spider fobia
By sanbaz
ive decided to try and get over my fobia for spiders which can be quite bad, i run screaming sometimes lol to some this may sound crazy but my skin crawls and i feel sick when a spider comes near me, ive actually been known to wake up screaming in the night as ive seen a spider lowering itself down on my face, but its all in my head its not there at all, so this morning after thinking of the pics i see on GOY by all our members i was ready to take my first steps into my garden with camers ready,
wow i cant believe i did it, granted the creepy little thing wasnt big but to me it was a giant, all them legs and the way it rushed to its pray sent shivers down my spine, but i took a deep breath trying not to shake lol and started snapping, at one point when i had taken the pic and the shutter was back to normal i couldnt see him and ran itching and shaking heheh, sounds weired but true, anyway he hadnt jumped on my back clinging on eating away at my head,, he was still in his web and probably didnt care about me in the slightest,
so my friends here is my first shots and i thought i handled it quite well dont you,:o))
i know what you think, lol" is that a spider or a speck of dust" yes its small but to be its more than that, going to have a shower now cause i cant stop itching hehehe xx
6 Sep, 2009
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Well done Sandra! There you have it! They will not bother you. I do not mind them, the little ones I call my friends, the big ones I leave well alone. Lol.
6 Sep, 2009
thanx Terra will see if i can go for bigger but them big field spiders that come into the house im not sure if i can cope with them,
cheers michaella, think at the moment i`ll stick to the little ones,"one day at a time" as the saying goes hehe
6 Sep, 2009
Brill photo and good for you lol Sandra you would be no good at my house, I even have them above my head now. They stop flies that can give you food poison, I dont mind them unless they are on my body then I just knock them off, there is an oil and conker spray or just place conkers in the corners of your rooms this deters them comming in.
6 Sep, 2009
Errrrr yak, shudder, take it away..............
I to am blighted with this horrible phobia and I'm not afraid to admit that I once jumped out of a moving car because of a HUGE thing that came down from the sun visor right in front of me! ! !
Well I say it was huge but my brother (who was driving, luckily.) says it was a money spider but I wasn't hanging around to find out, IT WAS A SPIDER and thats all that mattered.
6 Sep, 2009
Well done Sandra congrats. for being so brave .. I believe there is a children's story book about a spider who becomes a ballet dancer , it was written to stop children being frightened of spiders .. I don't mind them unless they are very ,very big ..LOL...
Maybe the book is for you Ian .. :o) you might have missed out on a lot of money coming your way ..LOL..
6 Sep, 2009
Good job for you, Sanbaz and Ian, that you don't live in this part of the world! Only this morning I had to evict a VERY LARGE spider from our bedroom. Its body was smallish - size of a little-finger nail - but its legs made it more than 2" across!!! I use the old "cup/card" trick - creep up on the beastie (it helps if it's on a flat surface) cover it with the cup, then gently slide the card under it, then you can take it to a point of exit and drop it out into safety where it can continue to decimate the fly population.
6 Sep, 2009
I can hear Sandra and Ian screaming from here LOL...
6 Sep, 2009
Have you posted this blog just to scare me even more Sandra? Just when I thought all the spider comment on GOY had died down!! Actually that one is OK because it's outside and as long as they stay there I don't mind.
Nariz, you have to get AWFULLY close to do the cup/card thing........no way! It's the broom for me...:o((((
6 Sep, 2009
I'm wary of the big, brown house spiders Sanbaz but I can tolerate some...even to the point of picking up those 'Harvestmen' I think they're called...the thin, wispy things that take over my Mum's old cottage with alarming regularity!!
If they don't have too big a body you can't feel them move in your hand so they're not so scary...also some of the garden ones are soooo pretty...like the little greenish one you have photographed that you can't help but be drawn to look at them.
Well done you...I think you handled it brilliantly.
6 Sep, 2009
Very brave of you to try, I too hate the big brown house spiders but the ones in the garden do not bother me so much, open space I suppose I watched some pretty red ones on a bush a few weeks ago and since them I've been less sqeemish in the garden. There was an article in the papers recently on how girls are programmed from about 3 to be afraid of spiders, mothers passing on there fear. Thanks mum thats something else you passed on.
