscles are stronger now than they have ever been. I can't stress it enough that we are MORE active now than before we became 'disabled'
Sorry can you give me a hand to get down off this soap box please?
5 Sep, 2009
lol ian,, sorry i didnt realise you were in chairs, is it because you cant walk far with your disabilitys,,do you do the garden from your chairs to?
5 Sep, 2009
We do spend most of our time sitting down but we CAN both walk a bit. Carol tends to fall over when she tries to walk to far and I end up hurting myself.
I do most of my gardening kneeling on two kneeling pads which I strap to my knees like a miner ready to go down the pit. Lol
We have electric scooters for going anywhere long distance and I can walk if Carol is in her wheelchair because I can lean on the handles while I push.
I have a sticker on my scooter which says "where there's a wheel there's a way" and I think that sums up our attitude to life just about right. :~))
5 Sep, 2009
I've PM'ed you San. :~))
5 Sep, 2009
sorry ian i was falling asleep here so went to bed, very rude not to say so and im sorry ,:o( ive replyed thanx, you make the most of life which is fantastic, both of you x
6 Sep, 2009
Great blog San and excellent pics.....especially like the 'moody' skylines.
As for your 'little boy', he will leave as just that and return a man. The experiences that lay ahead for him will no doubt shape him for the future years but Mum will never be far from his thought as he will not be far from hers. Time will pass quickly and he will have returned an even better person than the one you have made him thus far. You will burst with pride, he will implode with embaressment and you will both be stronger for the experience.
Good luck young man and rmember, when things get too tough up in Aberdeen......you can always send your washing home to MUM!!!!!!
6 Sep, 2009
awww thats great Dan, and dont tell him that "washing" grr, lol :o) thanx Dan
6 Sep, 2009
I'm sure your son will love uni! and whats not to like in Bonnie Scotland! Wet windy weather cold nights and days and vibrant sky when you can see it through the cloud and then wait for it the sun shines for an hour and all is forgiven! A bit like life really Best wishes to you all in the transition of uni life! lol
8 Sep, 2009
awww thanx mary how kind, yes another year and his life will be so differant, all being well with Alevels :o) and nice for a holiday for us to
8 Sep, 2009
And next time you ARE visiting me! LOL!
10 Sep, 2009
yes boss lol
11 Sep, 2009
11 Sep, 2009
11 Sep, 2009
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I like this blog very much.....
Lots of dramatic skies and birdies posing for the camera. Lol.
Good luck to Joe at University. x
4 Sep, 2009