growing well
By sanbaz
just got home from work and thought i would have a look around my garden to see how my plants are growing and also to check for lilie beetles as i found one yesterday, as i thought on my new lily growth i found another 2 grrr, so grabbed them off and they got the sole of my shoe, dreaded things, so looks like they survived the winter unfortunatly, nasty red devils.
anyway looking around and finding my perenials are coming along nicely, may have to split a few next time because they are getting quite close together now
bleeding heart opening and looking lovely with the daffs
peony(chinese tree) alot bigger this year, wonder if it will give me blooms , i do hope so
chaenomeles crimson and gold in flower at the moment but doesnt seem alot bigger, maybe its not in the right place
also my campanula persiciflolia alba is alot bigger and should give me alot more flowers this year, and one of my delphiniums to.
my clematis constance is in bud, quite alot as well so looking forward to them opening
and also 3 of my lilies are coming up so as long as the red devils dont munch them all up i should get some pretty lilies
and one for ray my marsh marigold has started to flower, isnt nature wonderfull ;o)))
lots more but didnt have time to take more pics, baz home for tea so hope you have all had a great day, cant wait to get out at weekend if weather holds
16 Apr, 2010
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cheers Tulsalady yes i love seeing it all wake up again, lovely here to ;o))
16 Apr, 2010
Lovely to see new growth at long last ! Only managed to dead-head some Daffs today as builder here, pergola taking shape. Cat climbed up on it already ... lol Have a great weekend. : o ) )
16 Apr, 2010
Lovely blog San, great picts as always my friend! It's bright over here, but soooooo cold again sob sob! Your garden looking lovely, you must be so very proud of what you've achieved between you!! :~))
16 Apr, 2010
thanx megan doesnt take the kitties long to have a good old nosey lol, hope you have a good weekend to ;o))
thanx flori glad you enjoyed it, i cant believe it has only been a year since we started, its filling out wonderfully, a bit of a chill if out of the sun flori but lovely, hope its warmer for you at weekend ;o))
16 Apr, 2010
Wouldn't pin my hopes on it unfortunately San! Your garden really lovely, and it's so obvious how much pleasure you get out of it too! It's so good to see your blogs and share it with you.......:~))))x
16 Apr, 2010
Your garden is looking good Sandra!
16 Apr, 2010
i love being out there flori like most of us on here, thanx again flori so kind ;o)) x
thanx alot michaella ;o))
16 Apr, 2010
grate sanbaz- your marsh marigold remind me of time i live sumwheer els an i had small pond next to cowshed -i had marsh marigold yellow an white ones an polypetala to, oh yes,an arum lily an a blue spiky thing.
it look grate until one of my lunatic cows sat in it - he bust hte concreet,smash all hte flower,kill all hte koi an then walk of with the pon pump raped all round his tail !!!
16 Apr, 2010
l looking good sandra... isnt it nice to see everything growing again.... glad your marsh marigold is doing well, mine is growing well and has 3 flowers and lots of buds as well.... ive taken a bit of and put it in a pot in the pond to see if it will grow in there as well.... : O ))
16 Apr, 2010
forgot to say i found the horrible lilly beetle as well on my snakes head.... horrible things.....
16 Apr, 2010
I was driving along today and realised that the 'spring greens' were out the hawthorn hedges had sprung to life interspersed with the blackthorn the fields are green again and finally looking around the garden is a delight-- I love the spring.... ( except for the nasty bugs !)
16 Apr, 2010
Everything looking great, love this time of year, whats that saying (everythings cuming up roses).
16 Apr, 2010
lol derek,, sorry for laughing but it just sounded so funny and got this picture in my mind of this cow haha ;o))
cheers holly glad yours is doing so well and it will do really well in pond,, keep on top of them lily beetles to ;o))
isnt it great pam when driving along seeing nature come to life, i love it, but hate the bugs to ;o))
yes thats the saying carol, well in my case just one rose bush lol ;o))
16 Apr, 2010
Quess what that all i have one rose tree. :o))
16 Apr, 2010
16 Apr, 2010
Its great to see everything coming into flower, worth those aching bones from last year Sandra. I found a red devil on my tulips last week so I`m on watch as well..
16 Apr, 2010
thanx sue it is all worth it,, i can see we are going to have lots of red devils ;o(( hope not
16 Apr, 2010
It's wonderful to see the new growth isn't it. I have one of those paeony trees and it has a bud . I hope it opens and it would be great if yours flowered aswell Sandra :o) Enjoy the week end .