6 Sep, 2009
hi guys, morgana how can you let them live with you , your so brave lol and i may go conker picking soon, its near that time isnt it :o)
ian im with you every step of the way, its sheer hell isnt it, i dont actually mind money spiders as they are so tiny but on saying that i would have jumped to if it had fallen from the viser, lol
nariz baz does the cup and cardboard trick but its still to close for comfort im afraid,
lily a broom,, umm not sure thats enough i normally go for the hoover if im alone and i cant even think of sleeping in a room if ones about yak
marquerite im sure not going to tickle one hehehe and dont even want one to touch me yet anyway
Drc thats facinating knowing its because of our mums, now i come to think about it she was scared to and now my sons dont like them, but as they are not kids anymore they dont run screaming ,
when the kids were small there was a big thing at the top of the stairs looking straight at me i couldnt pass it was so big lol, so i went to get the hoover but by this time it was up on the wall above stairs so me and the kids grabbed some soft toys and aimed, it fell on staircase, we all ran in lounge screaming hehe then when i went to hoover the beast im telling you it jumped onto the next step, i almost died,luckerly our brave dog sheba stomped on it, i know i know its cruel but it was either me or the spider, good old sheba to the rescue, god bless her :o)
6 Sep, 2009
hi fluff sorry i missed you there, i know the feathery ones you mean very creepy, lol your right there are some lovely coloured ones in the garden and if im at a distance thats ok, plenty of room between me and them and lots of room to run :o))
6 Sep, 2009
Well done San, the pics show how brave you are. I`m petrified of birds and to me its a nightmare when I go shopping in town centres where the pigeons are. I have got bird tables and seed feeders in the garden and I love to watch all the birds through the window, but guess who fainted when a robin landed near my spade when I was digging last autumn. Silly me, but there you are doing wonders.
6 Sep, 2009
Well done you. You have more guts than I have, moths don't do it for me. I suddenly become an olympic runner if one gets near me. We were on the Rhine one year where every evening tiny white grapevine moths appear. Not one or two, but clouds of them. Good job the local hostelry was just two strides from our hotel. I broke the world sprint record every night.
6 Sep, 2009
I don't know what it is about spiddies...if a grasshopper or beetle or ladybird suddenly plops in my lap or drops on me from a plant I'm a cool banana but if a spider does the same I jump out of my skin with that rush of adrenalin you get! Is it their colour? Would I be the same if they were pink? The number of legs? Centipedes don't phase me!
You might be right Drc...mother!
6 Sep, 2009
hi stroller i was laughing reading about the robin,, sorry and i do understand even though i love birds and get as close as i can to them, i have a friend like you and we went to london and she freeked out in trafalgar square, i had to cover her head and guide her to a quiet spot she could hardly breath,bet you scared poor robin to death heheh
serendipity i hate them to especially the big ones that make that fluttery noice and flap around your head, grrrr, can just see you doing your sprint , awfull feeling when you have a phobia, cant breath
fluff i know what you mean im the same with beetles etc, dont bother me its that dark sinister look and fast movement i think lol
6 Sep, 2009
We get an awful lot here, in our old house - I don't mind the ones with the long legs, but the big ones I hate - but Henry comes to the rescue! He eats them for me... :-))
You fill me with admiration, Sandra - that took a lot of courage! :-))
6 Sep, 2009
thanx barbara, had to have a shower when i came in to stop the itching lol
6 Sep, 2009
I bet! That doesn't detract from your bravery, though!
6 Sep, 2009
awww thanx :o) do i get a medal heheh
6 Sep, 2009
Yes - if I had one...hold on.. - -OX
There you are - an attempt at one! lol.
6 Sep, 2009
lol cheers barbara, heheh
6 Sep, 2009
wow first step to being cured hun is facing your fear
well done indeed, very brave.
I too have a phobia but of moths and butterflies. they make me sick to the core and sweat and run around like a crazy loon BUT since I have been addicted to gardening butterflies have been zooming around me and possibly even landing on me but I now just stay very still and wait till they pass :o)
moths cant handle them still but plenty of time
so well done hunny such a brave gal
x x x
6 Sep, 2009
hi jen and thanx, poor you with butterflys, im like that with moths but not butterflys, they are prettier and dont make that awfull fluttering noise like moths, so just take a deep breath, maybe start to take pics like me and it might help,xx
6 Sep, 2009
I too have had a very scary car moment with a spider hanging down in my face! Luckily it was very late at night and there was hardly anyone on the roads. I pulled to a screaching holt to the side of the road, and immediately jumped out of the car screaming. Must have given the poor folks on that street a right scare. He he. My husband was in the passinger seat, luckily he removed the offending arachnoid on my behalf. I have flash backs about spider moments, I'm that bad! So you are very, very brave to go photohgraphing them. Even the (what some would call) little ones. Butterflys, moths and ladybirds have spiders legs, so I don't like those either. Don't mind worms though.
