the damage has started
By sanbaz
hi guys well this weather is getting pretty bad here in blackpool, but at least we dont have floods here, our problem is high winds,didnt think it was to bad till i woke up this morning,
went out into the garden to feed my feathered friends as usual, it was a bit blowy and wet out there but not to bad,
being half asleep didnt notice anything at first, came in and remembered i had some washing in my tumble dryer which is in the garage so back out again to do that, then as i was coming back out of the garage notice this :o(
grr couldnt believe it when i saw the mess, my lovely fence broken also the next panel had lost a few slats to
so there`s another job for my poor baz, working 7 days a week at the moment so dont know when this will get fixed, its dark when he gets home so looks like i will have to be patient, not one of my best features being a woman lol
well at least the birds were happy, they got fed,
so the question is have you had any damage to your gardens yet guys? hope not, have a good day :o))
23 Nov, 2009
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yes this last week they have got worse louise, hope you manage to stay damage free, i`d rather have the cold than rain and winds :o(
23 Nov, 2009
Sorry to see this ... hope the winds drop very soon!
23 Nov, 2009
Sorry to see your fence damaged...
You're doing well to attract such pretty birds to your feeders :o)
23 Nov, 2009
oh dear San.....i havent been out to inspect yet.....but i have looked out to check my polytunnel....its still there thank goodness.....
23 Nov, 2009
O San im so sorry 2 hear uv had some Horrid weather Your poor fence :( weve had high wind but iv been lucky & just had some Bird Feeders blown off the Tree which is nothing 2 your Poor Fence XXXX
23 Nov, 2009
thanx bernieh winds have died down today thankfully :o)
hi Terra i did cheat a bit with the bird pic, that was taken a bit back, after seeing the fence didnt feel much like taking pic this morning, so thought the goldfinches would cheer the blog up a bit :o)
sandra so glad your polly tunnel is intact :o)
hi jacque glad no damage with you either, one of my feeders was on the ground to,:o( xx
23 Nov, 2009
Oh Dear Sandra I clicked the 'Like this blog' by mistake. sorry.
23 Nov, 2009
lol bob, its ok done that myself at times, be glad when its fixed, i hate it when something is damaged and cant fix it myself,, so will have to just be patient till baz gets time.
23 Nov, 2009
Poor you - I do sympathise.
Louise has just told you what it's like here. The stream is on its way up - but I can't complain when you read about all the poor people in Cumbria, can I? What's a bit of garden under water compared with them?
23 Nov, 2009
so far so good at my end. pity about your fence sanbaz, but I would wait until the winds drop or you may end up having to do it all again.
the big beech tree is dropping small branches but nothing serious. and at least we have not had to face the floods. back in 07 hull and the surrounding areas suffered really badly so i can empathise with the people up north.
23 Nov, 2009
Sorry about your fence Sandra. I agree with Sea-b. Don’t fix it yet. Although we have had several near-gale-force winds lately ( a very strong one last night) we have been fortunate and have suffered no damage - except to the cat's pride when she was blown yards away when jumping off the shed roof! Mee-aaaaaaaaow. And, like yourself, I have had to retrieve a bird-feeder. Big deal! My thoughts are with those who have suffered so much from the flooding. That's one of Natures worst visitations If you’re looking in, Indy – has your flood subsided?
What is it you are feeding the Goldfinch with Sandra? Mine only seem to come in for Niger Seed.
23 Nov, 2009
Lovely picture of the birds feeding its a pain in the when this happens with fences, especially surprised it has gone as it is stated like what they put up in Yorkshire Bradford so as the wind can go through, as no fence that is nt slatted stays up for the gales they have there.
23 Nov, 2009
Sorry to hear about your fence San, its been windy here but think we are more sheltered than you as surrounded by hills which do help! but like everyone really fed up with all the rain, but guess shouldnt grumble when you hear of the conditions in Lakes, Simon is susposed to be going this weekend but doesnt look promising.
23 Nov, 2009
your right barbara we dont have anything to complain about compared to those poor people :o(
glad you dont have any probs where you are sea.. :o)
thanx ponty, baz will do the fence when it calms down, it was getting a bit weak in places so guess it had to happen one day, i feed them sunflower hearts and fich feed, couldnt help a little laugh when i read about your cat lol,, sorry, bet that gave him a lift heheh
thanx morgana not seen much of the goldfinch lately though, lovely birds, normally slated is best just getting a bit weak in parts, like us all lol
23 Nov, 2009
Sandra and all go read what I have just wrote on Bobg s picture
23 Nov, 2009
just seen it morgana, :o)
23 Nov, 2009
I am assamed to class my self as a British subject to sit and watch our fellow english man stand by and allow the goverment to do this.
23 Nov, 2009
the day will come morgana when people will say enough is enough, im sure of that.
23 Nov, 2009
Well I am not have you seen what they are purposeing to do with the elderly and disabled no money for care if you can't dress yourself with arthritis they will not be paying out for care 25.000 you will have to have before and after death to pay for your own care, and they pupose to stop paying all care allowance and disabled money all carers will have to go and find another job. No matter which party gets in this is with in 2 yrs as no other party is contesting it. Some thing for you to read about when you get older.
23 Nov, 2009
Snap Sandra i've just put a blog on where i've a fence panel down, glad i only have a couple of fence panels in my garden, may just get rid of them after new year.
23 Nov, 2009
i`ll take a look at that thanx morgana :o)
lol carol will take a look later, just going to pick son up for his appointment, cya later carol and morgana.
23 Nov, 2009
See you Sandra
23 Nov, 2009
sorry about your fence sam weather not been good here but not as bad as where you are roll on summer
23 Nov, 2009
I ticked I like for the birds feeding. :o)))
23 Nov, 2009
thanx joanella hope you dont get any damage this winter, im hoping i wont get anymore to :o))
thanx morgana :o))
23 Nov, 2009
So sorry to see this Sanbaz, I have just got back from 120 mile drive today it was not nice in this wind lots of debris and water very scary in parts. Although I have added this blog to wind damage Can you put your wind damage pics on your pics as I cannot down load more than one from a blog. many thanks D.
23 Nov, 2009
Sorry to hear you've had it rough San....and Clarice...hope the weather settles down soon for you both in Blackpool xxx
23 Nov, 2009
will do Drc, i hate driving in bad weather to, its a bit scarey
thanx Di, calmer this evening :o)
23 Nov, 2009
Your poor fence :o(( I hope the winds have gon down now Sandra.
24 Nov, 2009
well they had hywel yesterday but starting up again for tonight, going to be bad here :o((
24 Nov, 2009
Batton down the hatches lol - - Not funny really though.
24 Nov, 2009
lol hywel ;o))
24 Nov, 2009
fingers crossed Sandra, no actual damage as yet. Two years ago we lost the entire back end of our fence panels and when Jim replaced them he put extra supports in, hopefully they`ll stay put this year. I`m glad you haven`t been hit by the floods.
Sandra x
26 Nov, 2009
i cant believe half of this panel is still standing, must do something with that at weekend as my clematis is attached to it :o(,
sandra im glad we havent had flooding to, must be the worse thing to happen,
26 Nov, 2009
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Oh dear, poor you, the damage just goes on doesn' it ?
Gale force winds here too :-(
Infact, they've not really stopped for a week now and for 'this' region .... more for the immediate future :-(((((((((
23 Nov, 2009