16 Apr, 2010
thanx hywel look forward to seeing your flower on peony, hope your weekend is good to ;o))
16 Apr, 2010
Wonderful photos San...your garden is coming along great.Like your clematis...lots of flowers to open ! Ray has had a look at your marsh marigold...says to tell you that ours was about the same size when we put it in 2 years ago ! So you can see how fast they grow from one year to the next ! They just keep on getting better and better ! x
16 Apr, 2010
thanx so much jane all my clematis have suvived the winter im glad to say, im happy i got the marsh marigold tell ray, so pretty ;o)) x
16 Apr, 2010
Your garden is looking lovely in the sun Sandra hopefully much brighter days to come :-)
16 Apr, 2010
cheers richard i do hope so ;o))
16 Apr, 2010
Your Dicentra is ahead of mine! How about that? My 'Constance' is about the same, though.
Lovely to see the sun, but NOT the red perils...I keep finding them...SQUISH!!
16 Apr, 2010
yes dicentra suddenly just went mad barbara and it looks lovely to, im so pleased.first time for constance exciting stuff, my alpina has buds but couldnt get close to take pics and only tiny arent they, but quite a few on that to, i had never seen a red peril till last year and now they are ganging up on me grrr
16 Apr, 2010
not found any yet. but daughter was asking why I was rubbing bird poo off the leaf . Oh dear.
My dicentra are this far on too.
16 Apr, 2010
lol sea.. i would like a white dicentra now, lovely plants.. glad yours doing well to ;o)
16 Apr, 2010
hehe sanbaz- i sapose it weer funy wehn i lookin back, but you no, it weer over 20 yeer ago,an i still feel sad for hte fish -silly eh? praps i big softy- i still memry chasin down lane with buket pickin up hte golfish an tench - i thinkin i lost a few who made it to the streem, an hte one i trod on- oh deer, he no deserve it poor thing -i put him ina choclate box an bury him down by the willow wiht his freend who, wehn i had finish an sat down on bench, jump outof buket in to my cup of tea!!!
17 Apr, 2010
oh Derek you have made me smile this morning :0))))))
17 Apr, 2010
you dont half tell a good tale derek, really cheered me up today thankyou ;o))
17 Apr, 2010
Your garden is looking lovely Sanbaz! Derek, you are soooo funny. Hope you didn't swallow the goldfish.....:o)
17 Apr, 2010
thankyou so much Dylandog ;o))
17 Apr, 2010
no Dylandog, but it plop into mug an splash allover my front - Brian, my workhand at hte time say htat he no sure who had hte bigest eyes, the fish or me!!! :)
17 Apr, 2010
Missed this one San!
It's all looking very healthy and colourful, I must say.....very nice:0)
I agree, nature is a wonderful thing and I marvel every day at what the garden holds in store for me. And to think that less than 18 months ago, I had absolutely NO interest in any of it, whatsoever!
So glad I am now:0)) Your flowers/plants is looking very nice and something to be proud of.
18 Apr, 2010
cheers for that Dan im loving my garden ;o)))
18 Apr, 2010
As we all are. Bet it's lovely with the sound of water as well now:0))
18 Apr, 2010
its wonderfull Dan so relaxing ;o)
18 Apr, 2010
Its all coming together and looking good.
19 Apr, 2010
cheers stroller nice to see it coming alive again ;o))
19 Apr, 2010
looking gud ,i to have marsh marrigolds and bleeding hearts they r lovely and get bigger every year. evey thing is moving so fast.
20 Apr, 2010
thankyou cristina, your right one min we are having snow now all our plants are growing again, and have done well to get through all that snow ;o))
20 Apr, 2010
Sandra your plants are looking lovely. I have Marsh marigold in pond margin which has buds ready to burst open. I get a shock every year when it first blooms as it is so bright and cheerful. How is the pond coming along? I was half hoping you were going to post some pics as I got to the end of your blog. I just went "OH! lol You are doing so well getting all your garden as you would like there such a time? :0))))
21 Apr, 2010
thanx sue i did a blog on finished pond and there is a pic in my pics to,,i will add a pic here just for you,,;o) there picture added sue x
21 Apr, 2010
it's all looking lovely Sanbaz :))))
22 Apr, 2010
thankyou so much grindle ;o))
22 Apr, 2010
Wow! The pond is looking fabulous. Thankyou so much for that kindness :0))))
25 Apr, 2010
your welcome sue and so glad you like my pond ;o)))) x
25 Apr, 2010
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Every thing is coming to life now sandra isn't it great? lovely pics. beautiful warm day here yipee
16 Apr, 2010