6 Sep, 2009
lol samba, worms, that was funny, i dont mind worms either,had to collect them for weeks when i raised a abandoned blackbird years ago when living with mum and dad, had to cut them up to yak, but the little blackbird lived to tell the tale and returned to our garden for many years,:o)
6 Sep, 2009
I feel sick :~(((
6 Sep, 2009
lol ian,, well sometimes we have to do things even if we dont want to, i even taught him to fly, bless, loved every min, up in the night to the shed to feed him, my dad said he wouldnt live but i proved him wrong :o)
6 Sep, 2009
Worms are so cute. I tried to get my daughter to hold one today in the garden, but she wouldn't. She's probably just about as grossed out about worms as I am about spiders. When I walk her to the nursery on a rainy morning she is constantly starring at the floor, looking out for every worm. It's very funny.
6 Sep, 2009
No not the bird or even the worms as I regularly chop them up for fishing bait, it was all the talk about spiders. :~((
6 Sep, 2009
Hate spiders. OOOOW!
6 Sep, 2009
lol ian,, yes of course your like me ,,
samba my kids called them snakes lol poor girl as long as she doesnt try to eat one like my joe did, i almost had a heart attack, but managed to stop him before it went in mouth lol
6 Sep, 2009
I bought my young daughter the dvd charlotte s web good for the children.:o)
6 Sep, 2009
is that to get them to see spiders differantly morgana, help them to like them
6 Sep, 2009
awwww. LOL. Worms are very cute, and yes some would say I have a bit of a fettish for them, but I'd never put one in my mouth. What possessed him? I have heard that they are very nutritious????? Not sure if thats an actual fact or a fib?
6 Sep, 2009
Thats a good Idea. I'll have to get a copy for the kids to watch. That might help.
6 Sep, 2009
well he was about 2 at the time so everything goes in their mouths doesnt it lol
6 Sep, 2009
thats a good idea Morganna, my lil girl is showing sugns of being scared of spiders
the ways she screams blue murder when shes near one
will have to keep an eye out for that
bless my older sis used to eat catterpillars apparently!! and my older brother used to feed me fish food!
x x x
6 Sep, 2009
lol jen heheh is that why you blow bubbles when you talk heheh
6 Sep, 2009
You did really well I have the same fear of them myself. Its silly but I can not go near a spider Which can sometimes make gardening a bit difficult
6 Sep, 2009
its awfull and i feel silly sometimes because of how small they are compared to us, nothing can happen , not like the ones abroad, i couldnt live anywhere with poisonous ones and big, nooo wayyy lol, thanx donnah
6 Sep, 2009
Sandra i can't stand them, taking a photo is as close as i will get to them.
6 Sep, 2009
Well done San. Many years ago, I too, was not fond of spiders but went to bristol Zoo and held a Chilean Rose Tarantula.....I know, how brave am I.....for a 6' 1", 50" chested bloke?!!!!
The handler told us that they are more scared of us and won't bite as we would drop them and they would break a leg - which would grow back, apparently.
Anyway, still wouldn't want to share a holiday away with one but am much better now with them and tend not to bother me so much but not 100% over them!!
Well done you tho. Every journey begins with one small step an all that.....
6 Sep, 2009
me to i think carol, and didnt seem as bad in garden
thanx Dan gosh you were brave, i just couldnt have one of them in my hand, i would stop breathing, im going cold thinking about what you did, no no no, never lol
6 Sep, 2009
Lol! very small hairs on their legs which help them grip but he seemd quite tame.....but my heart was pumping like a good un!!
6 Sep, 2009
oh my,, can almost feel its furry legs ,,, i bet your heart was pumping like mad,,,:o(
6 Sep, 2009
Sorry Sandra, I forgot to say 'well done', I know how hard any sort of spider confrontation is. There has been quite a lot of comment on it in Hywel's blog ''Slug :o)" . Gilli in British Columbia told us about spider traps you can get over there and Sid managed to get some on ebay over here, I'm waiting to hear if they work! I'm OK with anything but spiders. Like you I used to use the hoover but find the broom just as good and much more quickly accessible!
Stroller, you're not alone, Hywel has a bad bird phobia too even though he likes slugs!
7 Sep, 2009
hi lily thanx for the info, we have 2 plug in detenrants for spiders and i can tell you now they do not work, ive just had to hoover a big black spider up, grrrr felt sick when i saw it in the corner, was just reconecting my internet at plug point and there it was looking at me , so zapped it up quick, can they get out of hoovers lol, thanx lily
7 Sep, 2009
I have a problem with hoovering them up. Can't stand the thought of them going passed my hand in the hoover pipe. oooow. I'm too close with the dustbuster, so thats a no no aswell. I laugh thinking about it now, but when it comes to the crunch, I just can't do it.
7 Sep, 2009
its awful isnt it samba. well im not keen like you with hoover but its the best way when im on my own in the house,cant be here knowing its here with me lol
7 Sep, 2009
These are sticky cardboard traps that they actually get stuck in apparently, then you throw the trap away. (you could get Baz to do THAT bit Sandra) I do feel a tiny bit sorry for them though!
I'm the same, can't be knowingly in the same room as one.
7 Sep, 2009
sounds awfull doesnt it when they have as much right to be here as us, its a thought though if im ever on my own, so will stick to baz getting them out for now and the hoover lol thanx lily :o)
7 Sep, 2009
Mydaughter has a spider phobia! But I havent and thankfully her kids havent either! Don't know where she got it from she thinks when a little girl someone chased her with one and since then!! I never allow the kids to kill a spider as we scots think it is bad luck to kill a spider ( bavk to robert the bruce days i think) lol
8 Sep, 2009
You don't happen to be related to Mrs James by any chance, do you? It's just that it's your anniversary (and ours), you've got gall bladder probelms (so had Mrs James), and you hate spiders (so does Mrs James)! I'll be keeping a close eye on your blogs from now on! LOL.
8 Sep, 2009
I forgot to say that my Mother would pick big spiders up in her hands and my brother and sister don't mind them so why am so I petrified? It can't only be a 'learned ' reaction.
8 Sep, 2009
mary i must say i dont like to kill them myself and luckerly my hubby and son will take them out into the garden, remember learning about robert the bruse at school lol
merfyn, it does seem to be a women thing doesnt it,happy anniversary to you both and hope mrs james is coping with her gallbladder, i go tomorrow to hopfully arrange to have mine out, its really giving me lots of pain now,
lily my dad use to just pick em up to, i think my worse moment was when my sister pushed me into a bush when we were young and that evening getting ready for bed i felt something on my back, looked in the mirror and there it was this giant of a spider crawling up my back grrrrr, screamed for my dad and he ran upstairs thinking i was dying or something but when he saw the spider he said "my god you almost gave me a heart attack silly girl" lol anyway he just grabbed the monster and took it into the garden, thats when the nightmares began for me :o)
8 Sep, 2009
Psychotherapy, that's what you need! You've made a good start here talking about them 8 legged_thingys! Since Hywel's blog we have talked about them a lot. I was rather surprised to come across your blog on them, I must say!
Taking photos of them was a very brave thing to do! I don't know if I would have been able to do that years ago when I was afraid of them.
Although I'm not so afraid of them as before I, nevertheless, couldn't do what Oldbillie did! Just reading about it gave my goosebumps their own goosebumps! Lol! Most of the time I let them get on with their own lives - Live & let live! At least as long as they stay away from me. I often use a broom to kill them, I can't stand the idea of them running free where I can't see them. Really raises the hackles on the back of my neck! I think that that is our real problem as they move so quickly & can climb so fast that we get afraid because we can't control them. I sometimes have a fear that they will fall onto my face during the night so I could never sleep knowing one was on the wall or ceiling near/over me! If they are in some other part of the bedroom I don't mind so much.
8 Sep, 2009
I too am scared witless at both spiders and moths and the biddy things know it,why else do they pick on me when there are other people in the room at the same time. If I`m home alone the hoover comes out and to make sure they cant escape I stuff a piece of tissue in the pipe cos they are even scarier when covered in dust.Cant even handle a toy one....
8 Sep, 2009
seems alot of us are the same balcony, and so funny lincs, imagin with all that fluff on them, im popping a tissue in pipe to now lol
10 Sep, 2009
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Well done San...
..nice pics and you were very brave to do this when you are scared of spiders...
Maybe your next pic will be of an even bigger spider...
6 Sep, 2009